to make a grand entrance oor Italiaans

to make a grand entrance

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

fare un'entrata trionfale

He wanted to make a grand entrance.
Voleva fare un'entrata trionfale.

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“Never underestimate Patra’s ability to make a grand entrance.”
«Mai sottovalutare la capacità di Patra di fare un'entrata grandiosaLiterature Literature
He likes to make a grand entrance.
Gli piace fare una grande entrata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“When it comes to making a grand entrance, she’d put the likes of Cleopatra to shame.”
«Certo che, in fatto di ingressi in pompa magna, farebbe impallidire Cleopatra.»Literature Literature
And a driveway, which swings past your front steps and back again to make a grand entrance.
E un viale che arriva fino all'ingresso e ti riporta indietro per un'entrata spettacolare.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was typical of the man to make a grand entrance, Lucas thought.
Tipico di quell’uomo fare un ingresso grandioso, pensò Lucas.Literature Literature
She likes to feel independent, and she likes to make a grand entrance.”
A lei piace sentirsi indipendente e preferisce fare una comparsa alla grandeLiterature Literature
The hero of the battle of Madrid was obviously waiting to make a grand entrance.
L’eroe della battaglia di Madrid voleva fare un’entrata in grande stile.Literature Literature
She had not stopped on the stair to make a grand entrance, to draw all eyes to her.
Non si era fermata per fare un ingresso maestoso e attrarre tutti gli occhi su di lei.Literature Literature
She probably wants to make a grand entrance.
Probabilmente vuole fare un grande ingresso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She likes to feel independent, and she likes to make a grand entrance.""
A lei piace sentirsi indipendente e preferisce fare una comparsa alla grandeLiterature Literature
Plus, I was trying to make a grand entrance.
E poi, cercavo di fare un entrata con stile.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“He likes to make a grand entrance.
«Gli piace fare il suo ingresso in modo altisonante.Literature Literature
And now she was going to have to make a grand entrance all alone.
Così, adesso, sarebbe stata costretta a fare il suo ingresso da sola.Literature Literature
There was a prolonged silence, which was typically my mother’s cue to make a grand entrance.
A quel punto ci fu un lungo silenzio, che era il segnale che mia madre aspettava per fare un’entrata trionfale.Literature Literature
He simply didn’t want to make a grand entrance.
Semplicemente, non voleva fare un ingresso solenne.Literature Literature
Juliet, on the other hand, still hoped for Lilah to make a grand entrance into the ballroom.
Juliet, d'altro canto, sperava ancora che Lilah facesse un'entrata trionfale nella sala da ballo.Literature Literature
Women love to make a grand entrance. Yup.
Alle donne piace fare una grande entrata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We want to make a grand entrance of it.
«Dobbiamo fare in modo che sia un ingresso grandioso.Literature Literature
Is he trying to make a grand entrance or...?
Sta cercando di fare un'entrata ad effetto o...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Like to make a grand entrance, do you?”
«Hai voluto fare un’entrata alla grande, eh?»Literature Literature
It was important to make a grand entrance, after all.
E 'stato importante per fare una grande entrata, dopo tutto.Literature Literature
He always has to make a grand entrance and gets depressed afterwards.
Deve sempre fare una grande entrata, per poi deprimersi subito dopo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“She and Summer are holding back to make a grand entrance?”
«Lei e Summer tardano per fare un'entrata ad effettoLiterature Literature
We want to make a grand entrance, not enter after everyone has gone to bed.”
Vogliamo un ingresso trionfale e non dopo che tutti saranno andati a letto.Literature Literature
She strolled down the empty halls, considerably late because she wanted to make a grand entrance.
Passeggiava nei lunghi corridoi, piuttosto in ritardo perché voleva fare un’entrata grandiosa.Literature Literature
62 sinne gevind in 98 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.