to have a tender heart oor Italiaans

to have a tender heart

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“It warms my heart to know that you have a tender spot for them as well.”
La dose raccomandata di Oxyglobin è di # ml/kg di peso corporeo somministrata per infusione endovenosa alla velocità fino a # ml/kg/hLiterature Literature
If I could have found it in my heart to say something tender and sensual, this might have been a good move.
Actrapid è somministrato con iniezioni sottocutanee nella parete addominaleLiterature Literature
You think you have a tender heart, John, but you lie to yourself.
Non sono gayLiterature Literature
She took advantage of you because you have a tender heart, especially when it comes to dogs.
Per osservare se si hanno accensione e combustione prolungata dell'aerosol si vaporizza il contenuto di un generatore aerosol in direzione di una sorgente di accensione ad una distanza di # cmLiterature Literature
No one noticed the tender heart that she would so readily have given to a true lover.
Terzo elemento di fondo: i paesi in via di sviluppo.Literature Literature
Briana O'Neil might have a fiery nature, but it was obvious to everyone that she had a tender heart.
La libertà di circolazionerappresenta una questione estremamente delicata, in particolare per le personeche hanno sofferto il giogo dell'occupazionee sono state private della libertà.Literature Literature
With moist eyes and tender hearts, we have said farewell to that gentle giant of a man, even a prophet of God, President Howard W.
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We now have three grandchildren —Jessica, Latisha, and Caleb— and are happy to see their parents instilling a love for Jehovah in their tender hearts.
Per un periodo transitorio non superiore a # giorni a decorrere dalla data di applicazione della presente decisione, gli Stati membri autorizzano l’importazione in provenienza dal Canada di sperma di animali domestici della specie bovina e di carni fresche di animali domestici della specie porcina sulla base dei modelli di certificati utilizzati prima della data di applicazione della presente decisionejw2019 jw2019
One of the qualities of a formator is that of having a great heart for young people, to form in them great hearts capable of welcoming everyone, hearts rich in mercy, full of tenderness.
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A merciful heart is able to be a place of refuge for those who are without a home or have lost their home; it is able to build a home and a family for those forced to emigrate; it knows the meaning of tenderness and compassion.
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As I renew my cordial greeting to you, I recall the words of Saint Peter, the brother of Saint Andrew: "All of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind"[9].
Durante il periodo transitorio gli altri Stati membri conserveranno il diritto di impedire ad una succursale di un'impresa di investimento bulgara stabilita nel loro territorio di operare, a meno che e sinché tale succursale non abbia aderito ad un sistema di indennizzo degli investitori ufficialmente riconosciuto nel territorio dello Stato membro interessato, al fine di equilibrare il divario tra il livello di indennizzo in Bulgaria e il livello minimo di cui all'articolo #, paragrafo # della direttiva #/#/
Remember the tender and sweet words of Alma: “Behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?”
l'indennità di segreteria dei dipendenti di ruolo di categoria AST che ricoprono un posto di stenodattilografo, telescriventista, tipista, segretario di direzione o segretario principaleLDS LDS
Tenderness means to have a heart “of flesh” and not “of stone,” as the Bible says (Cf. Ezekiel 36:26).
E' questa la via per mantenere la fiducia dei cittadini e la cooperazione.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You know, it is a tender thing to have your heart set and then be desolated when you find yourself still empty-handed.
considerando che la maggioranza degli HIPC è situata nell'Africa subsaharianaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The very quality of tenderness and fondness that a lowly shepherd feels for such trusting, obedient, harmless creatures was implanted in the human heart from the time the Creator made the perfect man and commanded him to have dominion over all the lower animal creation.
Spetta al paese stesso riprendersi, e credo che le persone della sua levatura siano rare.jw2019 jw2019
May we all make the journey to Bethlehem in spirit, taking with us a tender, caring heart as our gift to the Savior, and may one and all have a joy-filled Christmas.”
Sono le #, le ragazze sono andate viaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To those whose hearts have grown cold, who can no longer hear His voice, God has promised to give a new and tender heart if they will repent and turn to Him in faith.
Scopo della presente convenzione è promuovere, proteggere e garantire il pieno ed uguale godimento di tutti i diritti umani e di tutte le libertà fondamentali da parte delle persone con disabilità e promuovere il rispetto per la loro intrinseca dignitàParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In her letter to Father John Croiset (circa 1650-1738), her spiritual director and first biographer, Alacoque wrote, "My divine Master has made it known to me that those who labor for the salvation of souls shall be successful in their labors and shall have the art of touching the most hardened hearts, if they have a tender devotion to his Heart and if they labor to inspire everyone with it and to establish it everywhere."
Santo Gesu ' bambinoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But this grace demands a response from those who have been baptized: it requires the commitment to be reclothed in Christ’s sentiments: tenderness, goodness, humility, meekness, magnanimity, mutual forgiveness, and above all, as a synthesis and a crown, agape, the love that God has given us through Jesus, the love that the Holy Spirit has poured into our hearts.
Io non capisco perché ti è difficile trovare un dottore!
Self-mastery, also called temperance, is not cerebral frigidity. God wants us to have a heart that is “big and strong and tender, affectionate and refined.”[6]
quali sono, negli Stati membri, le autorità nazionali preposte a tale compito?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And we, who have had the grace to receive this Word of Life — it is a grace to receive the word of God! — we are called to go, to come out from behind our fences and, with zealous hearts, to bring to all the mercy, the tenderness, the friendship of God: this is a job that pertains to everyone, but in a special way it pertains to you priests.
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This world is filled with men and women who have rejected the love offered to them from a heart that is gentle and tender.
Lo state vedendo in persona o no?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
God looks upon you with a father’s tenderness and, after having caused your heart to fall in love, he will not allow your steps to falter.
Sono spiacente, agente Dunham, non abbiamo tutto questo tempoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is essential to avoid every form of hypocrisy and clericalism through frank and open dialogue on every aspect of life: “Formation is craftsmanship not enforcement”, he said, “and the goal is to train religious who have a heart that is tender, not sour like vinegar.
assicurare che per ciascun tipo di veicolo siano stati eseguiti controlli e prove sufficienti in conformità con le procedure approvate dalle competenti autoritàParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
55 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.