to be bruised oor Japannees

to be bruised

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As the principal one of the “seed” of God’s “woman,” his “heel” had to bebruised.’
我々に任せなさい 逆探知できて良かったjw2019 jw2019
2 Who would be designated by God to be the “seed,” to be bruised in the heel?
その ため に この 名 が あ る jw2019 jw2019
(Ga 3:16; Mt 1:1) The “seed” was to be bruised in the heel by the serpent.
サイードはどこにいるかわからんしjw2019 jw2019
An accompanying photo of Abdallah holding a Bible shows visible signs of fatigue and what appear to be bruises on her face.
女 三 の 宮 も 罪 の 意識 深 く 、 また 産後 の 肥立ち の 悪 さ から 出家 し て しま う 。
So she had to provide one of her spirit sons for this earthly assignment, for the “seed” to be bruised in the heel by the Serpent.
この 断簡 は 後 に 木食 応其 ( もくじき お うご ) に 下賜 さ れ 、 高野 山 に 伝来 し た ため 、 「 高野 切 」 の 名 が 生 じ た 。jw2019 jw2019
It was not revealed to him how that would be worked out, but God’s promise made Abel aware that someone would have to be bruised in the heel.
16 世紀 の 室町 時代 に 作 ら れ た 絵巻 。jw2019 jw2019
Standing before John the Baptizer was the one whose heel was to be bruised by Satan and who was to bruise the head of that archenemy of Jehovah and His sovereignty.
男達は狩りをしている間 湿地帯で眠らねばならないjw2019 jw2019
Finally, in the spring of 33 C.E., the time had come for the Son of man to be delivered into the hands of the Adversary to be bruised in the heel by him.
中世 ヨーロッパ で は 、 自国 安定 し た 金貨 もしくは 銀貨 の 供給 が 不 可能 で あ っ た 。jw2019 jw2019
2 For our safe guidance today, let us remember that the true Messiah was to be the Principal One of the foretold “seed” of God’s “woman,” and was to bebruised in the heel’ by the Great Serpent, Satan the Devil.
ドクターが心配ないとjw2019 jw2019
Abel must have had faith in God’s promise of liberation through the promised Seed and likely realized that blood would have to be shed, someone would have to bebruised in the heel,’ so that mankind might be uplifted to the perfection that Adam and Eve had lost.
六条 御息所 桐壺 帝 の 前 東宮 ( 桐壺 帝 の 兄 ) の 御息所 。jw2019 jw2019
But in all the Hebrew Scriptures, from Genesis to Malachi, there are hundreds of prophecies that were fulfilled upon Jesus from his birth to his death and resurrection, to prove that he was indeed the Messiah, the “seed” that was to be bruised “in the heel” by the Great Serpent, Satan the Devil.
1 月 28 日 ( 旧暦 ) : 備前 国 権守 を 兼職jw2019 jw2019
His being bruised was to be rewarded with the honor and glory of carrying out Jehovah’s will and bruising the great Serpent’s head, destroying this chief opposer of God.
徳川 慶喜 の 身柄 を 備前 藩 に 預け る こと 。jw2019 jw2019
While it cannot be said that Abel had any foreknowledge of the eventual outworking of the divine promise at Genesis 3:15 concerning the promised “seed,” he likely had given much thought to that promise and believed that blood would have to be shed, someone would have to bebruised in the heel,’ so that mankind might be uplifted again to the state of perfection that Adam and Eve had enjoyed before their rebellion.
いいえ、アンドリア船です- フェーズ砲を準備jw2019 jw2019
At harvest a plastic slip is pulled over the bunch to prevent bruising while it is being conveyed to the packinghouse on a wagon.
は この 時期 北条 庶流 の 長老 ナンバー 1 で あ り 、 大仏 宣時 の あと に 連署 と な っ て い た 。jw2019 jw2019
He would take steps tobruise Satan in the head,’ though Jesus himself would bebruised in the heel.’
再 計算 を 行う と 、 ドキュメント の 表示 が 更新 さ れ ます 。 表 内 の グラフ も 同様 に 更新 さ ます 。jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah foretold that a “seed” to be produced by a “woman” would bruise Satan in the head.
次 に 挙げ る の は 『 襲国 偽 僣 考 』 の 考証 を 修正 し た もの で あ る 。jw2019 jw2019
But it also includes those faithful disciples who are to be associated with Christ in the bruising of the Serpent’s head.
わけ を たずね られ る と 、 自分 が 幽霊 で あ る 、 と 告白 する の だっ た 。jw2019 jw2019
What can we do to help those who may be like a bruised reed or a smoldering wick?
ここ で は ダイエット は 禁句脂肪 が 付い ちゃう は 自己 責任 よjw2019 jw2019
3:15) No doubt, Abel analyzed those words and fully believed that someone would have to shed his blood, or bebruised in the heel,’ so that mankind might be uplifted again to the state of perfection that Adam and Eve enjoyed before their rebellion.
松平 東 鳩派 は 、 風水理 気学 を 基本 と し て 家相 を 鑑 る 。jw2019 jw2019
By our getting a knowledge of this Bible history we will be able to identify who this Serpent-bruising “seed” is, and we will not leave ourselves open to being deceived and misled by a pretender, a false seed.
止めるんだ トーマス! 目的は果たしたjw2019 jw2019
Grinnell walked away with only bruises and did not have to be absent from congress at all.
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Inevitably there’s going to be a surplus, whether it’s cases of bruised fruit and vegetables, or leftover palettes of potatoes and rice.
彼はどう?- いいえ 向こうの彼だ!gv2019 gv2019
AFTER the rebellion of Adam and Eve, Jehovah stated his purpose to raise up a Seed who would be bruised in the heel.
−いや何か手が... −おい 頼むよjw2019 jw2019
At the packing plant, the bananas are washed, and any bruised fruit is removed, to be eaten by the workers and their families.
向こうに無事着陸させたさjw2019 jw2019
24 The getting bruised in the heel was not to be for nothing.
度と君に会いたくない、-こっちも同じだjw2019 jw2019
170 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.