shipping agent oor Japannees

shipping agent

the agent of a shipowner

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There were also Kyuden given to handicraftsmen and Kaisengyosha ( shipping agents ) , which were called Shokyu .
原本 は 非 公開 、 正倉 院 の 曝涼 に あわせ て 、 毎年 秋 正倉 院 展 ( 奈良 国立 博物 館 ) に お い て 数 が 公開 さ れ る 。KFTT KFTT
By the time the sessions had ended, arrangements had been made with the shipping agents.
ショー中尉は アーリアの 言語システムの置換えを開始するjw2019 jw2019
Participants in an uprising included bashaku ( shipping agents who used horses ) , toiya ( warehouse merchants ) and toimaru ( specialized wholesale merchants ) .
やあ 会えて嬉しいよ 私は・・・KFTT KFTT
Thus , many bushidan ( samurai group ) were organized in the Heian period as self-defense groups for farmers and shipping agents .
明治 維新 よ り 新 政府 が 成立 し た が 、 戊辰 戦争 の ため 新 政府 は 軍事 費 の 出費 の 必要 が あ り 大量 の 紙幣 が 発行 さ れ て い た 。KFTT KFTT
She has a beautiful figure , but wants to marry a man who is a shipping agent using horses and carts ( in order to eat delicious food ) .
2 月 15 日 、 東征 大 総督 は 京都 を 進発 し て 東下 を 開始 し 、 3 月 5 日 に は 駿府 に 到着 。KFTT KFTT
He was born in Kyoto as an illegitimate child to a father who was a shipping agent in Kobe , and a mother who was a geisha in Kyoto .
人の目から永遠に 隠すのだ!KFTT KFTT
He was born in Kyoto as an illegitimate child to a father who was a shipping agent in Kobe , and a mother who was a geisha in Kyoto .
水歯 別命 ( みづ は わけ のみこと ) 、 多治比 ( たじひ ) の 柴垣 宮 に 坐 し て ま し て 、 天 の 下治 ら しめ し き ( 大阪 府 南河内 郡 ) 。KFTT KFTT
It is now considered that the state of consciousness caused peasants , jizamurai ( local samurai ) , and bashaku ( shipping agents who used horses ) in a wide area to come together to start Tsuchi-ikki .
鉄のカギ十字は彼らの好んだ シンボルだったKFTT KFTT
Those engaged in this occupation were called a bashaku ( shipping agent using horses ) or mago ( packhorse driver ) , while the horse was called a daba ( packhorse ) , kasegiuma ( horse for earning ) or niuma ( draft horse ) , and the transportation fee was called dachin ( carriage charge ) .
「膨張しきったところで、 それは後ろに剥がれ落ちる」KFTT KFTT
Land-based trade relied on ground transportation traders like bashaku ( who used packhorses ) and shashaku ( who used carriages ) , while sea-based trade was dependent on monmaru ( shipping agents ) , relay traders who utilized light trading vessels to transport goods or items sold via consignment .
逆 に 、 九州 説 の 弱点 と し て 上げ られ る の は 次 の 点 で あ る 。KFTT KFTT
( As she hoped , ) her husband is a shipping agent using horses and carts , and his pseudonym is OCHIKATABE no Tsugoro and his real name is Mochiyuki TSUMORI ; he runs around from Otsu and Sakamoto in the east to Yodo and Yamasaki in the west .
乗々 院 ( じょう じょういん ) の 別当 良 海 を 三山 奉行 に 補任 し た だけ で な く 荘園 の 寄進 に よ り 財政 面 で も 乗々 院 を 支え た 。KFTT KFTT
Like the Akamatsu clan , the Nawa clan called themselves the descendants of Masakane of Murakami-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) , but it is said that Nagatoshi was the largest shipping agent ( adapted from " Zenso Nikki " ( diary of the zen priest ) ) , or that he was samurai called a scoundrel .
交替 勤務 を する 官人 。KFTT KFTT
With growing social unrest , such as poor harvest ( unseasonable weather from the previous year ) , epidemic ( mikka-yami ( three-day disease ) ) , and replacement of the shogun ( from Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA to Yoshinori ASHIKAGA ) , bashaku ( shipping agents who used horses ) in Sakamoto of Omi Province and Otsu demanded debt cancellation .
ヘリが来る意味は 分かるな?KFTT KFTT
Behind this were the strengthening of the rule against the farmers which arose during the turbulence of the South and North Courts , opposition against ruling and intervention by Muromachi bakufu and shugo daimyo , and the expansion of a distribution economy and the local economy due to development of transport businesses such as bashaku ( shipping agents who used horses ) and toimaru ( specialized wholesale merchants .
また 人員 を 配置 でき な 場所 で は 地元 住人 に 秤座 役人 の 資格 を 与え た 。KFTT KFTT
In addition , Toba was a base to transport supplies from provinces to Kyoto through the Yodo-gawa River , where toimaru ( specialized wholesale merchants ) and shashaku ( shipping agent using carts ) were active in the Muromachi period ( described in " Teikin Orai " [ Collection of letters used for family education ] and so on ) , and historical documents of Kyoto daikan ( the regional officer of Kyoto ) of the Edo bakufu also wrote about Toba .
2004 年 秋 に 中華 人民 共和 国 陝西 省 西安 市 の 西北 大学 が 西安 市 内 から 日本 人 遣唐 使 「 井 真 成 」 の 墓誌 を 発見 し た 。KFTT KFTT
Do you believe that there are Cylon agents aboard ship even as we speak?
ダーシーさんの従兄の 大佐をご存知ですかOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the political turmoil after the assassination of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA in the Kakitsu War , the farming population lead by bashaku ( shipping agents who used horses ) in Omi Sakamoto in Kyoto rose up in rebellion to demand ' daihajime-no-tokusei ( acts of virtuous government requested at shogun replacement ) ' ( Tenkaichido no Tokuseirei ( a debt cancellation order for all throughout the country ) ) , which was directed by jizamurai ( local samurai ) and lead to an uprising by tens of thousands of people .
1 月 7 日 、 従五位 下 に 叙位 。KFTT KFTT
In the days before pocket calculators, the numbers that most professionals needed -- bankers, insurance agents, ship captains, engineers — were to be found in lookup books like this, filled with tables of figures.
第二に罪に対する救済とted2019 ted2019
They therefore had to buy suitable merchant ships for conversion, at the very time that Burnside and his agents were also dickering for their ships.
結果 、 小野崎 氏 は 山入 氏 と 完全 に 袂 を 分か ち 、 永正 元年 ( 1504 年 ) の 山入 氏 の 滅亡 に 貢献 、 100 年 の 内乱 は 終熄 し た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Do you personally believe that... a Cylon agent planted explosives in the ship's water tank?
お前が誰だか分からないOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My best agent, Asajj Ventress, will infiltrate the Jedi ship and either free Gunray or silence him
歩かせられるるもんかOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But if you have own shipping agent, you also can use your own shipping agent to shipment it.
どのくらいビール 飲んだの?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Background Vietnam's current foreign investment law limits foreign investment in ocean shipping agent companies to 49%.
910 年 ( 延喜 10 ) 1 月 13 日 、 従 三 位 に 昇叙 し 、 権 中 納言 に 転任 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
We have cooperate shipping agent, if you need help, we can help you to ship it.
そうです、それは儀礼です、はい!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
We have cooperate shipping agent, if you need help, we can help you to ship it.
ここ に 八尋 白 智 鳥 ( や ひろしろ ちどり ) に 化 り て 、 天 に 翔 り て 濱 に 向き て 飛び 行 で ま し き 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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