unnoticeable oor Japannees


Not noticeable

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Japannees



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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

いつの間にか · かすかに


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She says, in particular: “I can understand everything said and quite easily and unnoticeably for myself switch to Kazak”, which provokes respect and reward among her colleagues (RUS).
作中 紀 氏 と の 関わり の 多 い 人物 が 多 く 登場 する 事 で 知 ら れ る 。gv2019 gv2019
Women may use a scarlet fukusa , which helps making lipstick marks unnoticeable .
この 火責め に は 為朝 も か な わ ず 、 崇徳 たち は 白河 殿 を 脱出 する 。KFTT KFTT
The German magazine Der Spiegel (October 5, 1970) recognized this parallel, saying: “For the most part the dangers are invisible, unnoticeable, insidious —like murdering one’s husband with a daily dose of arsenic in his morning coffee.”
これ に よ り 4 行 の 国立 銀行 ( 明治 ) が 設立 さ れ 、 1873 年 から 兌換 紙幣 の 国立 銀行 紙幣 が 発行 さ れ jw2019 jw2019
He is never satisfied with his cities, always demanding that they be destroyed and rebuilt based on tiny, unnoticeable flaws.
皇帝 ( 曹芳 ) は 掖邪 狗 ら を 率善 中 郎将 と し た 。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The trademark used on the infringing product was deemed insufficient to differentiate both products as they are also small and unnoticeable.
なんで?- よく染め直すのJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
It ranges from very mild, almost unnoticeable, to very severe disabling conditions.
自分の子供にも作ってやりたいJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Digital Microscope mode for microscopic observation The WG-10 features an innovative Digital Microscope mode, which magnifies the subject on the LCD monitor for the observation and photography of a microscopic world often unnoticeable with the naked eye.
親愛なる人、聴いてくれ、 私たちは#つの異なった世界に住んでいるJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
After withering, it slips unnoticeably, without disturbing the beauty of the plant.
私はここにいるでしょ 一緒にライブに行くのJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
If done right, the junction will be virtually unnoticeable and you will have a huge carpet to decorate your room with style and elegance.
特に 上方 の 三味 線 音楽 で あ る 地歌 は 、 盲人 音楽 家 たち に よ っ て 高度 な 音楽 的 発展 を 見せ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Suddenly I noticed a smoking allowed sign in the window of a small and unnoticeable door.
13 歳 で 上洛 、 当初 比叡山 に 登 り 天台 教学 を 修め が 、 その 後 浄土 教 に 転宗 し た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
A long period of time is required before the aging effects on this product become unnoticeable.
蘇我 入鹿 の子 ら が 親王 の 扱い を 受け て い た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Let's imagine the case that the level of a noise is sufficiently reduced but still feels uncomfortable.For such case, if we can know the tendency that many people become unnoticeable when the noise is heard, we can determine the noise control policies.
古田 に よ り 7 世紀 まで 、 敷衍 ( ふえん ) さ れ 、 体系 的 な もの に 整備 さ れ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
As the day is dawning with light, intangible mass of darkness gradually soaks up colors and takes shapes out there, so slowly that it is almost unnoticeable, with a primitive experience that would be able to awaken the memory of the land.
宣時 は 顕彰 記事 の あ る 北条 時房 の 孫 で 、 貞時 執権 時代 に 連署 で あ っ た JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This unnoticeable operation (in a positive sense) is greatly appreciated by all the workers here!
また 12 面 の 大黒 像 を 打 っ た 十 面 大黒 丁銀 は 江戸 幕府 へ の 運上 用 あるいは 祝儀 用 と さ れ る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Air transport business, not directly involving the public, is apt to be unnoticeable to the customers.
また 、 いわゆる 迷惑 施設 で あ っ た ため 、 流行 が 収ま る と 速やか に 破却 さ れ る こと が 前提 で っ た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
We work on more effective interactions to define best practices for more subtle, discreet and unnoticeable in public/social spaces.
幼 い とき 美濃 国 浄音 寺 で 出家 し 、 策 堂 文叔 に 師事 し た 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
And sometimes a little, it is quite unnoticeable, which is also dangerous, because the non-treated wound can cause serious inflammation.
じゃ、はっきりしておきたいJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
It requires a great amount of skilled craftsmanship and careful selection of hide parts in order to create a uniform coloration and smooth, unnoticeable stitching.
破風 ( はふ ) : 屋根 の 切妻 に つ い て い る 、 合掌 形 の 板 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This becomes all the more important due to the fact that one quarter of all men begin experiencing male pattern baldness before the age of 20, even though it may appear to be unnoticeable at first.
だけど残された子供達と母の面倒はJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
These types of PBA and data mining encompass- Forecast Models - Forecast models and data analytics produces numerical values in historical information to pinpoint patterns that are usually unnoticeable.
データ # は 、 1 つめ データ が 入力 さ れ て いる セル 範囲 です 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
This transition process is extremely slow in most interior spaces, and almost unnoticeable to most people.
内 染 司 は 天皇 ・ 皇后 に 供御 する 糸 ・ 布 ・ 織物類 の 染色 つかさど っ JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
A specifically sewn, unnoticeable plastic tape gives the leather additional tensile strength.
そう です か ・ ・ ・ とても 嬉しい ですJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Damage may be unnoticeable at first glance, but is very significant.
臣籍 降下 し て 源姓 賜 る 。JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The incision line should be excised in the future but if this is not possible, make the incision at an unnoticeable area.
私のシーンはカットされているJParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
59 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.