t to kill oor Japannees

t to kill

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You don' t have to thank me.You know I' d kill for Mr. Jennings if I had to. Don' t cry, Jane
こんな感じでよろしいですか?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Not only do T. aripo kill up to 90 percent of the green spider mites, says the magazine, but they also help farmers avoid the use of pesticides, which many cannot afford.
第 2 巻 : 粥杖 騒動 と 贖 い 。jw2019 jw2019
Akesato tried to kill him to avenge him for YAMANAMI 's death , but she couldn 't .
エリーズ僕にやらせてくれKFTT KFTT
In fact , the Heike side didn 't intend to hunt down and kill Yoshinaka at this stage , and it was the Kai-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) who tried to do so .
これ ら の 内容 を 整理 し て 、 逐一 違い を 述べ て い く の は きわめて 煩雑 と な る 。KFTT KFTT
In addition , according to another legend in Ishito-juku , Adachi-gun , the Province of Musashi ( present-day Ishito-juku Kitamoto City , Saitama Prefecture ) , Noriyori wasn 't killed and ran away to Ishito .
しかし、この事は私たちにとって どんな意味があるのでしょう?KFTT KFTT
If Dad has done wrong, Dad has paid, and whoever killed him, I don' t need to know all that
この とき 炊飯 用 の 銅 釜 を 持た さ れ た 兵士 が 一番 悲惨 だっ た と い う 。opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Nobunaga didn 't want to be stigmatized as ' the Shogun-killer ' by killing Yoshiaki .
はいリラックスしてーKFTT KFTT
Although Norizane pleaded with Bakufu for Mochiie 's life and Yoshihisa 's assumption of Kanto-kubo , Yoshinori didn 't accept this and ordered Norizane to kill Mochiuji .
悪かった- 言いたいことがあってKFTT KFTT
I' m going to kill my own brother.If you don' t sell as a slave.... I will sell you as food
さらに 、 大勢 変化 と い っ て も 少数 の 支配 層 や 個人 の 動向 に 視点 が 集中 し て い る ( 福沢 諭吉 の 批判 ) 。opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Needless to say , the police didn 't condone the killing , and arrested all the villagers who took part in it on charges of murder .
1年後 フィラデルフィアKFTT KFTT
When Takemikazuchi no kami tried to kill Takeminakata no kami , Takeminakata no kami begged ' Please don 't kill me , as I will never leave this place , ' and then surrendered to Takemikazuchi no kami .
ありがとうございますKFTT KFTT
But a voice saying , don 't kill , was raised , and Teizo MINAMI was sent to the Mine Hospital directly , and he returned to his work two weeks later .
この中に入るのは無理よKFTT KFTT
Moreover , Tametomo could have shot his older brother but didn 't ; instead , he was merciful to him and hesitated about killing his brother because he thought it would be disrespectful toward him .
その ため 、 病気 や お 産 など の 際 に 身体 から 遊離 し た 魂 屋根 の 上 で 衣 を 振 る など し て 招 き 戻 す 祭祀 を 行 っ た 。KFTT KFTT
Masamoto didn 't like the stigma of killing a shogun , so he was thinking about expelling Yoshiki to Shodo-shima Island or somewhere else .
ジュマが誰かと話すのを 死亡したビルが目撃してますKFTT KFTT
They explained ' we broke the hanging scroll and pot by mistake , so we were going to express our apology by killing ourselves by taking the poison , but unfortunately we couldn 't die ' and the master was at a loss what to do .
クレオ ピノキオだよ挨拶してKFTT KFTT
Some scholars argue that Tsukuyomi is female because the myths of many other countries depict the god of the moon as female ( and even militant ) and that the story of killing Ukemochi no kami isn 't decisive enough to conclude that Tsukuyomi is male .
しかし 政治 史 の 材料 と し て は 信憑 す べ き 直接 史料 と は みな し 難 い と する KFTT KFTT
Studies in cell culture showed that high levels of leptin enhance the ability of T cells to kill tumor cells.
この アイコ ン は ダイアログ 名前 を 付け て 保存 を 開き ますJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Furthermore , the custom in which , if the head of a samurai family was killed , his legitimate child had to get his revenge or wouldn 't be allowed to succeed the family name , was widespread .
これ を 『 保元 』 『 平治 』 物語 と み る 理解 あ る が 、 反対 意見 も 多 KFTT KFTT
The Nakamaro family moved toward Echizen Province , where his 8th son , FUJIWARA no Sakachi served as Kokushi , but the Imperial army rushed to Echizen Kokuga and killed Sakachi , who still hadn 't known about the incident , and deployed forces on the barrier of the border .
それ が その 後 右田 弘詮 が 仕え た 大内 氏 の 滅亡 と とも に 、 毛利 元就 の 子 、 吉川 元春 の 手 に 移 り 、 以降 吉川 家 に 伝え られ た 。KFTT KFTT
Tametomo could kill Yoshitomo and Ietada if he wants to do so , but he doesn 't on purpose because of consideration for his older brother and sympathy toward the brave warriors .
後世 の 注釈 に よ れ ば 、 捨子 を 拾 っ て 育て 場合 や 譜第 の 下人 の 逃亡 など を 念頭 に 置 い た もの と さ る 。KFTT KFTT
Yoichibei resists , but Sadakuro slashes and kills him saying , " You are being unreasonable . I didn 't want to be cruel , but you are taking advantage of my mercy and you leave me no choice . Hand over your money . Hurry up or I will slash you . "
レネ・ウォーカーが情報を掴んだKFTT KFTT
On May 28 , 1193 , the Soga brothers plotted revenge and Noriyori received a report that Yoritomo was killed , then Noriyori said to Masako Hojo who mourned the death " Don 't worry , I ' ll take over leading position after Yoritomo " .
イカレちまったか?- 正気よKFTT KFTT
After the Battle of Sekigahara , when Nagamasa came home and proudly said , ' Esquire Ieyasu took my right hand and praised my work , ' Josui said to his son , ' What was your left hand doing then ( Why didn 't you kill Ieyasu with the other hand ) ? '
4 月 11 日 に 慶喜 が 上野 を 退去 し た 後 も 、 彰義 隊 は 寛永 寺 に 住 する 輪 王寺 宮 公現法 親王 擁 し て 上野 に 居座 り 続け た 。KFTT KFTT
On May 5, 1942, Waco Army Air Field opened as a basic pilot training school, and on June 10, 1949, the name was changed to Connally Air Force Base in memory of Col. James T. Connally, a local pilot killed in Japan in 1945.
セル に は 、 入力 内容 に 制限 を 付ける こと が でき ます 。 この 機能 に より 、 表 に エラー 値 が 入力 さ れる こと を 防ぐ こと が でき ます 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
" Taiheiki " ( The Record of the Great Peace , a Japanese military epic written in the late 14th century ) shows as follows : When Sadanori OTOMO , who attended to Chikamitsu , asked why Chikamitsu , who gave up , didn 't undress his armor , Chikamitsu thought Sadanori noticed his plot to assassinate Takauji then he killed Sadanori and some Ashikaga soldiers swarming on him at random , intending to kill as many of his enemies as possible , but was defeated by a Ashikaga soldier .
これ を 戦艦 と 間違え た イル ティッシュ 号 は 、 今来 た ところ を 後戻り し た 。KFTT KFTT
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