deserialization oor Japannees


The act or process of deserializing.

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The process of converting an object from a serial storage format to binary format in the form of an object that applications can use. This happens when the object is retrieved from the cache cluster with the Get client APIs.

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MAX9218 27-Bit, 7MHz-to-35MHz DC-Balanced LVDS Deserializer - Maxim Description Create a design and simulate using EE-Sim® tools: The MAX9218 digital video serial-to-parallel converter deserializes a total of 27 bits during data and control phases.
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Deserialization - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN The process whereby a lower-level format (e.g. that has been transferred over a network, or stored in a data store) is translated into a readable object or other data structure.
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When the mobile app starts, the screen to open is determined by the result of deserialization of the ThingIFAPI instance.
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The deserializer section needs a REFCLK, which can come from the same source, or it can be provided by an independent local oscillator that is within 2% accuracy of the PCLK.
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In practice, many projects depend on scripts being present for post-processing or custom scriptable importers, or simply to correctly deserialize Prefabs – either through code directly in your project or the packages you depend on.
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High-speed serializer/deserializer (SerDes) line drivers and receivers carry the data streams that bring in-vehicle video, audio, and communications to life.
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This serialized version of a program can be deserialized later on, and continue its execution in any device that has a CX interpreter/compiler.
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If another client sends you a relay message of a custom message class before registering the class, a Strix Error of “Message Deserialize failed” appears in the Unity log, even if you have not subscribed any relay message notification event (yet).
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The MAX9268 deserializer features an LVDS system interface for reduced pin count and a smaller package, and pairs with any GMSL serializer to form a complete digital serial link for joint transmission of high-speed video, audio, and bidirectional control data.
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The embedded control channel operates at 9.6kbps to 1Mbps in I2C mode, allowing programming of serializer, deserializer (SerDes), and camera registers independent of video timing.
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Only one adapter kit is needed per link (connecting the serializer and deserializer boards).
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The security check uses this interface to manage the serialization and deserialization of its state.
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Previously, serializing a null field would always deserialize it using the default constructor of that type.
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If large Session Variables are used, each request will take longer to process the session data (include serializing and deserializing it), increasing response times and causing contention in all concurrent requests.
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An embedded control channel operates at 9.6kbps to 1Mbps in UART, I2C, and mixed UART/I2C modes, allowing programming of serializer, deserializer (SerDes), and camera registers, independent of video timing.
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Other EMI Sources Another EMI source in a SerDes video link is the output of the deserializer.
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1120194 When using locked content permissions, Data Acceleration or Active Directory sync, content migration failed with a deserialization error.
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A parallel rate LVDS clock received with the LVDS data streams provides timing for deserialization.
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For example, to allow Date deserialization: Psych . safe_load ( yaml , [ Date ]) Now the Date class can be loaded in addition to the classes listed above.
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This serial data is then readied for transmission to the channel and sent through to the receiver, finally reaching the deserializer.
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Introduction Low-voltage differential signaling—the most effective interface for in-vehicle digital video routing—can also be used as a low-cost solution to transmit digital audio data streams.1 This application note details how to use the MAX9205/MAX9206 10-bit LVDS serializer/deserializer (SerDes) ICs for transmitting up to four I2S audio data streams across STP wiring.
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For more information, see the Deserialization Cheat Sheet . A10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring Logs and monitors are often underestimated as security tools.
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When the user opens the website, this ID is deserialized on the server and automatically logs the user in if it’s valid. An attacker finds the unique ID stored in her browser and replaces it with arbitrary code.
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The deserializer can track data from a spread-spectrum serial input.
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In addition, an integrated bidirectional control channel enables a single microcontroller (μC) to program the serializer, deserializer, and all connected peripherals.
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