celery seed oor Japannees

celery seed

(herb) The seed of the plant celery, used as a seasoning in cooking.

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Among such are caraway seeds, paprika, marjoram, sage, oregano, savory, mint, garlic, pimiento, parsley, dill, thyme and celery seeds.
安国造 ( やす の くにのみやつこ ・ やす こく ぞう ) は 近江 国 東部 ( 琵琶 湖 東岸 ) を 支配 し た 国造 。jw2019 jw2019
Pop into your mouth things like raisins, nuts and sunflower seeds, or eat carrot and celery sticks, or chew gum.
(由香) 普通はいかないんだjw2019 jw2019
Celery seeds can not be germing, but you need to soak and disinfect. Attention!
金庫は今夜 移動されるJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
To improve and speed up germination, it is recommended to prepare celery seeds for landing: The easiest way: Treatment in warm water.
「この街の組織犯罪と言えば、 この男を知っているだろう」JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Since celery seeds are very small, put them in a small bag of gauze, and lower them in a bowl with warm water.
昭和 期 に は 仙台 に 館山 甲午 ( 1894 年 生 ~ 1989 年 没 ) と い う 検校 い た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The celery seed feature is that they cannot be very much sprinkled with the Earth, they should be on the surface, with bright lighting.
記載 時期 は 天承 2 年 ( 1132 年 ) から 承安 ( 日本 ) 1 年 ( 1171 年 ) に 至 る まで 約 40 年間 を 網羅 する 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Last year, I decided to conduct an experiment and, before sowing, 4 h held celery seeds in a napkin moistened with an immunostimulant solution.
「それから、もし、私の最初の診察が、 気を悪くさせたのなら、あやまるわ」JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
As celery seeds are small enough, it is necessary that there are no largecomers in the soil, sticks (necessarily Suit the soil Before use!).
奥 の 細道 ( おく の ほそ みち ) と は 、 松尾 芭蕉 が 元禄 に 著 し た 紀行 本 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The fact is that the presence of essential oil prevents the rapid swelling and germination of celery seeds - sometimes shoots have to wait until 3-4 weeks.
ステュー!- 彼女は妻じゃないJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Slice the cores into small pieces.Place the jackfruit into a bowl.Add the garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, celery seed, salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper to the bowl.
また 慶長 大判 、 慶長 小判 、 慶長 小判 慶長 一 分 判 と 伴 に 慶長 金銀 ( けいちょう きん ぎん ) と 呼 ぶ 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Tomato salad, featuring premium tomatoes and a celery seed dressing with a light aftertaste, has also remained popular since the restaurant opened and makes for a refreshing palate cleanser.
おかしいと思わないのかい?確かにそうだ だが争うより良いJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
To sow celery seeds, at first they are soaked in a manganese solution about 2 days, then it will be easier for them from under the layers of the Earth.
享保 3 年 ( 1718 年 ) に は 幕府 から 正式 に 株 仲間 と し て 公認 さ れ る に 至り 600 人 を 数え た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
You can plant a new root root every 2-3 months or show patience and grow from celery seeds, which will feed you fresh greens for more than a year.
ダニー! ダニー、戻って来い!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Since Celery seeds are small, the easiest way to scatter them on the surface of the Earth in a common bang, rather than to transfer 2-3 seed into individual containers (cassettes, cups).
役料 ( やくりょう ) と は 、 江戸 幕府 が 幕臣 に 支給 し た 役職 手当 の 1 種 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Base notes are amber, caraway, musk, jasmine, green tea, cloves, celery seeds and oakmoss; mid notes are musk, carnation, jasmine, white amber and oak moss; Topmost notes are mint, rhubarb, orange peel, lemon bergamot 6.
反対側をチェックだ トーマスJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Therefore, in this article we will tell about how to grow root celery from seeds at home.
オレンジ と マンゴ の ジュース に ココナツ ・ ミルクJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
How to properly grow root celery from seeds, will be detailed in detail in this article.
『 源氏 物語 』 に は 『 伊勢 物語 』 を 「 古 い 」 と する 記述 が 見 られ 、 注目 さ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The above describes the easiest way to grow root celery from seeds.
前代 の 古今 集 と 違 う の は 、 撰者 の 歌 が い 点 あ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
For this reason, many dackets choose the cultivation of celery from seed seeds at home.
兵卒 の 生存 者 は 全員 山間 部 の 出身 で 、 普段 は マタギ の 手伝い や 炭焼き に 従事 し て い る 者 達 だっ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Few know how to grow celery from seeds, despite the seeming simplicity.
ダブル リード を も つ 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
What are your signature dishes?Lambert: We have several.One is the New Zealand red deer with flavors of gin ($38), which is venison with a jam of juniper berry, a liquorice jus, cilantro, a coriander puree made with celery seeds – all ingredients that also flavor gin.
メニュー 表示 → ツール バー → 標準 ツール バーJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Gardeners and gardeners believe that it is better to grow celery from seeds in their own sector than to acquire purchased vegetables, often containing chemicals, harmful to the human body.
事務所入口から来てくれJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
To grow celery - Start good seeds Now in the seed market you can see a lot of varieties of sheet, cherry and root celery.
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This requires eating low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, sesame seed, almonds, celery, cabbage, legumes.
そう言って逃げるんだろJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
I keep petiolate celery in the basement with the root in buckets or wooden boxes, periodically sprinkling the roots, and the roots are in the boxes, along with the beets.See also: Celery - sowing seeds for seedlings.
ここ に あ る 随 心 に は 、 卒塔婆 小町 像 や 文塚 など 史跡 が 残 っ て い る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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