to walk across oor Italiaans

to walk across

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Unfortunately, it's hard to take positive steps when you've burned the bridge you need to walk across.
Purtroppo e'difficile farlo, quando hai bruciato il ponte che devi attraversare.

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One night, when Charlie had been well enough to walk across the hall and visit Mr.
Una notte che Charlie era stato abbastanza bene da attraversare il corridoio per far visita a Mr.Literature Literature
she said, continuing to walk across the grass-filled cobblestone square that surrounded the large amphitheater.
, disse lei, continuando a camminare sui ciottoli ricoperti d'erba che circondavano il grande anfiteatro.Literature Literature
“Couldn’t you find the energy to walk across the Goddamn hall and—” She broke off, scowling.
«Non potresti trovare la forza di attraversare il corridoio e di...» s’interruppe, furibonda.Literature Literature
"""Maybe we could get a black cat to walk across his coffin."""
«Forse potremmo far camminare un gatto nero sulla sua bara».Literature Literature
“What is inappropriate is that you are trying to walk across England in these awful shoes.”
«È indecoroso che voi camminiate con queste scarpe orribili.»Literature Literature
“Well, to walk across the bridge, I’ll manage the East Side somehow.
“Be’, per attraversare quel ponte, in qualche modo mi farò andare giù l’East Side.Literature Literature
But it seemed unlikely he had been bold enough to walk across a crowded room and claim her.
Sembrava improbabile, però, che avesse trovato il coraggio di attraversare la sala affollata e rivendicarla per sé.Literature Literature
She couldn’t use her hands; why, she didn’t even know how to walk across the stage.
Non sapeva usare le mani; ma che, non sapeva nemmeno muoversi sul palco.Literature Literature
Eight a.m. was her favorite time to walk across Ryanne’s face.
Le otto del mattino erano il suo momento preferito per passeggiare sul viso di Ryanne.Literature Literature
The water is a solid black sheath of ice, probably thick enough to walk across the bay now.
Sull’acqua c’è una solida guaina scura di ghiaccio, probabilmente spessa abbastanza da camminarci sopra.Literature Literature
“How are you going to walk across the Plaza’s lobby with that in your pants?”
«Come farai ad attraversare l’atrio del Plaza con quella roba nei pantaloni?»Literature Literature
Having once crossed the fence into the veld, he found it more restful to walk across country.
Una volta scavalcato il recinto ed entrato nel veld, scoprí che era piú riposante camminare per i campi.Literature Literature
All I had to do was to walk across to them.
E io non devo fare altro che incamminarmi verso di essa.Literature Literature
'Where lam not required to walk across the road to get to the other side.'
“Una vita in cui non debba attraversare la strada per andare dall'altra parte...”Literature Literature
After Central Park we take the subway downtown and get off to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Dopo Central Park prendiamo la metropolitana in centro e scendiamo per una passeggiata sul ponte di Brooklyn.Literature Literature
It would have been a fine thing to walk across the roof of the empire.”
Sarebbe stato bello camminare sul tetto dell'Impero».Literature Literature
‘Oh, you’re too great a man to walk across to Bedford Row, are you?
«Oh, siete troppo importante per fare una scappata a Bedford Row, vero?Literature Literature
Tad moved free of the girl, managed to walk across the room and out into the night.
Tad si liberò dalla ragazza, attraversò la stanza e uscì nella notte.Literature Literature
I would give anything to be able to walk across the street to a café and order breakfast.
Darei non so cosa per poter camminare fino a un bar e ordinare la colazione.Literature Literature
It only takes a few seconds to walk across the concourse.
Ci vogliono solo pochi secondi per attraversare l'atrio.Literature Literature
“And it’s from here that he was going to walk across the island to visit Johanna.
"""E da qui voleva attraversare l'isola per far visita a Jóhanna."Literature Literature
He decided to walk across the corner of the square and see Freddie Bolsover.
Decise di attraversare la piazza e di recarsi da Freddie Bolsover.Literature Literature
Wallander remembered how he used to walk across this bridge more than 20 years before.
Camminando, Wallander si ricordò di tutte le volte che aveva attraversato quel ponte più di vent'anni prima.Literature Literature
And she was afraid to walk across the lawn from which they’d come.
Aveva paura di attraversare il prato da cui erano venuti.Literature Literature
Anderson turned to walk across the road.
Il dottor Anderson si voltò per attraversare la strada.Literature Literature
4912 sinne gevind in 116 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.