to finger oor Italiaans

to finger

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


A housewife would not have to finger each tomato to select what she needed.
La massaia non avrebbe dovuto tastare tutti i pomodori per scegliere quelli che voleva.

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Soortgelyke frases

to finger-paint
dipingere con le dita
to cross fingers
incrociare le dita
not to lift a finger
non alzare un dito
to keep one's fingers crossed
incrociare le dita
to cross one's fingers
incrociare le dita
to not lift a finger
non alzare un dito


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I continue to finger absently through my phone messages.
Continuo a scorrere distrattamente i miei messaggi.Literature Literature
She trails at a distance behind him, stopping every few paces to finger something on the ground.
Bela lo segue a una certa distanza, fermandosi dopo pochi passi a toccare qualcosa sul terreno.Literature Literature
Because he was going to finger you for Tony's murder.
Perche'voleva incolparti dell'omicidio di Tony.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He wandered around, pausing now and then to finger an object or study a painting.
Bighellonò, fermandosi a toccare un oggetto o a studiare un quadro.Literature Literature
Maybe he was trying to finger Wood as the killer.
Forse voleva dirci che è Wood l'assassino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He paused to finger his bandaged arm, in evident appreciation of the civilized care he had received.
S’interruppe, toccandosi il braccio fasciato, evidentemente ammirato per le cure civili che aveva ricevuto.Literature Literature
Get someone to finger Woodford for a sweeter deal.
Offrire a qualcuno uno sconto di pena per incastrare Woodford.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Never hold cigar at right angles to fingers.
Mai tenere un sigaro ad angolo retto con le dita.Literature Literature
I.A. Wanted me to finger four officers who beat the lmng hell out of one of the suspects.
L'Intelligence voleva che accusassi quattro ufficiali che avevano picchiato a sangue uno dei sospettati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Yes, virgin,” she mutters, nuzzling my neck and continuing to finger me.
«Sì, vergine», mormora, accarezzandomi il collo e continuando a toccarmi.Literature Literature
Etta's hand rose, almost self-consciously, to finger the deep blue silk of her shirt.
La mano di Etta salì quasi imbarazzata a toccare la seta blu profondo della camicia.Literature Literature
Have you given any attention to finger-prints made by bloody fingers?
Ha prestato attenzione alle impronte digitali fatte da dita insanguinate?Literature Literature
“You were going to finger that hot little cunt and make yourself come, weren’t you?”
«Volevi toccarti la fichetta bollente per venire, non è vero?»Literature Literature
It suddenly occurred to Fingers that the two of them might be high, and he gritted his teeth.
A un tratto Fingers pensò che forse i due si erano sballati, e digrignò i denti.Literature Literature
Can't close the case so you want to finger him for it?
Non sapete chiudere un caso e volete incastrare lui?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“He was the one behind all this mess when he realized they were going to finger him.
“È stato lui a combinare questo pasticcio, quando ha capito che l’avrebbero scoperto.Literature Literature
When you invite someone to a wedding... they obviously are supposed to finger diddle your family members.
Se ti invitano a un matrimonio, è normale toccare la vagina di una parente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He reaches up to finger a lock of her hair, forgetting himself.
Si solleva per accarezzarle i capelli, dimenticando se stesso.Literature Literature
17 miles away, the search to finger the fingerless killer of Billy Balsam continued.
A 17 miglia di distanza, la ricerca per individuare il killer senza dito di Billy Balsam continuava.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm not asking to finger the guys in open court.
Non devi indicarli in un tribunale.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You want to finger each bit of trash, and sniff it besides.""
Vorrebbe tastare con mano qualunque schifezza, e per di più annusarla!»Literature Literature
Brushes for closing edges, in particular for preventing injuries to fingers (other than for painting)
Spazzole per spigoli, in particolare per evitare lesioni alle dita (non per lavori di tinteggiatura)tmClass tmClass
Instead of teaching me how to write, she teaches me how to finger myself!
Invece di insegnarmi a scrivere, mi insegna a masturbarmi.Literature Literature
I would love to finger clams with you two.
Adorerei prendere le vongole con voi due.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here, telling this, he began to finger the hairy base of that thick throat of his.
Qui, raccontandogli quelle cose, cominciava a toccarsi la base pelosa di quella sua gola grossa.Literature Literature
56369 sinne gevind in 164 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.