algorithm oor Koerdies


/ˈælɡəɹɪðm/, /ˈælgəɹɪðm/ naamwoord
A precise step-by-step plan for a computational procedure that begins with an input value and yields an output value in a finite number of steps.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


procedure for calculation



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

sorting algorithm
Algorîtmayê rêzkerdişî


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But the thing is, you have to remember, there really are still people within this algorithmically optimized system, people who are kind of increasingly forced to act out these increasingly bizarre combinations of words, like a desperate improvisation artist responding to the combined screams of a million toddlers at once.
Hergê guh bidin wan şîreta, emê bikaribin bi mêrxasî rastî wan çetinaya bên, yên ku kalbûn-pîrbûn pêşda tînin.ted2019 ted2019
With that perfect alchemy of algorithm and people wisdom, we were able to create and instantaneous feedback loop that helped our hosts better understand the needs of our guests.
24 Çaxê zar îda mezin in destpêdikin gele tiştên ferzda xwexa safîkirina bikin.ted2019 ted2019
Computer algorithms today are performing incredible tasks with high accuracies, at a massive scale, using human-like intelligence.
Şêwazê wêneted2019 ted2019
To summarize our approach, instead of using 10,000 very expensive medical images, we can now train the AI algorithms in an unorthodox way, using only 50 of these high-resolution, but standard photographs, acquired from DSLR cameras and mobile phones, and provide diagnosis.
Şeytan Mîrê-cina serwêrê vê dinê ye (Yûhenna 12:31; 1 Yûhenna 5:19).ted2019 ted2019
And then, using deep learning, the algorithm looks for all these textures and wrinkles and shape changes on our face, and basically learns that all smiles have common characteristics, all smirks have subtly different characteristics.
Divînî, ku cem Xwedê tiştekî nebûyî tune”.ted2019 ted2019
That's not really good enough, because this stuff isn't just algorithmically governed, it's also algorithmically policed.
2. Pawlos çi gote wan meriya yê ku tevî wî di gemiyêda bûn?ted2019 ted2019
And I think however you feel about the use of advertising to kind of support stuff, the sight of grown men in diapers rolling around in the sand in the hope that an algorithm that they don't really understand will give them money for it suggests that this probably isn't the thing that we should be basing our society and culture upon, and the way in which we should be funding it.
Neçalakkirîted2019 ted2019
Much to our surprise, we only required 50 -- I repeat, only 50 -- of these composite images to train our algorithms to high efficiencies.
Ew yek rast e, ku “axmaxtî dilê zarava girêdayî ye” (Metelok 22:15).ted2019 ted2019
The big challenge is figuring out what data makes sense to pull, because the future's going to be driven by a smart aggregation of reputation, not a single algorithm.
Çiqas sozekî baş e, usa nîne?ted2019 ted2019
They've dug a basement, and they've built a spy center to try and run algorithms and figure out which ones of us are troublesome, and if any of us complain about that, we're arrested for terrorism.
2. Çi kir Ahiya tevî kinca xwe, û ev çi dihate hesavê?ted2019 ted2019
So I want to show you a clip of algorithms developed by Frank Shen and Professor Nathan Michael, that shows this robot entering a building for the very first time, and creating this map on the fly.
Lê gelo ev kî bû?ted2019 ted2019
So his algorithm essentially tells these robots how to autonomously build cubic structures from truss-like elements.
Dîtina Paşde Çênebûted2019 ted2019
The camera is actually doing -- just, getting all the images -- is doing the edge recognition and also the color recognition and so many other small algorithms are going on inside.
Lê gelo Kitêba Pîroz çi dibêje?ted2019 ted2019
It shows that we're thinking, feeling, sentient human beings who are much more than an algorithm.
Îsa gilî dike ku şerêd mezin wê destpêbin, heçî zef ji meriya nexweş kevin û birçî bimînin, hin jî erd bi zulmiyê wê tije be û hemû ciya erdhejê mezin wê bibin.ted2019 ted2019
So his algorithm tells the robot what part to pick up, when, and where to place it.
Komîtêya welgerandina “Dinya Teze” li ser hîmê faktêd bi guman, hatin li ser wê nêtê, ku di Peymana Nûye orîjînalêda Têtragramaton hebûye.ted2019 ted2019
More importantly, our algorithms can accept, in the future and even right now, some very simple, white light photographs from the patient, instead of expensive medical imaging technologies.
Ev pelê audio li ser pêşkêşkara herêmî nehat tomarkirin. Ji bo barkirinê li ser vê etîketê bitikîneted2019 ted2019
There are real people trapped within these systems, and that's the other deeply strange thing about this algorithmically driven culture, because even if you're human, you have to end up behaving like a machine just to survive.
Di nivîsarêd Peymana Nûda yêd ku hatibûn welgerandinê ser zimanê Almanî, lap hindik 11 cara navê Xwedê “Yahowa” hatibû xebitandinê (yan jî navê bi Îbranî “Yahweh” translîtêrasîon dikirin), û di çar welgerandinada paşî xebera “Xudan” navê Xwedê di neynikada nivîsar bû.ted2019 ted2019
17 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.