to have a beard oor Japannees

to have a beard

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Is it proper for a brother today to have a beard?
チップ取り出しに応じなさいjw2019 jw2019
It was a new experience to dress in clothes like those used in Bible times and for the brothers to have a beard glued on their faces.
建久 2 年 ( 1191 年 ) 6 月 20 日 、 病 の ため 官 を 辞 し て 出家 、 法名 は 如 円 。jw2019 jw2019
Again no law specifically bans beards but religious clerics, who set the tone for facial hair in the country, have been instructed to keep beards to a maximum length of three centimetres.
良岑 氏 は 桓武 天皇 の 子 で 臣籍 降下 し た 良岑 安世 に はじま り 、 素性 は 桓武 天皇 の 曾孫 に あた る 。gv2019 gv2019
Mr. Bannon wants me to have a beard.
女性 研究 者 支援 センターJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Shuten-Doji is supposed to have red hair and horns , with his beard , hair and eyebrows all connected , and to have hands and feet like the paws of a bear .
旧 雄勝 町 で は 、 町おこし の 一環 と し て 、 毎年 6 月 の 第 2 日曜 日 に 「 小町 まつり 」 を 開催 し て い る 。KFTT KFTT
In fact, he advised him to have a beard on his beard. 11 I was a girl of an elementary school age.
鈴虫 ( すずむし ) は 、 『 源氏 物語 』 五十 四 帖 の 巻名 の ひと つ 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In the Ras Shamra texts El is referred to as “father bull” and is represented as having gray hair and a gray beard.
両替 商 ・ その 他 商人 は 贋金 に よ 取引 を 一切 禁じ る ( 贋金 が 鋳造 ・ 流通 し て い る 事実 を 内外 に 正式 に 公表 する ) 。jw2019 jw2019
I am sure that if someone with a long beard had walked to the platform there would have been no containing the crowd.” —L.
蟷蜋 舞 の 頸筋 ( いもじり まい の くびすじ ) : 蟷蜋 は かまきり の こと jw2019 jw2019
The restorers' decision to have the figure look over her back greatly affected subsequent interpretations, to the point that the classicists Mary Beard and J. G. W. Henderson describe it as having "created a 'masterpiece' in place of a fragment".
神奈川 奉行 所 から は 、 窪田 鎮章 や 古屋 佐久 左衛門 の よう に 後 幕府 陸軍 の 歩兵 隊 士 官 と な っ た 者 も 多 かっ LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The men will have long, pious beards, with which they demonstrate both their commitment and masculinity; they have permanently bruised foreheads, to provide evidence of a lifetime spent prostrating on a prayer mat.
何も知らないじゃないのglobalvoices globalvoices
The modern-day jolly, white-bearded, rosy-cheeked, red-suited Santa is known to have been a successful Christmas advertisement created for a North American beverage company in 1931.
戦争が間もなく終わるってことかもねjw2019 jw2019
Takasaki Daruma dolls have a red body in the shape close to a globe with a white sunken face , on which broad beards and eyebrows are painted .
十字軍の時代に組織されたその残虐さは伝説となっているKFTT KFTT
In the end, the judge who listened to the case declared: “Although I curse the beard [a figure of speech referring to the bishop] that has made charges against you, I have to thank it for having given me this opportunity to meet you and learn about your teachings.”
宝永 通宝 ( ほうえ いつ う ほう ) は 、 江戸 時代 に 鋳造 さ れ た 銭貨 の 一種 で 宝永 5 年 ( 1708 年 ) 発行 さ れ た 文銭 で あ る 。jw2019 jw2019
It has long been unperformed , so the detailed storyline is unknown , but it was said to have been a peculiar aragoto which shows the actors riding on horses , being full beard , and in Tang dynasty Chinese costume , with using " Seiryuto " ( machete ) .
監視されてるように感じるんだよKFTT KFTT
But this does not mean that everyone who wants to have a long and beautiful beard can begin to swallow hormonal pills to raise testosterone.
源氏 物語 が まだ 断片 的 な 短編 恋愛 小説 だっ た 頃 から 登場 し て い た ヒロイン の 一人 だ ろ う と 言 わ れ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
We have left to make a beard, nose and gnome ready.
また 長 茂 与党 と し て 藤原 秀衡 の 子 藤原 高 衡 が 討 た れ て い る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
To have a luxurious and thick beard, you should free yourself from bad emotions and stress.
日本 に 外国 の 影響 が 入 っ て き た 場合 、 まず は それ に 習 っ た 異国 風 の 文化 が 花開 く 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Using a shaving trimmer is not a razor! If you have acquired a beard, you will have to think about special means and tools for shaving beard.
最初から明らかだったろう?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
If you have a model beard, then you will have to change the nozzles during the shave process.
清家 は 、 建築 学 の 観点 から あ る 一定 の 科学 性 認め られ る と 論 じ た と れ て い る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Unusually around here, this man didn't seem to have any intention of keeping a beard or mustache.
クランクとスピッターは 私と先に行くJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
But in the case when the costume events in the family are held regularly, it is worthwhile to have a good and high-quality beard.
鳥辺野 - 定子 ・ 詮子 が 相 次 い で 崩御 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
For Ainu men, it was traditional to grow a beard, to grow long hair and to have ear piercings, but these customs were also banned.
- 名臣 伝 、 文学 伝 、 武術JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Such options often turn out better than purchased ones, but you will also have to spend money on a woolen beard.
隣の警備員は、いつもジュースを飲む。でも、はっきり分からない。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
How to use Trimmer, Operating Tips If you already know how and accustomed to cut the beard with a machine, you will have to forget about your skills.
しかし、この事は私たちにとって どんな意味があるのでしょう?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Many models have a trimmer, which allows you to handle the beard and mustache.
しかし 、 数百 の 流通 に よ り 銭 の 中 に は 割れ 、 欠け 、 磨耗 など の 著し い もの が 生 じ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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