sales pitch oor Italiaans

sales pitch

Remarks or demonstrations intended to persuade a consumer to make a purchase, especially when vigorously delivered or exaggerated.

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discorso imbonitore

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I've had other offers, you know, that came with a sales pitch about opportunity.
Ho ricevuto altre offerte, sai, arrivate con un imbonimento sulle opportunita'.
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It was a very romantic image and of course it would become my most sincere sales pitch.
Era un'immagine molto romantica e sarebbe divenuta il mio più sincero argomento per la venditaLiterature Literature
See this isn't a sales pitch, there's nothing in it for me.
Amici, ve lo dico in maniera semplice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I've heard the sales pitch.
Conosco lo slogan promozionale.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Listen to what? Sales pitch?
I tuoi discorsi da imbonitore?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And they’re obviously well organized if they even have a sales pitch for people like me.
E ovviamente sono ben organizzati, se hanno venditori specializzati nell’abbordare gente come me.Literature Literature
He and Casper had to make the sales pitch of their lives.
Casper e lui dovevano realizzare la vendita della loro vita.Literature Literature
Great sales pitch.
Convincente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Encouraged, Dan continued his sales pitch.
Incoraggiato, Dan proseguì con la sua proposta.Literature Literature
Great sales pitch.
Ha una bella parlantina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And here I was prepping my sales pitch.
E io che avevo preparato un discorso di convincimento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My sales pitch is I'm picking 80% winners.
La mia tecnica è azzeccare i'80O dei vincenti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For the next two hours, this man worked on what looked like a sales pitch.
Per le successive due ore, quest’uomo ha lavorato a quella che pareva essere una trattativa commerciale.Literature Literature
You know – ghost on the battlements, lost inheritance... But that was just part of the sales pitch.
Sai... il fantasma sugli spalti, l'eredità perduta... ma questa è solo parte della mercanzia che ho venduto.Literature Literature
Sophie continued with the sales pitch.
Sophie continuava col suo discorso da venditrice.Literature Literature
You need to work on your sales pitch.
Devi lavorare un po'sui tuoi discorsi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I had them out for the patrons—open more accounts with cookies than with sales pitches, y’know.
«Li tengo lì per i clienti: si aprono più conti con i biscotti che con i discorsi, sai?Literature Literature
He took advantage of my lack of protest to hurry on with his sales pitch.
Approfittò dell’assenza di proteste da parte mia per affrettarsi a tesserne le lodi.Literature Literature
“I believe I have made considerable progress on my sales pitch,” said Wellens.
«Credo di aver fatto notevoli progressi con il mio discorso di presentazione», proclamò Wellens.Literature Literature
After a minute of being sucked into the enthusiastic sales pitch, I picked up my phone.
Un minuto dopo, risucchiata dagli slogan entusiasti, presi il telefono.Literature Literature
Here, who can resist that kind of sales pitch?”
Chi può resistere a un affare del genere?».Literature Literature
I don't need no sales pitch.
Bando alle tecniche di vendita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Have I missed the sales pitch, Daisy?”
«Mi sono persa l’imbonimento, Daisy?»Literature Literature
He remembered how Marta had misunderstood the effect of Robinson’s sales pitch.
Wil ricordava benissimo come Marta avesse frainteso l’effetto dei discorsi promozionali di RobinsonLiterature Literature
Then Mayor Lyle made that sales pitch about how I could be the hero of New York.
Ma il Sindaco Lyle mi ha proposto di diventare un'eroe per New York.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And wouldn't it all strike her as nonsense, like one big sales pitch of a pretentious lie?
E non le sarebbe parsa tutta una sciocchezza, un discorsetto da imbonitore per farle bere una pretenziosa bugia?Literature Literature
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