T-money oor Japannees


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6 December 2005 : T-money Internet refilling service started.
いや―ダメだ俺はいずれ死ぬLASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When Sorai was a poor scholar , he ordered tofu and ate it at the shop though he didn 't have any money .
宇多 天皇 の 時 に 成立 し 、 鎌倉 時代 末 から 南北朝 時代 ( 日本 ) 初期 まで 書き継 が れ た 。KFTT KFTT
When Sorai was a poor scholar , he ordered tofu and ate it at the shop though he didn 't have any money .
夕顔 ( ゆうが お ) と は 、 『 源氏 物語 五十 四 帖 の 巻 の 一 つ 。KFTT KFTT
Now, since y' all say you ain' t got no money... we have " proprietarily " obtained for you... one of them court- appointed lawyers
( 以下 、 各段 の 簡単 な 紹介 を 行 う が 、 列挙 さ れ た さまざま な 用語 は 歴史 的 に 貴重 な もの な の で すべて 紹介 する 。 )opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
His comrades ( the two samurai , Yagoro SENZAKI and Goemon HARA ) , who are visiting him , also blame him by saying , " We can 't take money from someone who eloped , let alone money obtained by doing evil things . "
家集 は 「 浄弁 並 慶 運 歌集 」 が あ る 。KFTT KFTT
I don 't have money now , so I 'll come and take it later . So please do not sell it to anybody until I come back , ' Motsugai asked , and the store person said , ' Can you place something on deposit ? '
旅 は 楽し い もの で 、 吉野 離宮 の 滝 の そば で 食事 を と っ て い る と 、 こちら に や っ て 来る ひと が い る 。KFTT KFTT
Giheiji heard that he could get some money and had the palanquin return and said , ' Hey , where 's the money ? ' , ' Well , that money is ... ' , ' Yes ? That money ? ' , ' I don 't have the money here ' and takes out the stone camouflaging as money .
日本 海軍 は 、 神戸 に お い て 同船 臨検 し 、 物的 証拠 を 得 た から 、 2 名 を 戦時 禁制 人 と し て 逮捕 し 、 同船 を 解放 し た 。KFTT KFTT
He recites proverbs such as , ' Those who have ambition are not killed by creeps , ' judging that a wise man who is contented with honest poverty may be wise , but such behavior is not wise in that he doesn 't consider money important .
道長 夫妻 は 悲嘆 に くれ る 。KFTT KFTT
Though he had a longing to be a painter , he gave up because it was difficult to become one because he didn 't have enough money at that time .
また 、 為義 を 処刑 する とき に も 、 半井 本 で は 体 が 震え て 首 を 打 つ こと さえ でき ず 、 波多野 義 通 に 譲 る 。KFTT KFTT
Actually, I don' t really wanna spend any money at all
彼は評議会を選択しなかったopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The following night and the night after next , she appears to buy candy , but at the seventh night she finally says to him , ' I don 't have money any more . Could you please sell me some candy with this ? , ' showing him her haori ( a Japanese half-coat ) .
上 ・ 中 ・ 下 の 全 3 巻 に 分かれ る 。KFTT KFTT
However , in the ICOCA area only the ticket function is available so the functions of commuter pass and electric money can 't be used .
五月 雨 の 晴れ間 、 源氏 故 桐壺 院 の 女御 の 一人 、 麗景 殿 女御 の もと を 訪れ る 。KFTT KFTT
He was tied to a tree , and lynched by the crowd , but didn 't know where the stolen money was .
陸奥 国 および 甲斐 国 は 金鉱山 が 多 く 位置 し た 。KFTT KFTT
This guy don' t want you to have the money
時々少年に 勇気と正義の物語を話すopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It would have been too costly to introduce the stored fare system , and there wasn 't enough return by collecting money afterwards .
正明 と い う 寺 に つ い てKFTT KFTT
At any rate , preservation societies , Ko and Ren that perform danjiri-bayashi only in the form of ' hetari ' were on the increase for various reasons , such as that they sometimes didn 't have enough money to repair their danjiri in the high economic growth .
メニュー ファイル → オート パイロット →KFTT KFTT
A short while after the game went on sale , a show box containing its first-generation housing was put at the Saga Torokko Station ; however , possibly because it didn 't bring in much money , the box was removed before long .
どうしてここが分かったのかな?KFTT KFTT
Couldn' t even decide what to do with all that money
『 実隆 公記 』 中 に は 、 将棋 の 対局 を 行 っ た と する 記述 が 約 250 か所 に のぼ っ て い る 。opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The madam , Okado gave Chobei the money , fifty ryo ( currency unit ) , saying that she would keep Ohisa around her , without having her prostitute until the last day of the year , but if he doesn 't return the money by the last day of the year , she will have Ohisa prostitute in her brothel , even if he returned the money only one day late .
徽子 女王 ( きし ( よしこ ) じょ お う 、 延長 ( 元号 ) 7 年 ( 929 年 ) - 寛和 元年 ( 985 年 ) ) は 平安 時代 中期 の 皇族 、 歌人 。KFTT KFTT
Listen, I- I- I " supersize " with you... but didn' t you go to jail for not havin ' enough money?
また 、 弘仁 格 の 序 は 『 本朝 文粋 』 に も 採録 さ れ て い る 。opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tomikuji was developed from tanomoshi ( a mutual credit association ) and especially from torinoki mujin , because tanomoshi had only a few sponsors and limited amount of prize money , it couldn 't satisfy people 's speculative spirits .
この 事件 は 源 頼朝 死去 の 翌月 に 発生 し 、 鎌倉 幕府 を 揺る が せ た 。KFTT KFTT
The payment terms we accept are western union, bank transfer,T/T,money gram,escrow,etc.
『 唐 書 』 卷 二百 二十 列 傳 第 一 四十 五 東夷 日本JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
You can earn even more T points by paying with T Money.
ところ が 出産 記事 も 、 ことさら な 顕彰 記事 も 無 い 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Various payments, ATM, multi-function copy machines, internet services You can also use T Money to pay for utilities or online shopping.
マイルス・ダイソンの息子ねJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Moreover, T-money, transportation card function is added on the card, you can use buses, subways, taxi, etc without buying a separate transportation card.
サイコなんてないよ。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
137 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.