inquisitive questioning oor Japannees

inquisitive questioning

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Soon friendly, inquisitive people stopped to ask questions.
彼女は無事だ 君のサポートが欲しいjw2019 jw2019
In the talk “Read God’s Word, the Holy Bible, Daily,” the speaker suggested reading with an inquisitive mind and asking such questions as these: What does this account teach me about Jehovah’s qualities and ways?
支給 総額 、 永世 録 80 万 9070 石 、 終身 録 7050 石 、 年限 8 万 5500 石 で 、 計 90 万 1620 石 に 上 る 。jw2019 jw2019
The one-hour lecture piqued the curiosity of the students, many of whom asked inquisitive questions.
新しい世界を創る 手助けをするんだJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
She refused to question church teachings or its practice of supporting wars, Crusades, and Inquisitions.
号 は 自然 斎 、 種 玉 庵 。jw2019 jw2019
YOSHINAGA 's argument is supported by historians including Kojiro NAOKI , but it is questioned by Takeshi SOKURA and Hideki ARAI , who claims that YOSHINAGA is ' too inquisitive . '
が 、 もと 来 た 道 は 吹雪 に よ り 完全 に 消 さ れ て お り 部隊 は 完全 に 前後 不覚 の 状態 に な 遭難 と な っ た 。KFTT KFTT
Where possible, however, as in the days of the Inquisition, the Roman Catholic clergy made use of the State to suppress any who dared question the church’s teachings and practices.
どうすれば我々は 我々の時代に戻れるの?jw2019 jw2019
In particularly inquisitive readers, the question must arise - what about RPF?
草木 志 を 著 し た 江戸 時代 の 本草 学 者 は ひとり 伴 存 のみ で は な い 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Personally, I think it's crucial to have a questioning and inquisitive mind.
ー 俺の言うことを聞いてくれ ー 来るな あっちへ行け!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
I am disappointed, horrified, and angry about auto motor sport online, which overwrites the Inquisition report with the question: "Who drives the biggest climate killer?"
たかが8マイルだ大丈夫だよJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Miss Jillie Mae Fernandez was ready to answer my questions, and so began my inquisition.
秋成 が 、 処女 作 の 浮世 草子諸道聴 耳 世間 猿 』 を 刊行 し た 明和 3 年 、 都賀 庭鐘 の 『 繁野 話 』 が 世 に 出 た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The eager and inquisitive students participated actively and asked many questions about how motors are made.
「 亀山 天皇 」 : 後深草 院 の 弟 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Crusades, the Inquisition, the conflicts in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, the slaughter between Iraq and Iran (1980-88), the Hindu-Sikh clashes in India —all these events certainly make thinking people raise questions about religious beliefs and ethics. —See box below.
その 後 、 律令 制 の 進展 に よ っ て 賎民 身分 の 削減 を 目的 と し て 雑戸 から 解放 れ て 公民 に 編入 さ れ る 例 が 増加 し た 。jw2019 jw2019
Lea writes in A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages: “If a just and omnipotent God wreaked divine vengeance on those of his creatures who offended him, it was not for man to question the righteousness of his ways, but humbly to imitate his example and rejoice when the opportunity to do so was vouchsafed to him.”
しかし 、 喜兵衛 が 無体 の 悪口 雑言 に 及 ん だ の で 、 鎌 を 取り上げ た 。jw2019 jw2019
The fact that 80 percent of the companies refused to answer questions from the Climate Inquisition in this survey is a positive signal of sovereignty.
1873 年 より 、 大蔵 省 租税 寮 を 中心 と し て 地租 改正 の 作業 が 本格 的 に 進め られ て い た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Make answering a relationship question a fun experience instead of an inquisition.
時間だ! もう... 一日過ぎているJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
As a young artist from Singapore, Ho demonstrates a heightened awareness of the historical and the global, a sharp, inquisitive mind that ponders difficult questions, and an enviable ability to locate the humour in dark situations.
運命づけらた- 運命づけらたJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Is that interrogation? And one more option: Judge Inquisition [13.1K] Responding to questions without detention, you should always evaluate the situation in which the answer is given and then what position you want to hit the author of the question, if anyone does not like the word "bump" to use the word "put".
いいえ、アンドリア船です- フェーズ砲を準備JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The inquisitive curiosity is a very satisfying tour, as it answers the participants' questions immediately.
あいつは誰だ? なんて奴だ!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Today we will touch on the question that often worries the inquisitive minds (especially for children), but not everyone finds the opportunity to figure out, why still the sky is blue After all, the air is actually transparent.
長保 2 年 ( 1000 年 ) に 中宮 定子 が 出産 時 に 亡くな っ ま も な く 、 清少納言 は 宮仕え を 辞め た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
A question and answer session proceeded after the performance, bringing inquisitive minds to probe at the inspirations and ideas of the mind behind the project, of the choreographer Lin Hwai-min.
これ と よく 似 た 記載 が 『 実隆 公記 』 の 明応 5 年 ( 1496 年 ) 正月 8 日 に あ り 、 『 日本 大 文典 』 より も 110 年 ほど 早 い JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
And the first thing that begins to make an inquisitive person, it is to look for an answer to the question, and what does this expression mean and how this phrase does it sound in general in?
タイトル が 、 「 花 の 色 は うつり に けり な い た づら に わが 身世 に ふる ながめせ し 間 に 」 で あ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The answer to this question will be able to find only the most inquisitive Internet users who will not regret the time and will not limit back to viewing only the first two-three pages of issuing search engines available to him.
戻ってほしい私は監視画像をもう少し調べるJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
How to teach a child alphabet - a question that requires comprehensive consideration If you see that the baby is quite inquisitive and seizes the desire to learn the alphabet, you can begin classes.
実地 調査 の 過程 で 、 所在 不明 の 延喜 式 式内 社 の 比定 が 数 多 く 行 わ れ て い JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
And it seems, I think, everything is simple, but with Windows 7, the inquisition itself arose, I did not even expect that I am accomplished with this question in this operating system for more than an hour in search of a suitable program!
来るなら来い 一歩も退かんJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Probably the most common question is how to connect the amplifier to a computer or to a telephone, but you never know where else an inquisitive mind wants to connect.
天命 開 別 天皇 ( あめ みこと ひらか す わけ の すめらみこと ) 天智 天皇JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
26 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.