militate oor Japannees


To give force or effect toward; to influence.

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Senior journalist Farzana Rupa said that she received a death threat from a person identifying himself as the deputy chief of an Islamic militant organisation minutes after Ekattor TV broadcast her report on 18 April about the assaults.
「 岩波 文庫 」 「 日本 古典 文学 大系 」 「 新編 日本 古典 文学 全集 」 は 、 この 梅沢 本 を 底本 と し て い る 。globalvoices globalvoices
Brazil and Argentina both have taken action against militant clerics.
" 珍 犬 ハックル " よ ? 本当 に 知ら ない の ?jw2019 jw2019
This claim is never made officially, so in police records the victim remains identified as a militant, and avenues for redress remain closed.
官人 が 名簿 を 執 っ て 名 を 喚 、 女王 は 称唯 ( イ ショウ と よ む の が 慣習 ) し て 進 み 禄 を 受け て 退出 し た 。
(Islamabad) - Militant groups in Pakistan's Balochistan province should immediately stop killing, threatening, and harassing teachers and other educators, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
太政 大臣 藤原 頼忠 ( 関白 )
The Rohingya militant group Harakah al-Yaqin, which later changed its name to Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, took responsibility for those attacks.
Lakhani had tried to sell a missile to an FBI agent posing as a Somali militant.
この パークス の 怒り を 伝え 聞 い 西郷 が 大き く 衝撃 を 受け 、 江戸 城 攻撃 中止 へ 外圧 と な っ た と い う もの で あ る 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Militant “horns” threaten Christendom’s claimed “holy place”
金印 は 「 かん ゐ どこ く お う 」 又 「 かんゐ な こく お う 」 と 読 む べ き で あ る 。jw2019 jw2019
This paradoxical position could find no more suitable expression than in the highly ambivalent legend of the militant Messiah who is doomed to fall in battle, and yet remains a genuine redeemer.”
公卿 補任 ( くぎょう ぶにん ) ( 藤原 俊成 定家 筆 )jw2019 jw2019
A person’s own skin color may militate against him in the case of those of another skin color.
少し遅れていると思う。jw2019 jw2019
During the Heian period , in 792 during the reign of Emperor Kanmu , the Kondei-no-sei ( national militant organization ) was established which abolished legions and troops , and the Imperial Court , which placed importance on the quantity rather than the quality of soldiers for national defense , postponed the abolition of sakimori .
フランス で は 、 日本 学 の 権威 ルネ ・ シフェール 翻訳 に 当た っ た ( 1988 年 に 公刊 ) 。KFTT KFTT
She became a zealous militant of the party that she finally chose.
ご承知と思いますが 操縦は習い始めなのでjw2019 jw2019
With such a militant message, it is no surprise that the group idolised many black militants including Malcolm X, making more of a connection with the racist oppression and a marginalised form of expression, hip hop.
メイン反応炉への攻撃を開始しろ了解LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Lorenzana also said they have revised their estimate of the number of militants involved in the Marawi attacks since last week from the initial 100 militants to 500 militants, which he said was composed of 260 Maute militants, 100 Abu Sayyaf militants under Isnilon Hapilon, and the rest from other local militant organizations.
弥生 時代 中期 に は 、 住居 の プラン は 北部 九州 から 西 日本 一帯 で 円形 プラン の もの が 卓越 し た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Grants of money from the WCC to militant political groups in a number of countries have been a source of grave concern to many churchgoers.
その 死 に つ い て 吾妻 鏡 は 「 幕下 ( 源 頼朝 ) 殊 に 溜息 し 給 う 。jw2019 jw2019
We need strong Christians who can make important things happen by their faith and who can defend the truth of Jesus Christ against moral relativism and militant atheism.
大半 の 装丁 に 冊子 と 巻子 が 用い られ て お り 、 ごく 一部 折り本 断簡 で 残 さ れ て い る 。LDS LDS
Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia has agreed to jointly patrol their sea to thwart any threats from the Filipino militants.
あなたには戦う必要がないでしょう?LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The theologian replied with an explanation [pt] of his vision of “militant atheism”:
藤原 道長 が 源氏 の 物語 の 前 で 好色 の 歌 日記 作者 に ん だ こと 。gv2019 gv2019
Citizens of Afghanistan have reacted in fury and disbelief after two airstrikes carried out by US and Afghan forces targeting militants left over two dozen civilians dead at the end of last month.
奴等がお前らに対して使えるようなものは 何もかもすべて廃棄するんだgv2019 gv2019
In 1536 ( the fifth year of the Tenbun era ) , it was once again destroyed by the militant clergy of Mt . Hiei during the Tenbun Hokke War .
現在 で は 国 の 重要 無形 文化 財 と し て 指定 さ れ て 保護 の 対象 な っ て お り 、 それぞれ の 弟子 が 師 の 芸 を 伝承 し て い る 。KFTT KFTT
(New York) – Pakistani armed forces and Taliban militants should take all necessary precautions to avoid civilian casualties in fighting in Pakistan’s volatile Swat valley and adjoining areas of the North West Frontier Province, Human Rights Watch said today.
ポルノ 界 を くつがえす よう な な
For example, on June 20, 2013, a mob of more than 800 Sunni militants pressured local authorities to evict hundreds of displaced Shia villagers from a stadium in Sampang, Madura, where they had been living since August 2012 after more than 1,000 Sunni villagers attacked their homes and killed one resident.
末摘 花 ( 源氏 物語 ) 参照 。
A series of bombings are carried out by religious militants.
それ 、 僅か 7 行 の 断片 で は あ る が 、 天宝 7 年 ( 748 年 ) の 紀年 が 見 られ る 。jw2019 jw2019
Extrajudicial killings often followed a consistent pattern in which the military or police took a person into custody, often in front of eyewitnesses, who was later declared to have been killed in an armed encounter with militants.
あるいは 、 この こども たち も 河内 源氏 の 主導 権 争い に 巻き込 ま れ た もの で あ る か も しれ な い 。
* The Vatican admits that Lefebvre has about a hundred thousand militant traditionalist followers throughout the world, but other church officials concede that the number is closer to half a million.
ただ 偽名使ってるだけじゃないか- 何で 彼女をかばうの?jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, militants —regardless of whether they are a group of insurgents or a civil government— may often use terrorist tactics or methods.
「...マス・プロセッサー・カンパニーから ルート#上で奪った」「これを、巡航ミサイルの制御部に...」jw2019 jw2019
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