make a speech oor Georgies

make a speech

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The political leader and his men took turns hovering over us and making a speech—ranting on and on—and threatening us with their clenched fists.
Kontact-ის კონფიგურაციაjw2019 jw2019
When reviewing the events of those days, Grant Suiter recalled: “The constructive criticism that I got at the school was nothing compared with that which I received from my father personally after he had attended one of the sessions to hear me try to make a speech.”
ღამის ლამპები [სანთლები]jw2019 jw2019
Speech Quality: Making a Talk Informative Through Research (be p.
ზომის ნდობა (არაა სანდოjw2019 jw2019
We want to avoid negative speech, knowing that such speech only makes a bad situation worse.
B წინააღმდეგ C გადახედვაjw2019 jw2019
Speech Quality: Making a Talk Informative Through Research (be p.
სარეცხი მანქანების გაქირავებაjw2019 jw2019
Make it a practice to use good speech every day.
საგმანი მასალაjw2019 jw2019
As we learned from the example of Joseph, we want to avoid negative speech, knowing that such speech only makes a bad situation worse.
რჲი თმა ოპაგჲ, მთლთფკა. თმა ჟლსჳ, ფვ ლთნეჱთ ვ სფაჟრგალა გ ვპჲრთფვნ ოჲპნჲ ტთლმ ოპვეთ ეა ჟვ ჲმყზთ.- ჟვპთჲჱნჲ? კაკ ჟვ კაჱგა? ნვ ჱნამ, ნჲ დლვეამ ჟთმვნაკჟ გჟწკა გვფვპ ჲრ მვჟვუთ. ზვჟრჲკთ ტთლმთ.- მნჲდჲ ვ თჱთჟკანჲ, ნალთ? მალკჲ ჟძზვრ, ოპთწრნჲ ჲჟგვრლვნთვ თ ნვ ჟვ გთზეა ჲნაწ პაბჲრა ნა მყზა. კაკგჲ ნვ რთ ვ ნაპვე?- თ რთ ნვ ჲბთფაქ ეა დლვეაქ ოვნთჟთjw2019 jw2019
An individual who makes a practice of such speech puts himself in a dangerous position, for a reviler can be removed from the congregation if he fails to heed repeated efforts to help him change.
მეცნიერება და მათემატიკა Namejw2019 jw2019
Ron Sathoff, another noted speaker and trainer, makes this suggestion: Don’t think of your speech as a performance.
ლაბორატორიული ნათურებიjw2019 jw2019
A study of the context makes clear the nature of such “abusive speech.” —See EXECRATION; MALEDICTION; REVILING.
სუფრის წყალიjw2019 jw2019
9 On the other hand, another speaker may have greater experience or more natural ability, but, perhaps due to the press of other work, he may not have taken the time to make a study of the speech qualities assigned and as a result he may not have done as well as he could.
საფუარი ფარმაცევტული მიზნებისათვისjw2019 jw2019
With a view to improving your teaching, ask yourself: ‘When I give instruction, is it done in such a way that it makes a difference in the attitudes, the speech, or the actions of those who hear it?
სისხლზე დამზადებული ძეხვიjw2019 jw2019
One thing that might help, from a purely mechanical standpoint, is to remember that short, clipped sounds make speech hard.
ცვლილებების გამოყენებაjw2019 jw2019
As a married man or woman, you should make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available.
ცხოველების ბალანიjw2019 jw2019
So we're starting with a variety of technologies that have converged into these conversational character robots that can see faces, make eye contact with you, make a full range of facial expressions, understand speech and begin to model how you're feeling and who you are, and build a relationship with you.
ფოლადის ლენტების დამჭიმავი შემაერთებლები (დამჭიმავი რგოლები)ted2019 ted2019
(1 John 2:1, 2) This makes it possible for us to enjoy freeness of speech with God and a clean conscience.
კინოსცენარის წერაjw2019 jw2019
19 One thing that might help you from a purely mechanical standpoint is to remember that short, clipped vowels make speech hard.
განსაკუთრებულ მოვლენათა ჩვენებაjw2019 jw2019
Hence, the transformation that a Christian must make is not simply the putting away of harmful habits, unwholesome speech, and immoral conduct.
% #-ს წაკითხვის შეცდომაjw2019 jw2019
Instead of making accusations, a wife should try to express herself from the standpoint of how the hurtful speech affects her.
გალიციურიNamejw2019 jw2019
Their court cases make up a significant portion of American law relating to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.
სახელის გადარქმევაjw2019 jw2019
But, if you get the sense of what you are reading and read it as naturally and meaningfully as you can, you can often make it sound as though it were extemporaneous speech, though perhaps a little more formal than you would normally use.
ვებ პროგრამირებაNamejw2019 jw2019
For dedicated Christians, it is a matter of deep concern that the choices we make in our attire and appearance, in our eating and drinking, and in our speech and conduct always reflect our role as servants of the Most High, Jehovah God.
კლავიატურის ფაილის გახსნაjw2019 jw2019
Again, a sentiment that was so noble and beautifully put 40 years ago, and a beautiful dream 40 years ago, but now with the huge advances in information technology, with the massive changes in behavioral economics, with all that we know about how you advance well-being, that if we combine those insights of giving power to people, and using information to make that possible, and using the insight of going with the grain of human nature, while at the same time, understanding why people behave in the way they do, it is a dream more easy to realize today than it was when it was made in that beautiful speech 40 years ago.
ფორმები კულინარიისათვისted2019 ted2019
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