scalar matrix oor Italiaans

scalar matrix

a diagonal matrix in which all of the diagonal elements are equal

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matrice scalare

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If the Jacobian matrix of the transformation is everywhere a scalar times an orientation-preserving rotation matrix, then the transformation is conformal.
La regolazione può essere effettuata medianteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
matrix representing this scalar product.
Tuttavia, se gli Stati membri autorizzano un veicolo, essi autorizzanoallo stesso tempo il tipo di veicoloLiterature Literature
In the case n = m = 1, the matrix will simply denote a scalar of K.
Una domanda di proroga del certificato conformemente al presente regolamento dovrebbe essere ammissibile solo qualora il certificato sia concesso ai sensi del regolamento (CEE) nLiterature Literature
You can also multiply the whole matrix by a number, called a scalar.
Per realizzare ciò abbiamo bisogno di relazioni economiche reciproche, ovvero di condizioni sicure sia per gli investimenti di capitale straniero nell'UE che per gli investimenti dell'UE nei paesi fornitorited2019 ted2019
You can also multiply the whole matrix by a number, called a scalar.
Non ho un bassoQED QED
But each matrix commutes with all the others, so by ii) of Schur’s lemma every matrix of the group is scalar.
Faremo solo un po ' di volontariato, signoreLiterature Literature
The flavour symmetry-breaking factors are estimated assumingSU(3) (for the charmed mesons) andSU(4) (for the beautiful mesons) symmetry for the matrix elements of the scalar densities.
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The effect of these terms on the mass matrix of the scalar 0± and vector 1± mesons is evaluated, showing that the contributions of terms belonging to the various representations, combined according to a well-defined prescription, essentially of group-theoretical nature, can explain very well the experimental situation.
Sotto questo aspetto lo sviluppo sostenibile è un imperativo assoluto per far fronte alle sfide del futurospringer springer
We derive two hierarchies of matrix nonlinear evolution equations which reduce to the Burgers’ hierarchy in the scalar case and can be linearized by a matrix analogue of the Hopf-Cole transformation: for these hierarchies we display the associated class of Bäcklund transformations and show some special kinds of explicit solutions.
Sono certo che lo troverete molto tranquillo e piacevolespringer springer
The dynamical assumption of a minimum ofS-matrix zeros is applied to neutral pseudoscalar and symmetric scalar meson theories in the static limit and one-meson approximation.
E questi sono problemi mieispringer springer
Restrictions imposed byT, C orP invariance requirements are expressed in terms of simple equations between some phenomenological scalar coefficients which occur in the general expression for the transition matrix.
Finally, for the case of scalar bosons, a more general transformation is defined which leaves theS-matrix invariant, but gives rise to a purely instantaneous interaction in the ladder approximation.
Secondo il custode in questo posto non c' e ' elettricita 'dai tempi di Thomas Edisonspringer springer
A connection between coupling constants andS-matrix zeros is demonstrated to exist in the case of elastic scattering of neutral, scalar particles.
Credo...Credo si chiamasse Robertsonspringer springer
These representations are classified, and it is shown how theS-matrix can be constructed from such a representation as the invariant scalar product on the manifold which carries the representation.
Fintanto che la base di dati utilizzata per l'archiviazione dei documenti da inserire nel registro non sarà operativa, il servizio responsabile del registro si avvale dei sistemi e delle basi di dati già esistenti al Parlamento europeo, limitandosi ad istituire dei collegamenti con questi ultimi, onde estrarre i dati necessari e rendere accessibili i testi integrali dei documentispringer springer
We express the matrix element and the cross-section for single-pion production in pion-nucleon collisions in terms of four scalar invariant amplitudes.
La copresidente annuncia i seguenti sostituti: van den Berg (in sostituzione di Bullmann), Goebbels (in sostituzione di Rosati) e Schröder (in sostituzione di Coelhospringer springer
The one-particle Hamiltonians ψ+ and ψ-_, introduced by Snyder and Weinberg for charged scalar fields in a static electromagnetic field, are derived by diagonalizing the matrix Hamiltonian which is at the basis of the Sakata-Taketani formulation of wave mechanics of spin-zero particles.
Salve, signore, posso aiutarla?springer springer
It was shown in a previous paper (1) that the matrix element <x2t2|x1t1> for a harmonic oscillator perturbed by an anharmonic potential λ(mπ2/4l2)x4, or the matrix element 〈x2t2|x1t1〉 for a neutral scalar field with self-interaction λφ4, is not given by the usual perturbation expansion even in the limit 0<λ<1.
E ' fantasticospringer springer
Properties of matrix scalar multiplication (article) | Khan Academy
C' è trafficoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If all parameters are scalar values, then this means that there will be one more hyperparameter than parameter; but this also applies to vector-valued and matrix-valued parameters.
In order to investigate the Gupta-Bleuler theory of the quantum electrodynamics from another point of view, one method is given which transforms the conventional metric to a new tensor byR-matrix and allows a canonical formalism that avoids the difficulty of making the momentum of the scalar photon identically vanish.
Questo non è dialogo, è abdicare dalla democrazia.springer springer
The possibility of continuing the discontinuity formulae of analyticS-matrix theory from one component of the physical region to another is illustrated by an explicit treatment in terms of Lorentz scalars, of the triangle singularity in the 3-3 amplitude.
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The reduction formulas forS-matrix elements derived by employing the asymptotic condition on interacting fields are studied for the case of the vertex function in a nonlocal form-factor theory for two interacting scalar fields with nonzero mass.
Le definizioni delle categorie dovrebbero meglio riflettere le caratteristiche tecniche dei veicoli interessati, nonché l'abilità necessaria alla guida dei veicoli stessispringer springer
Module Ricerca Operativa: Vector space, scalar product, matrix product, inverse exercises (problem formulation, insights about algebraic or geometric problems properties, problem solution by know algorithms) 2. oral test about theoretical topics; this is accessible only for the students who earned a passing grade at the paper test; NOTE: a sufficient paper test allows the student only for the oral at the same date, but NOT for next dates.
I testi del regolamento (UE) n. #/# nelle lingue islandese e norvegese, da pubblicare nel supplemento SEE della Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, fanno fedeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
1 Recursive phenomena and difference equations.- 2 Linear difference equations.- 3 Discrete dynamical systems: one-step scalar equations.- 4 Complex behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems: bifurcations and chaos.- 5 Discrete dynamical systems: vector equations.- 6 Markov chains.- 7 Matrix.- 8 Solutions. From the book reviews:
Risultati della votazione: allegato Risultati delle votazioni, puntoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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