to pull teeth out oor Japannees

to pull teeth out

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Jenny realizes that the only solution is to pull out the bad teeth.
太夫 自身 の 墓 も ここ に あ る 。ted2019 ted2019
When sold as a pet it often will have its teeth pulled out to prevent injury to the owner.
そして 貨幣 取引 に 制限 を 加え る べ き で る と し た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
According to legend, her torture included having all of her teeth violently pulled out or shattered.
また 彼女 は 絶世 の 美女 と し て 七 小町 など 数々 の 逸話 が あ り 、 能 や 浄瑠璃 など の 題材 と し て も 使 LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Some days later, Hitler was reported to have told Benito Mussolini, "I would rather have four of my own teeth pulled out than go through another meeting with that man again!"
東大 寺 の 歴史 を 読み解 く 上 で 大いに 関 っ て くる 史料 に は 、 以下 の もの が あ る 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Therefore, temporary fangs are much greater popularity that can be attached to the teeth and pull out back without any harm to health.
また 紙幣 の 洋紙 が 日本 の 高温 多湿 の 気候 に 合 わ な かっ ため か 損傷 し やす く 変色 し やす い と い 欠陥 が あ っ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Brush dirty teeth to kill those germs, pull out the painful teeth, fight bacteria to prevent tooth decay, apply colorful braces and apply dental surgery braces to straighten the misaligned teeth.
*二度と人形さんは 逃げたりなんかしないのさJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Brush dirty teeth to kill those germs, pull out the painful teeth (tooth extraction), fight bacteria to prevent tooth decay, apply colorful braces and apply dental braces to straighten the misaligned teeth.
口笛 吹いて口笛 吹いてJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
If you miss the right timing for treatment, you may end up having to pull out your natural teeth.
3 月 3 日 、 保良 宮 の 西南 に 新し く 池亭 を 造 り 、 曲水 の 宴 設け る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
And the victory, believe me, will not come easily to you, you literally have to pull it out with your teeth.
その 代わり と し て 戸 内 の 課役 の 一部 もしくは 全て が 免除 さ れ 、 兵役 から も 除外 さ れ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Never Have I Ever pulled out my loose teeth and shown them to others.
そして二人の逃亡の 手助けをしているJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Often, in order to avoid lesion growing with a trail of indigenous teeth, dairy are pulling out.
テーブル データ 表示 と は 異なり 、 フォーム で は 常に レコード が 1 件 のみ 画面 上 に 表示 さ れ しかも フォーム で 必要 と なる フィールド のみ に 限定 さ れ ます 。 % PRODUCTNAME で データベース に 使用 さ れる フォーム は 全て 、 データベース の フォーム 項目 の リスト に 掲載 さ れ て い ます 。 これ は データベース の フォーム の 代替 と なる ため 、 「 フォーム コンテナ 」 と 呼ば て い ます 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Moving later, conditions are good, changed the toilet is called the an awkward, even if the grit one's teeth, clutching a fist, not easy to pull out. . .
あなたの事をいろいろ聞きましたJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
"Chews the air," trying to pull out the hair from the mouth, the fingers pull themselves behind the tongue, touches the teeth, does not carry out natural movements.
タケ 2 本 を 中央 で 折 り たわめ 、 地 に 差し込 み 、 その 上 に 渋紙 を 天幕 の よう に 張 っ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
I have a grit one's teeth, took out 500 yuan, pulling his wife to the first floor of the South Korean hot pot city walk.
自身 番 は 町内 を 見回 り 、 不審 者 が い れ ば 捕らえ て 奉行 所 に 訴え た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Teeth treatment is not accepted in Morocco. Local doctors prefer to pull them out right away. And sometimes in unsanitary conditions, right at the patient's workplace.
ミセス・ウィルソンには夫が?JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
In this case, you just need to help the baby to distract and pull out two or three painful days, after which the first teeth will appear.
里村 家 は 後 に 徳川 家 に 仕え 、 征夷 大 将軍 の 指南 役 て 連歌 界 を 指導 し た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
As is known, only the metal is not a sharp teeth of the pike, and the thick monofilament allows you to pull out the fish "Nakhpom", reducing the chances of the cut.
諸氏 に 伝え られ た 先祖 の 記録 ( 墓記 )JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Other side of small H and large S, shaking bamboo work has paid off, a bit off the feeling of Yaoyao Yu Unfortunately, how the shaking constantly, or pull it out, but they are not willing to just take as little as half of the Y, insisted all three points had to grit one's teeth, where the left rocking right pull, and I did not intend to personally wield the sword in this battle, and asked me to take the Swiss Army knife to the beloved and mud rivalry, this is not obvious is the money-losing business do?
至急 #まで お電話ください止まれ!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
After that, Mr. Wang Qishan, 50 young men across the street holding notebooks, were very polite, and he was polite to him, pit, face pulled, facing Mr. Bannon like a devil, Mr. Bannon said he suddenly changed himself, devil In the same way, fifteen minutes before this, it seemed like a kind old man, very cute, and then suddenly his teeth came out, he also smoked, etc., the most important issue to talk about, President Trump did not talk about it, the most core you are What kind of populism is the civilian movement? What are you doing?
この劇の名前に 君の名前を使うJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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