uncross oor Italiaans


To move something from a crossed position; used especially of the legs

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


For an hour afterwards, I couldn't uncross my eyes.
Dopo, per piu'di un'ora, non sono riuscito a disincrociare gli occhi.
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He quickly uncrossed his legs.
Rapidamente disaccavallò le gambe.Literature Literature
She crossed her arms into an X in front of her, and then uncrossed them violently.
Incrociò gli avambracci davanti a sé formando una X e poi li separò con decisione.Literature Literature
Since the sound was low, I could hear her crossing and uncrossing her legs, her stockings rubbing against each other
Quando il sonoro si abbassava e lei accavallava le gambe, sentivo le calze sfregare l' una contro l' altraopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She uncrossed her legs and drew them up on to the chair, covering them entirely with her knitted jacket.
Fletté le gambe e le portò sulla poltrona, coprendole completamente con la giacca di maglia.Literature Literature
And he's on the other side of an uncrossable gulf.
E ora è sull'altro lato di un baratro invalicabile.Literature Literature
She began to fidget, crossing and uncrossing her legs, checking her watch repeatedly.
Incominciò a dimenarsi, a incrociare le gambe, a guardare ripetutamentel'orologio.Literature Literature
“Can you find the bit when Sharon Stone uncrosses her legs?”
«Puoi trovare il pezzo in cui Sharon Stone scavalla le gambe?»Literature Literature
Uncross your arms.
Distendi le braccia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because if she finds out that you are spying, you may just have crossed a line you cannot uncross.
Perché se dovesse scoprire che la stavi spiando, potresti aver oltrepassato una linea dopo cui non potrai più tornare indietro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Was he saying to himself that in these polar seas, forbidden to man, he was at home, master of the uncrossable spaces?
Pensava che nei mari polari interdetti all’uomo, era a casa propria, padrone degli spazi insuperabili?Literature Literature
I haven't uncrossed her legs.
Non gliele ho aperte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jane Dockerill uncrossed her legs, then crossed them the other way.
Jane Dockerill scavallò le gambe e le accavallò di nuovo nell’altro senso.Literature Literature
Out of the corner of her eye Lili watched him check his pocket watch, watched him cross and uncross his legs.
Con la coda dell’occhio Lili lo vide controllare il suo orologio da tasca e accavallare nervosamente le gambe.Literature Literature
What does it mean that their hand is on their hip, that they keep crossing and uncrossing their legs?
Cosa significa se tengono le mani sui fianchi, o se continuano a incrociare le gambe?Literature Literature
Uncross your arms, silly,’ ordered Ada and kicked off the top sheet that partly covered six legs.
«Non incrociare le braccia, sciocca» ordinò Ada e con un calcio allontanò il lenzuolo che ricopriva in parte sei gambe.Literature Literature
“Wait a moment,” Dodger said, finally uncrossing his arms and relaxing his stance.
«Un momento» intervenne Dodger, sciogliendo finalmente le braccia incrociate e rilassando la postura.Literature Literature
It's a line he can't uncross and he knows that...
Se supera quella linea non si torna indietro e lui lo sa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Enko’s new blonde was of course also present; she crossed and uncrossed her legs.
C’era anche la nuova bionda di Enko, ovviamente, che continuava ad accavallare e scavallare le gambe.Literature Literature
I crossed and uncrossed my legs, waiting for the session to begin on the other side of the one-way glass.
Accavallavo e scavallavo le gambe nell’attesa che dall’altra parte del vetro unidirezionale avesse inizio la sessione.Literature Literature
This time his fingers are spread wide, uncrossed.
Stavolta le sue dita sono allargate, non incrociate.Literature Literature
LANA (suddenly uncrossing her legs and leaning forward): I do realize that.
LANA (scavallando di colpo le gambe e sporgendosi in avanti): Sì che me ne rendo conto.Literature Literature
A smile spread across his face as he saw the two uncrossed names.
Un sorriso gli si spalmò sulla faccia quando vide due nomi non ancora barrati.Literature Literature
"She uncrossed her legs and said out loud: ""We control nothing of importance that happens to us."""
Disaccavallò le gambe e disse ad alta voce: «Non abbiamo nessun controllo sulle cose importanti che ci accadono».Literature Literature
He clambered back to the car, texted someone, waited for a response, crossing and uncrossing his arms.
Risalì in macchina, mandò un messaggio, aspettò la risposta incrociando e sciogliendo le braccia.Literature Literature
There was noise from the stairs, and the two guards in the doorway uncrossed their spears and stood at attention.
Dalla scala salì un rumore; i due armigeri disincrociarono le alabarde e si misero sull'attenti.Literature Literature
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