militia oor Japannees


/mɪˈlɪʃə/ naamwoord
An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need; the national police force of a country (e.g. Russia, Ukraine, etc.); the entire able-bodied population of a state; or a private force, not under government control.

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army of trained civilians called upon in time of need
They wanted to form the residents into a militia group to combat the subversives.


This militia was feared by many who saw the Latter-day Saints as enemies.



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Armstrong intended him to mount an attack on Kingston, the main British base on Lake Ontario, with a diversion by militia across the Niagara River to distract the British.
アームストロングの意図は、オンタリオ湖のイギリス軍主要基地であるキングストンにブラウンが攻撃をかけ、同時に民兵の陽動部隊にナイアガラ川を渡らせてイギリス軍の気を逸らせることであった。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He spent some time with a right-wing militia in the mid -'80s.
彼 は 80 年代 の 中期 に 右翼 の 民兵 だっ た 時期 が あ りOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pownall was able to move a bill through the General Court implementing reforms of the militia system.
パウナルは民兵体系の改革を行う法案を議会に通させることができた。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When General George Washington asked for support in New Jersey the following year, Pomeroy marched with his militia unit.
しかし、ジョージ・ワシントン将軍が翌々年のニュージャージー方面作戦でポメロイの助けを求めたので、ポメロイは民兵の1隊を連れてニュージャージーに向かった。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Attackers included members of Kenya’s security forces as well as civilians and militia groups.
(Abidjan) - The three-month campaign of organized violence by security forces under the control of Laurent Gbagbo and militias that support him gives every indication of amounting to crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said today.
Captain Patrick's force and the local militia spotted them near the southern edge of the settlement.
パトリック大尉の部隊と地元民兵は、開拓地の南端近くにそれらインディアンを視認した。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
And the kind of thing they're doing is demobilizing militias, rebuilding economies, resettling refugees, even liberating child soldiers.
そこでピースダイレクトは 現地住民の活動を支援しました 例えば 市民軍の解体や 経済の再建 難民の定住化 少年兵の解放などですted2019 ted2019
The city had one of the major training centres of the Indonesian militia PETA (Pembela Tanah Air – "Defenders of the Motherland").
この町は、インドネシアであるPETA(Pembela Tanah Air、祖国の守護者)の主要な訓練センターの一つでもあった。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Between late January and September, the militia group deliberately killed at least 630 civilians, many in the areas of Ziralo, Ufumandu and Waloaluanda, on the border between North and South Kivu provinces.
1月下旬から9月までの間に、FDLRは、民間人少なくとも630名を故意に殺害。 犠牲者の多くは、南キブ州と北キブ州の州境にあるジラロ(Ziralo)、ウフマンドゥ(Ufumandu)、ワロアルワンダ(Waloaluanda)の地域の住民だった。
Control of the means of force, whether in the police or a militia, is power at its most primal.
武力行使を抑制することは 警察であれ 軍隊であれ 最も原始的な力ですted2019 ted2019
The number of British regular troops present in Canada in July 1812 was officially stated to be 6,034, supported by Canadian militia.
1812年6月のカナダ駐在イギリス軍は公式の数字で6,034名となっており、これにカナダ民兵が支援していた。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A minor incident on 30 May 1689 in which Nicholson made an intemperate remark to a militia officer then flared into open rebellion.
1689年5月30日、ニコルソンが民兵隊の士官に乱暴な言葉を吐いたという小さなできごとが、一挙に反乱を引き起こした。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For example, Militia officers Chewitt and Allan, the Reverend Strachan and others wrote to Governor General Prevost on May 8, that Sheaffe "...kept too far from his troops after retreating from the woods, never cheered or animated them, nor showed by his personal conduct that he was hearty in the cause."
例えば、民兵隊士官チューウェットとアレン、ストラチャン牧師などは5月8日にプレボスト長官に手紙を書き、シーフが「森の中から後退した後で兵士達から遠く離れたままであり、彼等を活気づけたり鼓舞したりすることもなく、ましてや心から同類であるという個人的な行動も見せようとしなかった」と記していた。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
“Just Don’t Call It a Militia” is based on over 120 interviews with victims of abuses and family members, village elders, witnesses, nongovernmental organization workers, Afghan security, human rights and government officials, foreign military officials and diplomats, journalists, and Afghanistan analysts.
(Beirut) - Iraqi militias are carrying out a spreading campaign of torture and murder against men suspected of homosexual conduct, or of not being "manly" enough, and Iraq authorities have done nothing to stop the killing, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
(ベイルート)イラク民兵組織は、同性愛者らしい男性、あるいは単に「男性らしくない」者に対し、拷問や殺害を繰り広げている。 しかし、イラク政府は殺害を止めるための措置を何もとっていない。
In turn, the militia chief said he had nothing against them.
国民軍の隊長のほうは,自分は二人になんら反対などしていないと言いました。jw2019 jw2019
In January 1861, shortly after the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, Charles Ridgely (the son of John Carnan and Eliza Ridgely) formed the pro-Confederate Baltimore County Horse Guards at Hampton with himself as captain of the militia unit that he described as "states' rights gentlemen."
1861年1月、エイブラハム・リンカーンがアメリカ合衆国大統領に選出されてから間もなく、チャールズ・リッジリー(ジョン・カーナンとエリザ・リッジリー夫妻の息子)が、ハンプトンで南軍寄りのボルチモア郡騎馬警備隊を結成し、「州権の紳士(states' rights gentlemen)」と表現した民兵隊の自ら大尉になった。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In the aftermath of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, the colonial militia, a force of about 15,000 men, had surrounded the town, and effectively besieged it.
1775年4月19日のレキシントン・コンコードの戦いで始まった武力衝突後は、約15,000名もの植民地の民兵が市を取り囲み、事実上包囲していた。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Over the next two years, the Florida Militia pursued Seminole who were outside the reservation boundaries.
次の2年間、フロリダ民兵は居留地境界の外にいたインディアンを追跡した。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Over the last six years, Hezbollah established a virtual state-within-a-state: its militia became the only military force in southern Lebanon, setting up outposts along the frontier with Israel, sometimes only a few meters away from the border.
この6年間で、ヒズボラは国家の内の国家という虚像を打ち立てた:レバノン南部における唯一の軍力となった民兵が、イスラエルとの第一線に前哨部隊を組み、場合によっては国境から数メートルのところまで近づくこともある。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The Soviet militia that participated in the battle was led by Nikolai Stepulov.
戦いに参加したソビエト民兵は、ニコライ・ステプロフ (Nikolai Stepulov) に率いられていた。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
As captain of the militia, Standish regularly drilled his men in the use of pikes and muskets.
スタンディッシュは民兵隊大尉として、パイクやマスケット銃の使い方を隊員に定期的に訓練した。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Zahra Rahnavard, Mousavi's wife, also sustained injuries as a result of an attack by pro-government militia, and one of Karrubi's sons was arrested and taken to an unknown location.
Reinforcements arriving by June 1776 under Charles Douglas and John Burgoyne raised total troops to 10,000, plus militia and Indians (Smith (1907), vol 2, pp. 430).
1776年6月にチャールズ・ダグラスとジョン・バーゴインの率いる援軍が到着し、総勢は10,000名と民兵さらにインディアンとなった(Smith (1907), vol 2, pp. 430)。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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