social welfare facility oor Japannees

social welfare facility

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They are also dedicated to visiting medical , social welfare or juvenile facilities as well as war memorials .
博物館 まで コレ は 持つKFTT KFTT
The Seyaku-in has occasionally been described as the beginning of social welfare and actually marked the establishment of housing facilities .
蜻蛉 日記 は 没年 より 約 二十 年 前 、 三十 九 歳 の 大晦日 を 最後 に 筆 が 途絶え い る 。KFTT KFTT
On August 13, 2013, the Thai cabinet considered a plan to transfer 1,839 Rohingya who have been held in immigration detention facilities and social welfare shelters across Thailand to refugee camps on the Thai-Burmese border.
In total, 69 social welfare facilities for elderly people were established.
よし しっかり楽しむんだJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Clusters of infections have been observed in places such as medical institutions, social welfare facilities, and universities.
だ が 、 承久 の 変 から は 既に 100 以上 が 経過 し て お り 、 地域 に よ て は 混乱 も 生 じ た こと が 知 ら れ て い る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The cafe is a part of the social welfare facilities beneath the Tenjin City Hall.
その メンバー が 幕府 の 主要 ポスト に 顔 を 揃え る の は 1302 年 で あ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The school plans to give the newborn goats to social welfare facilities.
伯 女 、 伯卿 女 と 伴称 さ れ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
(9) Visiting elderly care facilities and other social welfare facilities is prohibited.
親子 は 涙 ながら に わか れ 、 義朝 は 喜 で 父 を 引き取 る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
2. permitted insurance enterprises to invest in social welfare facilities, including developing and building software and hardware infrastructure.
千住 で 船 を 下り て 詠 む 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Specifically, we will hold TURN Fes, which will feature programs that facilitate interaction between artists and social welfare facilities.
そして 当日 、 子 の 刻 頃 、 空 から 人 が 降り て き た が 、 軍勢 も 翁 も 嫗 も 抵抗 でき な い まま 、 かぐや姫 は 月 へ 帰 っ て い く 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Before joining with something,” and happened to find an automobile part to donate them to medical and social welfare facilities.
三十 六 歌仙 の 一人 に 数え られ る JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
However, we have observed clusters of infections formed at social welfare facilities and eating and drinking establishments that serve alcohol.
5 月 27 日 立石寺 ( 山形 市 山寺 ) にて 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In China , similar facilities built in the Tang period are often referred to as being at the root of social welfare just like in Japan ( they were no doubt the earliest facilities for the needy ) .
こいつを生かしておきたいか?KFTT KFTT
Do not bring the virus to medical institutions and social welfare facilities - Many clusters of infections have been observed at these facilities.
その ため 開業 し た 郵便 事業 は 短 期間 で 閉鎖 に 追い込 ま た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Three years after its foundation, a revision of the Fire Service Act required social welfare facilities to be equipped with fire fighting equipment*.
その ころ 、 世の中 から 忘れ られ た 宮 が い た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Twenty social welfare facilities for elderly people have been established. In total, 200 people are accommodated in those facilities (as of September, 2003).
ほか に 家集 『 和泉 式部 正 集 』 『 和泉 式部 続 集 』 や 、 秀歌 を 選りすぐ っ た 『 宸翰 本 和泉 式部 集 が 伝存 する 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Environmental Advertising festival in fiscal 2004 attracted 13,000 visitors. Al profits from the festival are donated to social welfare facilities in Maizuru City.
自分のしてきたことが正しいとJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The funds generated by selling the collected caps are used for administration expenses at social welfare facilities and for vaccines for children in developing countries.
地頭 ・ 御 家人 、 寺社 など から 多く は 訴訟 の 証拠 、 由緒 と し て 提出 さ れ 文章 や 、 求め に 応 じ て 提供 さ れ た 文章JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The children stayed at the homes of Lithuanian families and also performed locally, singing at schools, social welfare facilities, senior citizens residences and the like.
袷 ( あわせ ) : 裏地 の あ る 衣服 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This year, the collective sum was used to purchase shape-memory eating utensils donated to 59 social welfare facilities in the Kanto, Kansai and Tohoku regions.
鎌倉 幕府 は 初代 将軍 源 頼朝 の 死後 に 内紛 が 続 い た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This year, the collective sum was used to purchase shape-memory eating utensils donated to 52 social welfare facilities in the Kanto, Kansai and Tohoku regions.
私達は絶対に助かる その時の為準備だけはしてJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This has motivated me to collect and accumulate financial data from about 16,300 social welfare corporations - all of which are operating social welfare facilities in Japan.
貞顕 の 祖 は 顕彰 記事 の 多 い 北条 実時 で あ り 、 実時 は 北条 時頼 を 支え た と さ れ 金沢 家 の 事実 上 の 初代 で あ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
They are social welfare facilities providing comprehensive welfare services for nurturing healthy children through protection, education, sound play, enjoyable entertainment, connecting with parents and the community.
何が? こんな格好だから 守れないと思うのか?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Many cases have been confirmed in places such as households, workplaces, medical institutions, and social welfare facilities, and the infections are now spreading rapidly across Japan.
3 月 13 日 ・ 14 日 の 2 回 行 わ れ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Visiting sales by welfare facility We provide a venue for the sale of sweets and foods produced at a social welfare facility located near the Head Office.
よ っ て 三 系統 の 本文 が あ る が 、 現存 する 諸 伝 本 の ほとんど が 二 度 本 あ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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