to dissemble oor Italiaans

to dissemble

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


I try very hard... never to distort or to dissemble.
( Mr. Neville ) lo mi sforzo di non distorcere e non dissimulare mai.


What means thou to dissemble with me thus?
Perché fingi con me in questo modo?

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Payton Dixon was too ingenuous to dissemble.
Payton Dixon era troppo ingenua per fingere.Literature Literature
The favorite was making no more attempt to dissemble.
La favorita non cercava più di fingere.Literature Literature
I was too used to dissembling to look at him in surprise, though he had called me right.
Ero troppo abituato a dissimulare per guardarlo sbalordito, anche se mi aveva colto di sorpresa.Literature Literature
Many of his colleagues led two lives but it was not in his nature to dissemble.
Molti colleghi avevano due vite, ma dissimulare non era nella sua natura.Literature Literature
He was too distracted, perhaps too frightened, to dissemble.
Era troppo distratto, o forse troppo spaventato, per fingere.Literature Literature
His better qualities he keeps to himself, and generally does everything he can to dissemble them.
Le sue migliori qualità le tiene soprattutto per sé e non è raro che faccia di tutto per tenerle celate.Literature Literature
It was unlike her mother to dissemble so.
Non era da sua madre fingere in quel modo.Literature Literature
For the first time, she had felt the need to hide her feelings, to dissemble.
Per la prima volta aveva sentito l’esigenza di nascondere i suoi sentimenti, dissimularli.Literature Literature
I’ll need to dissemble it and cart it out of there piece by piece.
Dovrò smontarlo e portarlo fuori pezzo per pezzo.Literature Literature
“It would be dishonourable of me to dissemble.
«Sarebbe disonorevole da parte mia negarlo.Literature Literature
And Baltasar Gracián noted that “knowing how to dissemble is a great gift for he who rules.”
E Baltasar Gracián annotava che “Il sapere dissimulare è una gran dote per chi governa”.Literature Literature
Or would she have tried to step in with her notorious eloquence and her lawyer’s ability to dissemble?
Oppure sarebbe intervenuta con la sua famigerata eloquenza?Literature Literature
From my cousin and predecessor, the Emperor Constantius, I learned to dissemble and disguise my true thoughts.
Dall’imperatore Costanzo, mio cugino e predecessore, ho imparato a dissimulare e mascherare i miei pensieri.Literature Literature
Well, I am learning to dissemble.
Be’, sto imparando a dissimulare.Literature Literature
She realised she’d gone too far, and tried to dissemble.
Lei capì di essersi spinta troppo oltre, e cercò di dissimulare.Literature Literature
As Panille said, the ability to communicate was also the ability to dissemble.
Come aveva detto Panille, l’abilità di comunicare era anche l’abilità di fingere.Literature Literature
Were they reacting to Dissembler itself?
Stavano reagendo al Dissembler?Literature Literature
""" ""Who knows not to dissemble, knows not to rule it."""
«Chi non sa dissimulare non sa governare.»Literature Literature
Why was it so difficult to dissemble?
Perché era cosí difficile fingere?Literature Literature
‘No need to dissemble, Windham, I know all about you.
«Non c’è bisogno che vi nascondiate, Windham, so tutto di voi.Literature Literature
Patrice had been unable to dissemble the thought that occurred to his mind.
Patrice non aveva potuto dissimulare l’idea che gli era venuta in mente.Literature Literature
Bazo was right to dissemble and to lull Henshaw with vague promises.
Bazo faceva bene a dissimulare e a rabbonire Henshaw con promesse vaghe.Literature Literature
So overwhelming was her consternation that her angry eyes and her tight-pressed lips forgot to dissemble.
La sorpresa è così istintiva, che i suoi occhi pieni d'ira e le sue labbra contratte si dimenticano di fingere.Literature Literature
‘Englishmen say, “It is all very well to dissemble your love but why did you kick me downstairs?”
Gli inglesi dicono: 'Va benissimo dissimulare il vostro amore; ma perché mi avete buttato a calci giù per le scale?'Literature Literature
Useless to dissemble, my dear.
Inutile nasconderlo, mia cara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
330 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.