concept artist oor Georgies

concept artist

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Georgies


the one in charge with the visualisation of an idea or a concept

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Above: Artist’s conception of completed station in 2004
წურწურებიjw2019 jw2019
Artist’s conception of a black hole (within red rectangle), and enlargement (below)
შემხსენებლების რედაქტირებაjw2019 jw2019
This photo shows an artist’s conception of nanomachines that would mimic the function of red blood cells
ლექციის & რედაქტირებაjw2019 jw2019
“The vast majority of artistsconceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence. . . .
კაკგჲ ვ რჲგა?- ოჲეაპყკ ჱა ფვლჟთ. ნალთ ჟვ პაჱევლთჳრვ?- კსოთჳ დჲ ოპვეთ მვჟვუთ. მთჟლთჳ, ფვ პჲზევნთწრ ი ევნ ვ რჲდაგა.ბწჳ დჲ ჲბყპკალ ჟ ევნწ ნა ჟგვრთ ოარპთკ. რჲგა თჟრთნჟკთ ეთამანრთ ლთ ჟა?- ეა. ოპვუაკალ ჟთ ჟვ.- კაკგჲ? ღვქვ ეა ჟოვჟრთქ მნჲდჲ ოაპთ ჟ კსბთნჟკთ უთპკჲნთიjw2019 jw2019
Thus, on the basis of these archaeological findings, some object to the appearance of the base of the lampstand on the Arch of Titus and suggest among other possibilities that the carvings are a Roman artist’s conception influenced by Jewish designs familiar to him from other sources.
სატრანსპორტო შემთხვევის თავიდან ასაცილებელი შუქამრეკლი რგოლები ტანსაცმელზე დასამაგრებლადjw2019 jw2019
The works of many artists of the time reflect that concept, as their models —mostly female— had a physique with stout arms, legs, back, and hips.
ღვ ეჲიეარ ეა ნთ რყპჟწრ. რპწბგა ეა ჟვ მაჳამვ. მნჲდჲ ბყპჱჲ. თმა ვეთნ მალყკ ოპჲბლვმjw2019 jw2019
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