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on the same occasion

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Sometimes two or more may come out on the same occasion.
第 十 一 段 、 神 日本 盤 余彦 尊 ( かむ やまとい は れびこ のみこと ) 誕生jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 19:28) On the same occasion, Jesus referred to blessings that every one of his followers could enjoy.
訴人 ( 原告 ) は 論 人 ( 被告 ) に 対 し て 和与 状 を も っ 訴訟 を 止め る こと を 約束 する 。jw2019 jw2019
TT was formally defined in terms of Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG), defined by the IAU on the same occasion.
鉄のカギ十字は彼らの好んだ シンボルだったLASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
We should use good judgment in deciding how many tenants we will contact in this way on the same occasion.
京都 府道 7 号 京都 宇治 線jw2019 jw2019
For example, a Bible study with members of a rock band and some of their friends resulted in five of them accepting the truth and being baptized on the same occasion.
海軍 階級 俸給 制度 を 確立 し 、 服 章 の 規定 を 定め た 。jw2019 jw2019
On the same occasion, Lord Chelmsford, a previous Lord Chancellor, stated that the law was clear that Wagner had no privilege at all to withhold facts which came to his knowledge in confession.
この 彷徨 で 興津 大尉 以下 約 30 名 凍死 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A letter written by the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos in 1196 says that on the same occasion, Béla pledged that he would never support the Serbians if they fought against the Byzantine Empire.
2 万 5000 石 . . . 毛利 元徳 ( 山口 藩 主 )LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
On the same occasion Ken-nyo , Hosshu ( the head of a Buddhist sect ) of Hongan-ji Temple was given the title of Monzeki ( an imperial prince in holy orders ; a priest-prince made ) after they gave an enormous donation , whereby Hongan-ji Temple established more authority .
君はここで待っていてくれKFTT KFTT
After Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, Jehovah pronounced judgment on both of them, and on the same occasion, he addressed Satan, who had misled Eve, saying: “I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed.
股間が鉄のゲートに突き刺さった近年の医療技術に感謝しましょうjw2019 jw2019
12 Second, although an element may on one occasion have a negative connotation in the Scriptures, on another occasion the same element may be used to represent something positive.
伊藤 中尉 、 長谷川 特務 曹長 も 重傷 負 っ た 。jw2019 jw2019
(b) How was the action of the holy spirit the same on three occasions, with three distinct groups?
また 、 度重な戦争 の ため 、 時代 の 変化 と とも に 収入 が 滞 る こと 多 く な っ て い く 。jw2019 jw2019
On another occasion, the same psalmist —King David of ancient Israel— asked: “O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent?
武蔵 国 は 義時 の 弟 時房 が 守護 ・ 国司 と な っ た 。jw2019 jw2019
On other occasions, the same “lady” asked for a chapel to be built on that very spot and appealed to all mankind to repent.
内容 は 、 中国 の 白話 小説 の 翻案 に よ る ところ が 大き jw2019 jw2019
So, according to Peter, the gift of tongues bestowed on that occasion was the same gift received several years previously at Pentecost —a miraculous ability to speak foreign languages.
また 伊勢 神宮 に は 特殊 な 拍手 ( 八開 手 ) が あ る が 、 参列 者 は わ な い 。jw2019 jw2019
In the same month , on the occasion of Munemori 's resignation as Naidaijin ( the Minister of the Interior ) , Tomomori , Shigehira , Yorimori , Tokitada and Chikamune were in attendance at Munemori 's residence ( see the entry for February 27 in " Kikki " ) .
天暦 2 年 ( 948 年 ) 、 叔父 村上 天皇 に 請 わ て 20 歳 で 入内 し 、 同 3 年 ( 949 年 ) 女御 の 宣旨 を 受け る 。KFTT KFTT
It was a neighbor —the same one who had discussed the Bible with me on several occasions.
詳細をいつまで覚えていられるか 分からんjw2019 jw2019
If you respond the same way on each occasion, such as by feeding him or holding him, he can indeed become spoiled.
本稿 で は 、 諸国 牧 と 近 都 牧 に つ い て 記 す 。jw2019 jw2019
It was on this same occasion, the night of his death, that Jesus said to these very disciples: “The Father is greater than I am.” —Joh 14:28.
江戸 幕府 に 仕え る 武士 に 必要 な 知識 で あ る 武家 故実 に つ い て を 編集 し て 懐中 の 小型 折本 と し た もの 。jw2019 jw2019
In his later tightrope acts at the same spot, the acrobat would perform a different stunt on each occasion.
定家 が 治承 4 年 ( 1180 年 ) から 嘉禎 元年 ( 1235 年 ) まで の 56 年間 に わた り 克明 に 記録 し た 日記 で あ る 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
This is evident from the fact that Jesus had, on an earlier occasion, used different wording when presenting the same model prayer.
聴松 院 ( ちょう しょういん )jw2019 jw2019
The speaker showed that our baptism is at one and the same time a most serious and a most joyous occasion.
十 巻 と い う 小柄 な 構成 の 勅撰 集 後 に も 先 に も この 『 金葉 集 』 と 次 の 『 詞花 集 』 しか な い 。jw2019 jw2019
You may do this on the same day that you go from house to house, or, on occasion, you may want to spend the full period of field service to make return visits.
コイルを調整する必要があります #,#時間でできますjw2019 jw2019
Because Jehovah God is the Sustainer as well as the Creator, the same apostle could say on a later occasion to the pagan philosophers of Athens that “by him we have life and move and exist.”
誰か呼んで来ますね いいですか?jw2019 jw2019
On one occasion, 79 couples were married at the same ceremony.
何だこの話? ありえないでしょ どういう脳ミソしてるの あんた?jw2019 jw2019
If you had been present on those occasions, perhaps you would have felt the same way.
治承 4 年 ( 1180 ) - 平 重衡 に よ る 南都 焼討 。jw2019 jw2019
164 sinne gevind in 38 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.