to dissuade oor Italiaans

to dissuade

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


It may be problematic to dissuade your parents from accompanying you to the event.
Potrebbe essere problematico dissuadere i tuoi genitori dall'accompagnarti all'evento.


Like Nehemiah, may we refuse to allow the unfaithful conduct of others to dissuade us from loyal service to Jehovah.—Nehemiah 13:10-13, 23-27.
Come Neemia, non lasciamo che la condotta infedele di altri ci distolga dal servire lealmente Geova. — Neemia 13:10-13, 23-27.

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I waited for her to dissuade me, but Helena Justina was as obstinate as me.
Aspettai che mi trattenesse, ma Elena Giustina era ostinata quanto me.Literature Literature
‘And did any of your officers try to dissuade you?’
«E qualcuno dei tuoi ufficiali ha tentato di dissuadertiLiterature Literature
Then why did you come here to dissuade me if you knew what was going to happen?'
Allora, perché è venuta qui per cercare di dissua-dermi, se sapeva già cosa sarebbe successo?».Literature Literature
Clamoring, they tried to dissuade him, but in vain.
Tutti, vociando, tentarono di dissuaderlo, ma invano.Literature Literature
Darius tried to dissuade Alexander from further attacks on his empire by diplomacy.
Dario cercò di dissuadere per vie diplomatiche Alessandro dallo sferrare ulteriori attacchi contro il suo impero.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anything you can say to dissuade people in a case like that is bound to be feeble.
Tutto quello che si dice per dissuadere qualcuno in casi del genere è sempre insignificante.Literature Literature
I searched frantically for a way to dissuade her.
Cercai freneticamente un modo di dissuaderla.Literature Literature
Coates would testify that unlike actual predators I made no attempt to dissuade her from reporting it.
Coates avrebbe testimoniato che a differenza dei veri predatori non avevo cercato di fermarla.Literature Literature
"""Do you seek to dissuade me from what you have begged me to do for years?"""
- - Cerchi di dissuadermi da quello che mi hai implorato di fare per anni?Literature Literature
My hosts tried to dissuade Gunnar.
I miei ospiti fecero di tutto per distogliere Gunnar dal suo propositoLiterature Literature
He felt he was being an asshole with his subtle way of trying to dissuade her.
Si sentiva odioso per quel suo subdolo tentativo di dissuaderla.Literature Literature
He held back as much as he could, trying instead to dissuade or knock senseless the attackers.
Si trattenne il più possibile, cercando invece di dissuadere o tramortire gli attaccanti.Literature Literature
Is there nothing I can do to dissuade you from this?
Posso fare nulla per dissuaderti?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeong-ho shouted, apparently wanting to dissuade him, though he himself didn’t release his grip on my wife.
gridò Yeong-ho, in apparenza nel tentativo di dissuaderlo, anche se non lasciò andare mia moglie.Literature Literature
She’s Udayan’s wife, she’ll never love you, his mother had told him, attempting to dissuade him.
E la moglie di Udayan, non ti amerà mai, gli aveva detto la madre tentando di dissuaderlo.Literature Literature
Max had tried to dissuade Elron from joining him, but the bearded man was adamant.
Max aveva cercato di dissuadere Elron dall'unirsi a lui, ma l'uomo barbuto era irremovibile.Literature Literature
Once the Queen makes up her mind, there’s little that can be said to dissuade her.
Quando la Regina decide una cosa, c’è ben poco che si possa fare per dissuaderla.Literature Literature
So the disciples there tried to dissuade him.
Perciò i discepoli qui cercarono di dissuaderlo.jw2019 jw2019
And Cavendish was not strong enough even to attempt to dissuade him.
E Cavendish non era abbastanza forte per cercare di dissuaderlo.Literature Literature
His warning did little to dissuade me.
Il suo avvertimento fece ben poco per dissuadermi.Literature Literature
Baktiari Bey heaved a long sigh, but he did not try to dissuade her.
Basctiari Bey emise un lungo sospiro, ma non cercò di dissuaderla.Literature Literature
Her father tries to dissuade her and admonishes her: “Do not thus adventure thy life!”
Suo padre tenta di dissuaderla e l’ammonisce: “Non mettere a repentaglio in questo modo la tua vita!”Literature Literature
Anyway, it was not difficult to dissuade them.
Comunque, non fu difficile dissuaderli dal loro progetto.Literature Literature
it was at first a considerable shock to him, and he tried earnestly to dissuade her from it.
Dapprima fu per lui un colpo considerevole, ed egli cercò caldamente di dissuaderla.Literature Literature
What will it take to dissuade you?
Non posso piu'fermarmiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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