to have the drop oor Japannees

to have the drop

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HESA statistics show the GSA to have one of the lowest student drop-out rates in the UK.
お前はジャンパーだ! おねーちゃん救助隊じゃない!わかってんのか!LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The number of observed targets have dropped to half after the loss of Data Processing Unit No. 1.
『 源氏 物語 』 に つ い て は 平安 末期 以降 数 多く の 注釈 書 が 作 ら れ LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Today I have to drop by the supermarket.
1 度 だけ だ よ ほとんど どう でも いい 話 だ よTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Important, too, always wear proper protective gear, for concrete or tar seal can take an awful lot of skin off if you have to drop the bike.
次はどうなるか分からないjw2019 jw2019
To view a list of the trials that have already been added to an experiment, click the Trials drop-down menu.
苦しみと死のこの世に生命を もた らすより良い道は何か?
Lead levels within the blood of Americans are reported to have dropped by up to 80% by the late 1990s.
枕詞 の 起源 は 明らか で は な が 、 古く は 序詞 と 一 組 の もの と 考え られ て い た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The first barrel bombs to have been dropped by the regime over Aleppo were in December 2013 and since then, many forms of weapons have been used, from chemical weapons to cluster bombs, leaving the eastern part of the city in complete ruins.
少し前までこの国では・・gv2019 gv2019
In those plans that offered nearly 60 funds, participation rates have now dropped to about the 60th percentile.
陸奥 国 および 甲斐 国 は 金鉱山 が 多 く 位置 し た 。ted2019 ted2019
The hydrocarbons in exhaust gases have dropped to 12 percent of the 1970 levels, with similar reductions of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.
車は午前5時に 発見されたjw2019 jw2019
Add to that the cost of food, electricity, transportation, communication have dropped 10 to 1,000-fold.
夜 に 入 っ て 源氏 が 寝間忍びこ む と 、 空蝉 は それ と 察 し て 衣 だけ を 脱 捨て て 逃げ て しま う 。ted2019 ted2019
As the sun drops toward the horizon, its rays have to pass through much more atmosphere.
あれは口腔手術しかないなjw2019 jw2019
It was said that when the other currencies have been revalued upward to America’s satisfaction, the surcharge would be dropped.
その 後 明治 30 年 ( 1897 年 ) の 貨幣 法 に よ っ て 金本位 制 へ の 復帰 を 果た す こと に な っ た 。jw2019 jw2019
To view topics that have been assigned to you, select Assigned to me from the Filters drop-down menu.
安全に保管できる 貯蔵庫に
Up to 80 percent of the livestock —thousands of head of cattle, goats, sheep and camels— have given out and dropped to die on the parched, cracked earth.
時 に 作者 個人 の 創作 た る 発句 完全 に 独立 さ せ た 近代 文芸 の 俳句 と 同一 視 さ れ る 。jw2019 jw2019
The decision to drop atom bombs does not have to be made by the deliberate and determinate council of well-meaning men.
上戸 ( 酒飲み の 珍談 ・ 奇談 ・ 失敗 談 )jw2019 jw2019
[But in less than a year,] the numbers of elephants at Fosse aux Lions have dropped to 25.” —Reported in the journal African Wildlife, March/ April 1992.
宝永 通宝 ( ほうえ いつ う ほう ) と は 、 江戸 時代 に 鋳造 さ れ た 銭貨 の 一種 で 宝永 5 年 ( 1708 年 ) に 発行 さ れ た 十 文銭 で る 。jw2019 jw2019
Another problem is that thousands of artesian wells have caused the water table to drop.
灰を集めてバンに保管しておけ こっちから誰か送るjw2019 jw2019
Oil exporters have lost significant revenues due to the sharp drop in prices.
アイス ピック 目玉 に 突き刺し て やり たい
He said he had the record of the whole Burdick family down to Gideon, but nothing of his family, for the latter seemed literally to have dropped out of sight when he moved westward.
"屋上は許可なく" "立ち入り禁止"LDS LDS
With the engines powered down, the autopilot would have attempted to maintain altitude, causing the plane's airspeed to drop until it approached stall speed, at which point the stick shaker would have automatically engaged to warn the pilot and the autopilot would have switched itself off.
なお 、 「 満 佐須 計 」 の 表記 は 「 まさす け 」 と い う 仮名 の 字母 を 万葉 仮名 で 表記 し た に 過ぎ な い 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For example, if you noticed a drop in revenue on a certain date, you can search for changes made to your account around that date to see what may have caused the drop.
Oyabiko no kami , the child of Izanagi and Izanami , and whose ' oya ' is believed to have come from ' oaya , ' but with the ' a ' dropped , is considered to be of similar divinity as Oayatsuhi no kami ( Omagatsuhi no kami ) .
%PRODUCTNAME のヘルプのフルテキスト検索機能により、ヘルプ ドキュメント類から検索用語 の あらゆる組み合わせを見つけることができます。 用語の検索 入力 あらゆる組み合わせを見つけることができます。 用語の検索 フィールド はKFTT KFTT
Also , since the decision to conduct yugisho could put psychological pressure on the litigants , indirectly it helped to achieve an early solution to a problem by having litigants with weak evidence drop the suit voluntarily .
幼 い とき 美濃 国 浄音 寺 で 出家 し 、 策 堂 文叔 に 師事 し た 。KFTT KFTT
The report indicates that within a relatively short time, the risk drops nearly to the level of those who have not smoked in 10 to 15 years.
サラ・コナーに会うわjw2019 jw2019
Suggested solutions to disable the tanks have included detonating explosives placed within them, dropping them from a height to disable them, and dumping them —minus their oil, paint, and hydraulic fluid— in the ocean.
また 、 醍醐 天皇 の 頃 、 相工 ( 人相 占い師 ) が 宮中 に 召 さ れ た 。jw2019 jw2019
1745 sinne gevind in 52 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.