Mosul oor Koerdies


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A city in northern Iraq; capital of Nineveh province.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Fenced area next to the Degaba IDP camp where men and boys over 14 who have fled fighting in Mosul and Hawija are being arbitrarily detained by KRG security forces for weeks at a time.
Paşî 70 sala dîltiyê, cimeta Îsraêl vegeriyan welatê xweye
Mosul's Christian community is centuries old and an important part of the diverse mosaic that makes up the city.
“Hingê yek ji her donzdeha ku Cihûdayê Îsxeryotî dihate gotinê, çû cem serekêd kahîna û got: ‘Hûnê çi bidine min, wekî ez wî bidime destê we?’gv2019 gv2019
The couple moved with their infant daughter to Mosul, and there her husband, unable to find other work, did join ISIS as a checkpoint guard.
Xwedê li ser ezmana ye, û li wir milyaketên wîyî amin, timê qirara wî diqedî
In other words, ISIS suspects from Mosul should be tried in the Nineveh court system under the control of the central Iraqi government.
Kornêlyo qePetrûs nas nake, lê wîra hatibû gotinê wekî ew Petrûs teglîfî mala xwe
Iraqi Christians celebrated their first Christmas in Mosul since the city was liberated from the brutal militant group ISIS (also known as ISIL, Daesh and the Islamic State) earlier in 2017.
Lê nava van 70 sala di Babîlonêda çi diqewime tevî cimeta Xwedê?gv2019 gv2019
Iraqi and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities should revoke unlawful restrictions on free movement of internally displaced people, including those displaced as a result of the ongoing fight in Mosul.
Maşê 4
20 residents from villages under ISIS control in Makhmur district, 100 kilometers southeast of Mosul, told Human Rights Watch that fighters had put them at grave risk of attack by firing artillery next to their homes without moving civilians away, subjecting them to return fire.
Pela tomarkirina dîtina paşde nehat
“Ammar,” a resident of al-Kubeyba, a village 35 kilometers southeast of Mosul that has been under ISIS control for two years, told Human Rights Watch that when his family and neighbors fled, several were injured by explosive devices.
Daneyê tomar
Iraq’s Criminal Procedure Code (no. 23/1971) could be interpreted to give the KRG authority to try individuals from Mosul on ISIS membership charges.
Îsa seva meniya dinê gerekê bihata nixumandinê
In light of violations in previous operations to retake territory from ISIS, Human Rights Watch has also provided al-Abadi with recommendations to prevent abuses during any screening and detention processes linked to the Mosul operation.
Bavek gilî dike: “Wê yekêra lazim e, wekî ku hînbûnê derbaz dike gerekê usa derbaz ke, wekî hînbûn hêsa û hewas derbaz be, lê usa jî bi merîfetî
Journalist Şifa Gerdi, the Rûdaw TV’s Output Director, has lost her life in an explosion during coverage of the operation going on against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syrian city of Mosul.
KurtenivîsBianet Bianet
(Beirut) – Islamic State (ISIS) forces are endangering civilians by attacking from populated areas, mining territory, and otherwise preventing civilians from fleeing Hawija and the outskirts of Mosul.
Binihêre çi serê Orşelîmê hat!
Around 200,000 Christians lived in Mosul prior to the violent ISIS takeover of northern Iraq in 2014.
Cotkiringv2019 gv2019
Once ISIS fighters retreated from the village toward Mosul, we raised a white flag so the army doesn’t target our house.
State, as in,
Escaped abductees that Human Rights Watch interviewed said ISIS is holding Yezidis in multiple locations across northern Iraq, including Mosul, Tal Afar, Tal Banat, Ba’aj, Rambusi, and Sinjar, and in areas it controls in eastern Syria, including Raqqa and Rabi’a.
4. Çira li ser pencerê bena sor dardakirî ye?
Later, the fighters took Jalila and her sister to Mosul.
5 Di Kitêba Pîrozda tê gotinê ku mêr tevî jina xwe gerekê usa bin, çawa Îsa tevî şagirtên
If Iraqi and allied Kurdish forces set up centers to screen people who leave Mosul, only Iraqi Security Forces or Kurdistan Regional Government forces should operate them, not abusive armed forces.
Hergê meriv tembel e, pê xwestina xwe her tiştî dike, nerazî ye û naxwaze xwe bide cefê, ew yek xirab dikare ser her kesî hukum be (Metelok 26:14-16)
We would also like to highlight our concerns related to the upcoming operation to retake Mosul and offer some recommendations, in light of the violations we have documented in previous operations.
9, 10. (a) Ça Îsa nîşan kir, ku qewata saxkirinê ji kê ye?
Iraqi forces remaining in Mosul and surrounding towns and villages after the operation should take all feasible measures to protect civilian objects and civilians, including those fleeing the area or in camps for internally displaced persons.
Paşê Dawid çû bal padşê Mowabê û wîra got: “Bi kerema xwe, bihêle ku dê-bavê min li vir bimînin, heta binihêrim hela ça be halê min”
“Now, months later, some of those same families are telling us that they would rather have stayed in Mosul and risked dying in an airstrike than to have their husband or son disappear.”
Bişkoka ç
Anti-ISIS forces also encircled the city of Hawija, 57 kilometers west of Kirkuk and 120 kilometers southeast of Mosul, which ISIS also captured in June 2014, and began operations to retake the city.
Lê Yahowa divêje Samûyêl ku ew gerekê gura cimetê bike û hema usa jî
* Authorities running the screening centers surrounding Mosul should locate them as far from hostilities as possible.
Lê em dikarin alî wan bikin?
MalezyaNameBianet Bianet
Since the beginning of operations to retake Mosul, Iraqi authorities have been calling on residents in and around Mosul to stay home throughout the fighting and signal their civilian status by placing white flags atop their homes.
5. Çi qewimî çaxê cimeta îsraêlî ji riya xweye nerast derneketin?
Human Rights Watch has also documented the recruitment or use of children by Sunni and Shia Arab armed groups fighting in Iraq, including militias in the battle to retake Mosul, and by armed groups fighting in Syria.
Pisîkek çû ser darê
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