sang-froid oor Koreaans


[sɑŋˈfrwɑd], [sɑ̃ˈfrwɑ] naamwoord
Composure, level-headedness, coolness in trying circumstances.

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He said that the workers’ movement had been rocked by counter-revolutions before in history (i.e. after 1948 with Louis Napoleon) and that there was nothing special about Russia. On the other hand, his 25-year preoccupation with the Russian economy belies that sang froid . (Of further interest is the fact that, in 1945, he had predicted a long period of capitalist expansion and workers’ reformism, due to end in the next world crisis, beginning in 1975).
역사적으로이전에도노동자운동이반혁명들에의해흔들린적이있으며(즉 1948년이후루이나뽈레옹) 러시아가전혀특별한경우는아니라고그는말했다. 한편,러시아경제에관한 25년에걸친그의선취는이러한냉정함과모순된다.(흥미로운점중하나는그가 1975년시작된다음번세계위기에종결된, 장기적인자본주의적팽창과노동자의개량주의를 1945년에예측했다는점이다).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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