to pull over oor Italiaans

to pull over

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


We were driving home, and she screamed at me to pull over.
Stavamo tornando a casa e mi ha urlato di accostare.


No, no policeman in South Africa is going to pull over a car full of men at midnight to question a broken taillight.
Ma nessun poliziotto in Sud Africa si avvicinerebbe a un'auto piena di uomini, in piena notte, per discutere degli stop rotti.

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We had to pull over.
Abbiamo dovuto accostare.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hey, you want me to pull over so you can chat'em up?
Vuoi che accosti così puoi attaccare bottone?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After the call, I started sobbing and had to pull over to let my son drive.
Al termine della telefonata sono scoppiato in singhiozzi e ho dovuto accostare per lasciar guidare mio figlio.Literature Literature
He would happily pull over, but there’s nowhere to pull over to, he has to keep going.
Vorrebbe accostare ma non c’è spazio per farlo, deve continuare a guidare.Literature Literature
Rigler and Newman lifted the body a little, to pull over the white shirt and jacket.
Rigler e Newman sollevarono appena il corpo per infilargli la camicia e la giacca bianca.Literature Literature
I felt the irrational impulse to pull over, get out my shovel, and start breaking up the soil.
Sentii l’impulso irrazionale di fermarmi, prendere la pala e iniziare a scavare.Literature Literature
Four blocks from his apartment he told the driver to pull over and stop.
A quattro isolati di distanza dal suo appartamento, disse all'automobilista di accostare al marciapiede e fermarsi.Literature Literature
Wait'll we get through the center... and then I'll find a place to pull over.
Aspetta che trovo un posto... dove posso fermarmi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When they approached a motel sign, Elise asked him to pull over.
Quando videro il cartello di un motel, Elise gli chiese di accostare.Literature Literature
They don’t have the man power to pull over every vehicle.
Ma non hanno il personale necessario per controllare ogni singolo veicolo.Literature Literature
Just under an hour ago, troopers attempted to pull over the blue can which we understand is stolen.
Meno di un'ora fa la polizia ha cercato di far accostare l'auto azzurra, che pare sia stata rubata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Get him to pull over,’ says St Dymphna from the back seat.
“Fallo fermare,” dice Santa Dinfna dal sedile posteriore.Literature Literature
Near Ennis I had to pull over.
Dalle parti di Ennis ho dovuto accostare.Literature Literature
You have to pull over.
Devi... devi accostare.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had to pull over, you know, to take it all in.
Ho dovuto accostare, sai... Perche'non ci credevo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Once they were free from their problem, me officer ordered the driver to pull over.
Risolto il problema, l’ufficiale ordinò all’autista di fermarsi.Literature Literature
She slowed down and signalled her intention to pull over.
Rallentò e segnalò l’intenzione di accostare.Literature Literature
They do have more levers to pull over in Khartoum than we do.
Hanno piu'leve da esercitare a Khartoum di quelle che abbiamo noi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What if something happened to the car and she's had to pull over to get it fixed?
E se è successo qualcosa alla macchina e ha dovuto fermarsi per farla aggiustare?Literature Literature
“Let me know if I have to pull over,” Mehrdad said.
«Dimmi se devo accostare», disse Mehrdad.Literature Literature
We signaled Tinker to pull over and I gave him the news.
Facemmo segno a Tinker di fermarsi, al che gli diedi la notizia.Literature Literature
Carlos suddenly became very serious; several soldiers were stopping cars, forcing some to pull over onto the shoulder.
Allora Carlos diventò serio, molti soldati presidiavano la strada e facevano segno alle macchine di fermarsi sul ciglio.Literature Literature
Tell the coach to pull over.
Di'all'allenatore di fermarsi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tell him to pull over... now.
Digli di accostare... subito.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Asking Fischmann to pull over, Breuer opened the window and called out, “Sig, where are you going?”
Chiesto a Fischmann di accostare, Breuer aprì il finestrino, gridando: «Dove vai, Sig?»Literature Literature
6367 sinne gevind in 245 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.