enlightened absolutism oor Koreaans

enlightened absolutism

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form of absolute monarchy or despotism inspired by the Enlightenment

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The state of absolute wisdom and everlasting bliss known as Enlightenment.
깨달음으로 일컬어지는 절대적 지혜와 영원한 지복의 상태.QED QED
Once again the Bordigist tradition unearthed perspectives quite marginal to the general debates of the 1960’s and 1970’s, perspectives that I think tie together the agrarian question, the periodization of capitalist accumulation, the real historical role of Social Democracy and Bolshevism, and the historic link between enlightened absolutism in the 17th century and mass-based Communist Parties in the 20th.
보르디가의전통은 1960년대와 1970년대의전반적논쟁들에한계적인전망들, 즉내생각에, 농업문제, 자본주의적축적의시대구분, 사회민주주의와볼셰비즘의진정한역사적역할, 17세기의계몽절대주의와 20세기의대중에기반한공산주의정당들간의역사적연계등을결합시키는전망들을다시한번밝혀내었다.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is, finally, the strict parallel to the problems encountered in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union when the “extensive” phase of accumulation is completed and it is time to move to the intensive phase which the West arrived at through the crisis of 1914-1945. In short, from enlightened absolutism in the 17th century to Communist Parties in the 20th century, the problematic is that of the extensive phase of accumulation – the transformation of peasants into workers.
마지막으로,이는, “외연적” 축적국면이완성되고 1914-1945년의위기를통해서구가도달한내포적국면으로이동하는시기에, 동유럽과소련이맞닥뜨린문제들과완전히대등한것이다. 간략히말하자면, 17세기의계몽절대주의로부터 20세기의공산주의정당들에이르기까지, 문제(the problematic)는외연적축적국면의그것-농민의노동자로의전화-이라는점이다.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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