efface oor Georgies


(transitive) To erase (as anything impressed or inscribed upon a surface); to render illegible or indiscernible.

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to erase



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And where have the upright ever been effaced?”
ჟყზალწგამ, ფვ ჟა რთ გჱვლთ კნთზკარა, ნჲ ბთ ბთლჲ ნვჳაინჲ ეა ნვ ჟოჲმვნა, ფვ ეაგაქ ლჲქ ოპთმვპ ნა ეზვიკ. ნვ ჟვდა, ალყნ.- მჲმვნრყრ ვ თევალვნ. რჲი რთ ოჲეპაზაგა. ღჲმ გთეთ კაკ ოპვნვბპვდგაქ ოპაგთლარა ნა ოყრწ, გვპჲწრნჲ რჲი ღვ ოჲფნვ ეა დჲ ოპაგთ. თმაქ ოპაგჲ. ჟყზალწგამ. ნათჟრთნა ლთ ვ რაკა? თლთ ოპჲჟრჲ დჲ კაჱგაქ?jw2019 jw2019
After all, he would never allow the Devil to efface true worshipers from the earth!
საცალო ან საბითუმო ვაჭრობის მომსახურება ფარმაცევტული, ვეტერინარული და ჰიგიენური პრეპარატებისთვის და სამედიცინო უზრუნველყოფისთვისjw2019 jw2019
In his first speech, Eliphaz asked: “Where have the upright ever been effaced?”
ძირტკბილა ფარმაცევტული მიზნებისათვისjw2019 jw2019
Close to the Universal Sovereign, the seraphs are all the more self-effacing, so as not to distract from God’s personal glory.
სათამაშო ფიგურებიjw2019 jw2019
First, Jehovah will never allow his loyal servants to be effaced from the earth.
თერმოიზოლაციური ჭურჭელი საკვებისათვისjw2019 jw2019
This is not surprising, since the Egyptians not only refused to record matters uncomplimentary to themselves but also were not above effacing records of a previous monarch if the information in such records proved distasteful to the then reigning pharaoh.
ნავიგატორის თარიღიjw2019 jw2019
In fact, the book Good to Great notes that company leaders who have achieved long-term success “display a compelling modesty, are self-effacing and understated.
ძმარმჟავას ანჰიდრიდიjw2019 jw2019
God also said: “By now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the earth.
გოლფის ხელთათმანიjw2019 jw2019
15 Psalm 83 mentions a number of nations, including Moab, Ammon, and Assyria, who put on great airs against Israel, and braggingly stated: “Come and let us efface them from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”
მტვრის შემკვრელი შედგენილობებიjw2019 jw2019
Roman engineers, shifting perhaps four million cubic feet [100,000 cu m] of earth, leveled off the top of the Byrsa to form a huge platform—and to efface all traces of the past.
აკორდეონებიjw2019 jw2019
10 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.