egg-laying oor Georgies


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egg-laying hens and birds

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Preparations for egg laying poultry
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Not only does she lay her eggs exclusively on the host plant but each kind of butterfly lays her eggs only on a specific place on the plant.
იშვიათ მიწათა ლითონების მარილებიjw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, fire drives away predators, leaving the beetle free to eat, mate, and lay eggs safely.
დემონების ჟურნალიjw2019 jw2019
I'm going to go lay eggs in his brain.
ჭიქური [საღებავები, ლაკები]OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It lays eggs like a chicken, burrows like a wombat, and suckles its young like a mother bear.
ხუფები თვლის მორგვებისათვისjw2019 jw2019
In certain seasons they mate, lay eggs, and raise their young.
ხორბლის ჩანასახი, ცხოველთა საკვებიjw2019 jw2019
Some sponges lay eggs.
წებვადი ლენტები [საკანცელარიო]jw2019 jw2019
By the time the flowers bloom, the new queen will be laying eggs, filling the hive with young worker bees.”
მჲზვ ეა რთ ეაევ ნწკჲი ჟყგვრ. ეგამა მყზვ თ ოჲლჲგთნა ჟვჱჲნ #, ვოთჱჲე #ნვ მჲდა ეა ოჲგწპგამ. ჟთნყრ მთ ვ ბთლ ჟ ეგვ მჲმთფვრა. ეგვ ჱა მჲმვნრაjw2019 jw2019
Each butterfly species lays eggs on only one type of plant, and the larvae, in turn, feed only on that specific plant.
კიბის ჩანა, არალითონურიjw2019 jw2019
The female’s dull plumage is a perfect covering for the two spotted, brownish eggs she lays in a massive mud nest that is glued to a rock wall with the help of the bird’s saliva.
განვითარებაNamejw2019 jw2019
Researchers are astounded by the black fire beetle’s unique way of finding a place to lay its eggs.
ტონარმები ფირსაკრავებისათვისjw2019 jw2019
Then, in November, the female lays an egg that may weigh up to 18 ounces [500 g].
დასპირტული ხილიjw2019 jw2019
Although the female lays the eggs, the male emu broods them.
ანძები (ბოძები), არალითონურიjw2019 jw2019
Most tilapias, which are freshwater fish, lay their eggs and then store them in their mouths for safekeeping.
კაუჭები (ხალიჩის -)jw2019 jw2019
Thus, three to five female rheas may lay their eggs in one nest.
იზოტონიკური სასმელებიjw2019 jw2019
Bordering the dry forest is a stretch of unspoiled coastline, where green turtles and leatherback turtles come to lay their eggs.
სათაგურებიjw2019 jw2019
The loggerhead turtles now lay their eggs only on Greek and Turkish beaches, where they are sometimes trodden underfoot by tourists.
საქაღალდეთა სინქრონიზებაNamejw2019 jw2019
The absence of human intrusion encourages the endangered leatherback turtles to choose these lonely beaches as a place to lay their eggs.
ქარის ძრავებიjw2019 jw2019
They breed first at six years of age and lay just one egg each time.
ყველას & უარყოფაjw2019 jw2019
Near the center of the mound resides the queen, which may lay several thousand eggs each day.
წინა ფარის საწმენდებიjw2019 jw2019
After laying her egg, the female releases it to her mate to incubate in his brood pouch while she goes to sea to feed.
მოდული % # ვერ მოიძებნაjw2019 jw2019
She lays one or two eggs, which will hatch in about 14 days.
საბანაო ჩუსტებიjw2019 jw2019
● After laying and concealing her eggs, the female turtle abandons the nest.
სავარძლებიjw2019 jw2019
A female quail, for instance, lays up to eight eggs, at the rate of one egg a day.
ბეტონის დამცავი საშუალებები, გარდა საღებავებისა და ზეთებისაjw2019 jw2019
The female silkworm moth lays up to 500 eggs, each of them the size of a pinhead (2).
პულტის მენიუjw2019 jw2019
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