domesticated oor Japannees


adjektief, werkwoord
(of an animal, especially a pet) Tame, naturalized.

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In an effort to reduce electricity consumption the Minister of Fuel and Power, Emanuel Shinwell cut electricity supply to industry completely and reduced the domestic supply to 19 hours per day across the country.
「 古今 和歌集 」 以下 の 勅撰 和歌 集 入集 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
That said, with labor market bottlenecks at the core of tepid domestic demand, the government’s recently announced Work Style Reform has important potential.
時頼 の 兄 の 北条 経時 は この 事件 で 一応 理 の あ る 三浦 氏 を 助勢 し よ う と 配下 の 者 を 武装 さ せ て 差し向け た 。
In April 2007 RAF Saxa Vord's domestic site, plus the road up to the Mid Site, was purchased and renamed "Saxa Vord Resort" by Highland entrepreneur Frank Strang.
甲 辰 の 年 の 四 月 六 日 に 崩 り ま し き 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In particular , Kyoto Imperial University at that time was behind other universities in opening domestic forest for field practice .
鎌倉 幕府 の 成立 は 訴訟 の 解決 手段 と し て の 和与 の 役割 を 強め る こと と な る 。KFTT KFTT
In domestic policies especially , Yoshimoto displayed his uncommon abilities , starting with the enactment of the articles ( Kana Mokuroku Tsuika ) to expand on the ' Imagawa Kana Mokuroku ' ( the Imagawa clan 's basic house rules to control the territory ) in 1552 , carrying out excellent administrative reforms such as commercial protection and distribution control within his territory , and consolidation of vassals by introducing the system of Yorioya-Yoriko ( Later , when Ieyasu TOKUGAWA established the feudal government , he applied these policies to the system of the Edo bakufu . )
しかし 、 一方 で 頼長 に 関 する さまざま 悪評 を 、 物語 が 取り上げ て い な い こと も 事実 で あ る 。KFTT KFTT
+ 7 So Jehovah said: “I am going to wipe men whom I have created+ off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens,+ because I do regret that I have made them.”
どの スタイル を 使用 し ます か 。jw2019 jw2019
Your wife left you in 2019 after filing charges on you for domestic abuse.
現時点 で は 俺 も 同じ だろ うOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the late 1930s conservative Southern Democrats in Congress joined with most Northern Republicans in an informal Conservative Coalition that usually proved decisive in stopping liberal domestic legislation until 1964.
しかし 全て と は 言 わ な い が 、 それ の 中 に は 明らか 偽 文書 と 思 わ れ る もの が 混じ っ て る 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Fires could easily spread from one field to another, and care had to be exercised to keep domestic animals in check so that they would not wander into someone else’s field.
句 の 繋げ 方 に は 規則 が あ り 、 また 句数 に っ て 歌仙 、 百 吟 など いく つ も の 形式 が あ る 。jw2019 jw2019
Reagan did not control the rapid increase in federal government spending or reduce the deficit, but his record looks better when expressed as a percent of the gross domestic product.
能煩 野 ( のぼ の 三重 鈴鹿 郡 ) に 至 り ま し 、 歌 ひ 竟 ( を ) ふる 即ち 崩 り ま し LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They also called on individual nations to pass laws and adopt policies as important measures to prevent development, production, and use of such weapons at the domestic level.
冷泉 派 ( れいぜ いは ) は 、 鎌倉 時代 中期 から 現代 いた る まで 和歌 の 流派 の 一 つ 。
Wheat is one of the oldest domesticated plants.
裏面 の 極印 に よ る 鋳造 高 は 以下 の とおり で あ る 。jw2019 jw2019
However , the domestic emissions amount in 2007 is conversely larger than that of the reference year by 9.0 % and about 15 % reduction from the present state is necessary .
印刷 ページ の 背景 に 図 を 入れる (透かしKFTT KFTT
外 の 道 に は 、 旅 の 人 が 幾 人 も 通 る が 、 宗右衛門 は まだ こ な い 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1850 , Yukie AKAYAMA committed Seppuku ( hara-kiri , or ritual suicide ) for Takasaki-Kuzure ( the family feud of Satsuma domain ) ; his father who was a Goyonin ( officer handling domestic economy ) of Akayama told him about this act of Seppuku ( hara-kiri ) , and showed him bloodstained clothes .
『 保元 』 と は な い が 、 「 平治 ・ 平家 」 と あ る の に よ れ ば 、 おそらく は 含 ん で い る もの と わ れ る 。KFTT KFTT
Furthermore, due to the national nature of the supply networks used by supermarkets, this often involves domestically produced foodstuffs being transported around the country before being delivered to retailers, creating a huge impact both on traffic and pollution.
だけど世界一金持ちの叔母さんがLASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
By relying on God for wisdom and strength, we can cope with frustrations that may develop in domestic situations.
燃料タンクもいっぱいか?jw2019 jw2019
Fungicides for domestic use
既存 の 系譜 集 や 記録 など を 広 く 集め て 再 編纂 し て お り 、 史料 価値 が 高 い と さ れ る 。tmClass tmClass
The committee also reminded Russia of its obligation “to prevent similar violations in the future and [to] ensure that the provisions of the domestic law are made compatible with” articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights upholding freedom of expression and banning discrimination.
昼 装束 ( ひの しょうぞく ) : 儀礼 用 服 、 束帯 用 の 装身 具 。
Foreign holdings, domestic holdings.
しかし それ に は 20 数 年 分 の 欠落 が あ っ た 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because they are solitary animals and do not face the problem of integrating into a social group as do chimpanzees and gorillas, domesticated orangutans can be returned to the wild.
ただ1度だけ 会いたい時があったjw2019 jw2019
But more importantly, its simply not pragmatic to get an education abroad if the goal is to maximize domestic job prospects:
天淳 中原 瀛 真人 天皇 ( あま の ぬ な は ら おき の まひ と の すめらみこと の かみ の まき ) 天武 天皇 上globalvoices globalvoices
Just like this animal, the drink makes you half domestic and half wild.
この 翻刻 は 、 欠損 の 中巻 に つ い て は 文保 本 で 補 っ て い る 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For example, if a former female attorney is now a stay-at-home mother conducting unpaid domestic work, the value of an hour of unpaid domestic work is the hourly rate she could make if she were working as an attorney.
種類 は とも に 1 合 ・ 2 合 半 ・ 5 合 ・ 1 升 ・ 5 升 ・ 7 升 ・ 1 斗 の 7 種類 存在 し た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The government framed Cole as a domestic terrorist.
これ に よ り 4 行 の 国立 銀行 ( 明治 ) が 設立 さ れ 、 1873 年 から 兌換 紙幣 の 国立 銀行 紙幣 が 発行 さ れ た 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
206 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.