the house was upside down oor Italiaans

the house was upside down

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la casa era sottosopra


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‘Every room in the house was turned upside down, even the bathroom.
«Ogni stanza della casa era sottosopra, persino il bagno.Literature Literature
When he phoned us, he must have known that the house was going to be turned upside down.
Quando ci ha telefonato, sapeva benissimo che la casa sarebbe stata messa sottosopra.Literature Literature
Alec meanwhile had apparently taken Aunt Plenty at her word, and was turning the house upside down.
Il dottor Alee, intanto, aveva preso in parola zia Plenty, stando alle apparenze, e stava capovolgendo la casa.Literature Literature
Abby had turned the house upside down, but there was no sign of the outline to the sequel.
Abby aveva messo sottosopra la casa, ma non c’era traccia della trama del seguito.Literature Literature
She tried to control an urge to go to the upside-down house and see what was inside.
Provava un forte impulso di entrare nella casa capovolta e vedere di persona cosa c’era all’interno.Literature Literature
He asked where she was attacked and she said ‘the upside-down house.’
Quando le ha chiesto dove era stata aggredita, ha risposto “la casa capovolta”.Literature Literature
From what she could make out of the upside-down text, he was reading about plant-house farming.
Da quello che poteva vedere del testo a rovescio, si trattava di un libro sulle colture vegetali.Literature Literature
"""Nobody was arrested, but they turned everything upside down in the house."""
– Nessuno è stato arrestato, però hanno rovistato tutta la casa da cima a fondo.Literature Literature
The current state of our house was proof that everything had been irrevocably turned upside down.
Lo stato della nostra casa era la prova che ogni cosa era ormai sconvolta in modo irreversibile.Literature Literature
The river was glass-smooth, reflecting trees and bushes and a small house upside down.
Il fiume era liscio come uno specchio, e rifletteva gli alberi e i cespugli e una piccola casetta capovolta.Literature Literature
Wherever it was, he intended to find it, even if he had to turn the entire house upside down.
Ovunque si trovasse doveva scovarlo, anche se avesse dovuto mettere a soqquadro l’intera casa.Literature Literature
Everything in the house was turned upside down.
Tutto nella casa è stato messo sottosopra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A notorious exploit of such kind was binding his pregnant wife Kise and have her suspended upside down for a drawing imitating the ukiyo-e The Lonely House on Adachi Moor in Michinoku Province by Yoshitoshi.
L'episodio più noto di questo tipo fu quando legò a testa in giù sua moglie Kise incinta per imitare l'opera ukiyo-e La casa solitaria nella brughiera di Adachi di Yoshitoshi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The result of a dream that lawyer Eduardo José Lima, 64, had in January 2008, it was erected next to the lawyer’s other house – this one built upside down.
Frutto di un sogno che ha fatto l’avvocato Eduardo José Lima, 64 anni, nel gennaio 2008, è stato costruito accanto alla casa dell’altro avvocato – questa costruita sottosopra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
What could be called an Upside down house, the house wa sdesigned in order to keep the bedrooms cool in the summer, and were made in the underbuilt area of the house.
Quella che poteva essere definita una casa sottosopra, la casa era stata progettata per mantenere fresche le camere da letto in estate, e sono state costruite nella zona costruita sotto casa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Anahi did preceded me coming back in the early afternoon instead of the evening...the apartment still upside down after my three days of complete solitude and absolute laziness, while the cake was still in the oven and hovered a delicious smell in all the house.
E invece no, Anahi mi ha preceduta ed è arrivata nel primo pomeriggio in casa, mentre la torta era ancora in forno ed aleggiava un profumo delizioso nell’appartamento ancora sottosopra dopo tre giorni di solitudine e pigrizia assoluta.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When a tornado happens at their grandparents’ house, day still turns to night and the leaves still get upside down and the cars still disappear, but they also get to hide in the hall closet, which is full of their dad’s old games from when he was their age.
Quando c’è un tornado a casa dei nonni, il giorno diventa ancora notte, le foglie volano ancora ovunque sottosopra e le macchine ancora scompaiono, ma almeno gli è concesso di nascondersi nel ripostiglio dell’ingresso, pieno di giochi di loro padre quando aveva la loro età.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Viola Saylor saw Flight 93 pass very low over her house in Lambertville, which is a mile north of the official crash site. She was in her backyard when she heard a very loud noise and looked up to find herself "nose to nose" with Flight 93, which she says was flying “upside down” as it passed overhead.
Viola Saylor ha visto il volo 93 passare molto basso sopra casa sua, a Lambertville, che è a un miglio [circa 1,6 chilometri, ndt] a nord del punto in cui, secondo la versione ufficiale, il volo 93 si sarebbe schiantato a terra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.