window dresser oor Italiaans

window dresser

A person whose job is to arrange displays in shop windows

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He sure talks a lot for a window dresser, don't you think?
In fondo non è altro che un vetrinista della Rinascente.

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He was forty-four, he told me, and he worked in a department store as a window dresser.
Aveva quarantaquattro anni, mi disse, e lavorava in un grande magazzino come vetrinista.Literature Literature
Hugo, call Bloomingdale's and have them fire the window dresser.
Hugo, chiama Bloomingdale's e digli di licenziare il vetrinista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Window dressers scream through the station, beat the cashiers with the Fairy Hyp.
Vetrinisti gridano per la stazione, torturano i cassieri con il fairy hypeLiterature Literature
Group II (Waiters, cashiers, drivers, repair man, window dressers, shop sales persons, etc) | 152 | 51,53 |
Gruppo II (Camerieri, cassieri, autisti, tecnici, vetrinisti, commessi, ecc.) | 152 | 51,53 |EurLex-2 EurLex-2
“Maybe he worked as a window dresser,” Bruce had mused, cupping one hand over my head.
«Magari ha lavorato come vetrinista» suggerì una notte Bruce posandomi la mano sul capo.Literature Literature
They’re Andrew Evans – a wine merchant, Maggie Mitchell – a window dresser, and Ethan Miller – an actor.
Sono: Andrew Evans, un commerciante di vini; Maggie Mitchell, una vetrinista; e Ethan Miller, un attore.Literature Literature
The neo-Dadaists and other so-called iconoclasts of today are conventional window-dressers by comparison.
Paragonati a lui, i neodadaisti e altri cosiddetti iconoclasti sono dei banali allestitori di vetrine.Literature Literature
Hey, maybe he’s a window dresser at Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrel.”
Ehi, magari è un allestitore di vetrine al Pottery Barn o da Crate & Barrel.»Literature Literature
You should've filmed that, you window-dressers!
Avreste dovuto filmare questo, vetrinisti!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You see, I wasn't always a slightly fey window dresser in New York.
Sapete, non sono sempre stato un vetrinista leggermente affettato a New York.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The window-dresser has just put his arms around her to move her this way or that.
Il vetrinista gli ha giusto messo le mani addosso per spostarlo di qua o di là.Literature Literature
I simply moved Anezka the window-dresser to my place.
Invitai semplicemente Anezka, la vetrinista, a casa mia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cos you have a thing for slightly fey British window dressers?
Perche'ti attizzano i vetrinisti inglesi un po'affettati?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She would like to take up interior decoration; or at least be a window dresser.
Vorrebbe fare la scenografa; o almeno diventare vetrinista.Literature Literature
‘So maybe I’m not such a great window dresser after all.’
«Quindi forse non sono così brava come vetrinista».Literature Literature
‘The girl, Maggie, she’s a window dresser and lives in Bethnal Green.
«La ragazza, Maggie, fa la vetrinista e vive a Bethnal Green.Literature Literature
This is one of those days where I feel like an overpaid window dresser.
Questo e'uno di quei giorni in cui mi sento come un vetrinista strapagato.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A sound merchandise man and a good window-dresser.
Compratore avveduto e buon vetrinista.Literature Literature
He sure talks a lot for a window dresser, don't you think?
In fondo non è altro che un vetrinista della Rinascente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Window dresser!
'A Rinascente!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wainwright came from Chicago, where they had both worked as window dressers for a department store.
I coniugi Wainwright arrivavano da Chicago, dove entrambi avevano lavorato come vetrinisti per un grande magazzino.Literature Literature
With this window-dresser.
Col vetrinista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My mother had worked for a short time as an assistant window dresser at the Sears in downtown Reno.
Mia madre aveva lavorato per qualche tempo come assistente vetrinista in quello di Reno.Literature Literature
Then we went on in this vein and concluded that only we window dressers, architects, and dressmakers were true artists.
Allora seguitammo a scherzare e si concluse che soltanto noi vetrinisti, architetti e sarte eravamo artisti veri.Literature Literature
My parents were first introduced to Bible truth just before the outbreak of World War I, when Father was working as a window dresser for a department store in downtown Toronto.
I miei genitori vennero in contatto con la verità della Bibbia poco prima dello scoppio della prima guerra mondiale, quando mio padre lavorava come vetrinista in un grande magazzino nel centro di Toronto.jw2019 jw2019
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