elaborated cloth oor Japannees

elaborated cloth

figured silk and thin silk

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The statues have a striking Chinese Song Dynasty style , and feature realistic facial expressions and picturesque elaborate clothing .
しかし 品位 の 異な る 宝永 銀 三品 を 同 価値 で 通用 さ せ る に は 無理 が あ り 市場 で は 差別 通用 と な っ て い た 。KFTT KFTT
Tais are used to create elaborate ceremonial clothing, blankets, and family heirlooms.
また 、 シャルル ・ シャ ノ ワーヌ 大尉 ら フランス 軍事 顧問 団 に よ る 直接 指導 も 導入 さ れ 、 その 訓練 を 受け る 伝習 隊 が 新規 に 編成 さ れ た 。jw2019 jw2019
There are extremely elaborate dyeing cloths such as ' so-shibori ' , a kind of kimono whose entire cloth are mounted with ' kanoko shibori ' on which birds , flowers , and other beautiful sceneries patterns are designed .
同時 に 、 成人 用 大型 甕棺 に 付属 する 蓋 と し て 、 大型 の 鉢形 土器 が 成立 するKFTT KFTT
But do you need stylish clothes or an elaborate home to please God?
貞観 14 年 ( 872 年 ) 4 月 16 日 、 掌渤海 客 使 に 補任 。jw2019 jw2019
So-shibori ' is so elaborate that professionals in dyeing cloth spend about three years making it .
また 宮廷 の 女性 達 が 用い て い た 文字 や 言語 ( 女房 言葉 ) の 研究 の 分野 に お い て 貴重 な 資料 と な っ て い る KFTT KFTT
After the end of the Heian Period , festival floats and clothes and the elaborate designs of the theater Suhamadai ( standing trays with sandbar patterns ) were called " Furyu . "
その 一方 で 、 和与 に 基づ く 訴訟 の 終結 と い う 法 手続 は 中世 の 社会 に 広 く 浸透 し て い く こと に な っ た 。KFTT KFTT
The delicate feel of clothes waving in the wind is elaborately depicted .
都市 の 区画 割 が 明らか に 唐 の 長安 を し た 条坊 制 で あ る 。KFTT KFTT
As for the materialistic temptations that would face such college graduates, Reel pointed out “that all the magazines aimed at bright, upscale, affluent young Americans —aimed, in other words, at you— are packed with ads for sleek automobiles and heady alcohol and chic clothes and elaborate stereos and exotic beauty aids.
浄弁 ( じょう べん 、 生年 不詳 - 延文 元年 / 正平 ( 日本 ) 11 年 ( 1356 年 ) 頃 ? ) は 、 鎌倉 時代 の 天台 宗 の 僧 ・ 歌人 。jw2019 jw2019
Such practices include expecting excessive travel, wearing special clothing for mourning, making elaborate public announcements, paying money to the family, holding elaborate and prolonged feasts at the funeral, and holding excessive commemorative or anniversary celebrations after the funeral.
当時 ヤマト 王権 に 史書 編纂 に 資 する 正確 かつ 十分 な 文字 記録 が あ っ た と 推定 し う る 根拠 は 乏しLDS LDS
After that , while due to class distinctions ( warriors , farmers , artisans , and tradesmen in descending order of rank ) set by Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) , the design of kosode was fixed among the upper class of samurai , richer townsmen in Kyoto , Osaka and Edo spent their surplus of the fruits of regained peaceful time on clothing , and elaborately crafted kosode were born .
埋葬 が 終わ る と 水 体 を 清め る 。KFTT KFTT
Maedares were traditionally made of a plain , simply-woven cloth but these days there is a wider variety , including pieces dyed elaborately so that a name of a shop is revealed in white .
存在してるんだろうなKFTT KFTT
Since then, I collaborate with different brands and movies directors to elaborate storyboards, clothes design, educational videos in stop motion, marketing tools (posters, flyers, banners etc.)
一方 で 薫 は 女 二宮 ( 今上帝 の 皇女 ) 結婚 する が 傷心 は なぐさ ま な い 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Don’t miss the Al Salem museum, which the village residents established themselves, with its vast collection of artefacts including elaborately embroidered clothing, jewelry and ceramics, as well as weapons and cooking utensils.
主要 テーマ ( 主題 ) の 諸説JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The dolls they produce are full of expression, and the elaborate design such as their clothes is also of the finest quality.
但し 、 『 日本 書紀 』 の 中大兄 皇子 と 中臣 鎌足 が 蘇我 入鹿 誅 する 記述 に 既に 「 長槍 」 の 語 が 現れ て る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Also, regarding the ideas that are hard to channel through clothes, I’m thinking about gradually elaborating them through other mediums.
カートン伯は とにかく娘を 彼に押しつけたかったどちらが妻になるかは――JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
As with books bound with elaborate care, making emaki involves carefully selecting cloth and other materials to match the story told in it.
鼻 の 先 が 紅花 で 染め た よう に 赤 い こと から 、 彼女 末摘 花 と い う 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The second type is by applying some sort of pattern (a previously made pattern chop) and use this to print over the clothes to create an elaborate pattern.
大陀 牟夜 別 . .. .. . 淡海 国造 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This didn’t change the specifications or elaborations of how I make clothes, but for the first time, I became strongly conscious of considering this as a business and began to think about merchandise line-up and pricing.
なお 、 棋譜 は 全く 残 っ て お ら ず 、 当時 は 棋譜 を 残 す 慣習 も な かっ た と れ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
By way of example, he elaborates on how the referee clothing resembling the garb of a Shinto priest was added in the early 1900s, while the roof that hangs over the ring was incorporated in the 1930s, modeled in the same architectural shinmei-zukuri style as Japan's Ise Shrine.
匂宮 と 六 の 君 ( 夕霧 ( 源氏 物語 ) の 娘 ) が 結婚 し 、 懐妊 中 の 中 の 君 行末 を 不安 に 思 う 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This type of Batik, due to the amount of workhours and skills required is the most expensive of all. The second type is by applying some sort of pattern (a previously made pattern chop) and use this to print over the clothes to create an elaborate pattern.
これらは酔っ払った木と呼ばれています てんでんばらばらですJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
February marks the middle of the dry season, which accounts for the terraces' brown and earthy tones. But during the monsoon season, from April to October, the terraces light up in bright green and yellow. (Ian Lloyd Neubauer) Weaving by hand One of the great draws of exploring Vietnam's northeast is the chance to meet and interact with the Hmong, an ethnic minority that resides in the mountains of Southeast Asia and is often identified by their bright clothing: elaborate dresses, shawls, shirts and scarves, handmade from cotton and hemp fibres that are then dyed with root vegetables in shades of electric pink, red, green and blue.
こんな感じでよろしいですか?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The name comes from an elaborate, traditional fountain next to the shop, and old used it the local women to wash their clothes.
天皇 側 も 戦 に そなえ 、 後白河 は 三種 の 神器 と とも に 大内 裏 から 東 三 条 通 に 移 る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
"11747391 is a secondhand store with the concepts ""fun, interesting, and cool,"" and as the name implies they offer a wide variety of stylish and cool clothing with unusual shapes and elaborate designs. Sometimes they offer rare pieces. This is the store for people who like cool fashions and are looking for rare items from popular or up-and-coming brands. They also offer a variety of hats, shoes, and eyewear.
『 吾妻 鏡 』 同じく 後年 の 編纂 で あ る 『 百錬 抄 』 も 、 この とき に 「 義仲 追討 の 宣旨 が 出 さ れ た 」 と の 記載 が あ JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
My basic standard for choosing clothes is whether they look simple at first glance, but I also like things with sort of elaborate designs sometimes too.
摂関 期 の 頃 に は 家政 機関 と し て 別当 ・ 家令 ・ 知 家事 ・ 案主 ・ 侍 ・ 書吏 など が 設置 さ れ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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