sparring match oor Italiaans

sparring match

a practice or exhibition boxing match

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The Owenses nodded, drew in their breath, and started their sparring match again.
Gli Owens fecero sì con la testa, presero fiato e ricominciarono il loro incontro di pugilato.Literature Literature
I’d seen sparring matches before, in boxing or the organized cage fights on television.
Avevo già visto delle scazzottate negli incontri di boxe e cage fighting in televisione.Literature Literature
I can hold my own, but even I would struggle in a verbal sparring match with that succubus.
Da solo me la cavo, ma persino io farei fatica in un match verbale con quella strega.Literature Literature
Winning this sparring match would secure the state championship.
Vincere quell’incontro mi avrebbe assicurato i campionati di stato.Literature Literature
Their negotiations were friendly sparring matches.
Le loro trattative erano cordiali incontri di pugilato.Literature Literature
He’d bested her in their first sparring match.
L’aveva battuta nei loro primi combattimenti.Literature Literature
Is this a sparring match or a mating ritual?
Si tratta di un incontro di lotta, o di un rituale di accoppiamento?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And while normally I would look forward to a good verbal sparring match... today I say no.
Mentre normalmente non vedrei l'ora di una lotta verbale con te, oggi dico di no.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was only last summer that Ranulf of Morency had killed Gaillard Renfry in a sparring match.
Era stato solo l'estate prima che Ranulf di Morency aveva ucciso Gaillard Renfry in un incontro di allenamento.Literature Literature
The two men – Harper and Barton – came to the end of their sparring match.
I due, Harper e Barton, conclusero il loro round di pugilato.Literature Literature
I’d been ready for a real sparring match.
Io mi ero già preparata a un match coi fiocchi.Literature Literature
You wouldn’t last in a sparring match, but that’s not what self-defense is all about.
Non dureresti in uno scontro di scherma, ma l'autodifesa non è questo.Literature Literature
Didn't think they'd let you in after last night's sparring match.
Non pensavo che ti avrebbero fatto entrare dopo la schermaglia di ieri sera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Everyone watches the sparring match between Zeke and Allison, enthralled by the live entertainment.
Tutti guardano la schermaglia tra Zeke e Allison, affascinati dall’intrattenimento dal vivo.Literature Literature
I was wondering how far my experiences would take me in a sparring match with him.
Mi chiedevo fino a che punto, in base all’esperienza in mio possesso, sarei stata in grado di tenergli testa.Literature Literature
This doesn't mean you're ready for a sparring match.
Cio'non significa che sei pronta per un incontro di pugilato.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This wasn’t a sparring match or a tournament.
Non era un allenamento o un torneo.Literature Literature
I drew a breath, but clamped my mouth shut before Leif reminded me about our sparring match.
Inspirai ma tenni la bocca chiusa, prima che Leif rivangasse il nostro duello.Literature Literature
“Honestly, it was a little harder than I like to see in these simple sparring matches.”
«A dire il vero è stato un po’ più forte di quelli che voglio vedere in questi semplici incontri di allenamentoLiterature Literature
Daisy and I, holding our daily sparring match.
Daisy e io, e la nostra scherma-glia giornaliera.Literature Literature
Friendly sparring match.
Un'amichevole seduta di allenamento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And most look okay in sparring matches, where nobody is really trying to hurt anybody.
E molti se la cavano anche negli incontri di allenamento, dove nessuno vuol far male a nessuno.Literature Literature
It was only a sparring match, he reminded himself in an effort to summon calm.
Era solo un combattimento simulato, ricordò a sé stesso, sforzandosi di ritrovare la calma.Literature Literature
This was how he had viewed his sparring matches with Radha until now.
Era così che aveva considerato gli scontri con Radha fino a quel momento.Literature Literature
I tracked you down in glorian's realm For our scheduled sparring match.
Ti ho rintracciato nel regno di Glorian per il nostro incontro di allenamento programmato.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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