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Umm Ali scoffed at the idea that her son would join the Islamic State.
ئوم عهلی گاڵتهی بهو قسهیه هات كه كوڕهكهی پهیوهندی به دهوڵهتی ئیسلامیهوه كردبێت
Asa’d Ali Mustafa, the mayor of Sidekan, told Human Rights Watch on November 9 that he was clearing an area for the construction of 200 semi-permanent structures for those displaced by Turkish bombardment.
ئەسعەد عەلى مستەفا، قایمقامى قەزاى سیدەکان ووتى بە هیومان رشایتس وۆچ، لە مانگى 9ى کانوونى دووەمدا هەستاوە بە پاکردنەوەو ئامادەکردنى زەویەکى 200 مەترى بۆ ئەو خێزانانەى لە ترسى بۆمبارانەکانى تورکیا هەڵهاتوون
13 politicians have been arrested including Co-Mayors of Dersim Municipality Mehmet Ali Bul and Nurhayat Altun as well as the co-Mayor of Siirt Municipality Tuncer Bakırhan.
Hevşaredarê Sêrtê Tûncer Bakirhan û Hevşaredarê Dêrsimê Mehmet Ali Bul û Nûrhayat Altun hatin girtin. Ji xeynî wan di operasyonên duh de 10 siyasetmedarên kurd ên din jî hatin girtin û wan şandin girtîgehê.Bianet Bianet
Sardar Hussein Ali said that 15 minutes later, he saw large crowds gathering and police cars arriving at the marketplace.
Serdar Hussein Elî got ku piştî 15 deqa, wî dît çawa girseyeke mezin diciviya û turimbêlên polîsê digihan meydana bazarê
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) should ensure a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation into the killing of Wedad Hussein Ali, 28, who was allegedly affiliated with the armed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
Divê Hukmeta Herêma Kurdistanê (HHK) twîjandineke lezgîn, gişgir û bêlayen tekez bike li ser kuştina Wedad Hussein Elî yê 28 salî yê ku hat angaştin ku girêdayî ye bi Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) a çekdar
A statement by Ayatollah Ali Sistani, a leading Shia spiritual leader, who referred to the targeted killings of emo youth in Iraq as a threat to the nation’s peace and order, was a positive development, the groups said.
ڕێکخراوەکان ووتیان، بەیاننامەکەى عەلى زیستانى، ڕابەرى ڕۆحى شیعەکان، کە کوشتنى ئیمۆکان بە هەڕەشە دادەنى لەسەر تێک چوونى بارى ئارامى عێراق، هەنگاوێگى ئیجابیە
His name is Ali.
Navê wî Elî ye.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tariq Hussein Ali said that his brother told him in July that the Asayish had detained him and ordered him either to leave the paper or provide intelligence from inside the publication.
Tariq Hussein Elî got ku birayê wî di tîrmehê de jê re got ku Asayîşê ew girtibû û ferman dabûyê an jî dev ji kar berde an jî agahiyên îstîxabatî ji hundirê weşînekê de bide
According to the information that his attorney Ali Çuvalcı shared with bianet, there is confidentiality order on the file. No official documents were shown to the attorneys.
Li gorî zanyariyên ku parêzer Alî Çûvalci daye bianetê li ser dosyeyê beryara veşarîtiyê heye û ti dokumanên fermî nîşanî parêzeran nedane.Bianet Bianet
This is the Ali-Frazier of motivation, right?
شەڕی نێوان محەمەد علی و فرایزەر لەسەر پاڵنەر، وانیە؟ted2019 ted2019
Hazrat Ali: They first call us to the mosque and preach to us.
ههزرات علی: یهکهم جار ئهوان بانگمان دهکهن بۆ مزگهوت و ئامۆژگاریمان دهکهنted2019 ted2019
Şırnak Governor Ali İhsan Su has granted the application and the campaign song has been banned within the provincial borders of Şırnak.
Gotinên strana “bêjin NA”yêBianet Bianet
The Hussein Ali family said that since then his profile has been inactive and they have tried unsuccessfully to contact him.
Malbata Hussein Elî got ku ji hîngê ve profayla wî ya Facebookê bûbû neçalak û wan bê encam hewl dane têkilî ligel wî
Tariq Hussein Ali, 40, told Human Rights Watch that his brother Wedad was an accredited journalist for the pro-PKK RojNews, and also worked in the cultural office of the Dohuk governorate, part of Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
Tariq Hussein Elî, 40 salî, ji Human Rights Watch re got ku birayê wî bi moleteke fermî weke rojnamevan li ba RojNews ya piştevana PKK ye dixebitî, û wekî din li nivîsgeha rewşenbîrî a parêzgeha Duhokê ya ser bi Herêma Kurdistanê a li Iraqê dixebitî
The group’s enforcers had threatened Ali’s father, forcing him to flee; they had looted the family’s home and destroyed the family’s car.
چهكدارانی گرووپهكه ههڕهشهیان له باوكی كردوهو ناوچاریان كردوه له ماڵ و حاڵی ههڵبێ؛ ماڵهكهیان تاڵانكراوهو ئۆتۆمبێلهكهیان لهناوبراوه
Some of Ali’s friends had joined the Islamic State and the group’s recruiters tried many times to make him join, Umm Ali said, but when they came to the house she would hide her son.
ئوم عهلی ووتی، ههندێك له هاوڕێكانی عهلی پهیوهندیان به دهوڵهتی ئیسلامیهوه كردوهو ئهندامانی گرووپهكه چهند جارێك ههوڵیان لهگهڵ عهلی داوه بۆ پهیوهندیكردن پێیانهوه، بهڵام كاتێك دههاتنه ماڵهكه كوڕهكهیی دهشاردهوه
One displaced villager, Ali Ahmed, on October 20 told Human Rights Watch that he and his wife and five children had been living in the village of al-Adla, about 30 kilometers southeast of Mosul.
گووندنشینێكی ئاواره به ناوی عهلی ئهحمهد له ٢٠ی تشرینی یهكهمی ٢٠١٤ به هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچی ووت، خۆی و خێزانهكهیی و پێنج منداڵی له گووندی العدله ژیاون كه به دووری ٣٠ كیلۆمهتر دهكهوێته باشوری ڕۆژههڵاتی موسڵ
HDP Mardin Ali Atalan brought the matter to parliamentary agenda.
Parlamenterê HDPyê yê Mêrdînê, Alî Atalanî li ser vê yekê pirsname da parlamenê.Bianet Bianet
Ali said that in his case, the informant was a young man who had fought with him when the informant tried to steal some of the family’s pigeons, and failed to repay them a debt of roughly $213.
عهلی ووتی، سهبارهت به خۆی، ئهو كهسهی زانیاری لهسهرداوه كوڕێكی گهنج بووه كه پێشتر شهڕی لهگهڵ كردوه كاتێك ههوڵیداوه كۆترهكانی ماڵهكهی بدزێ و ههروهها ٢١٣ دۆلاریان قهرزار بووهو نهیداوهتهوه
Ali is among more than 180 Iraqi boys, most of them Sunni Arabs who had lived in Islamic State-held areas, whom Asayish is detaining as alleged Islamic State members in two KRG juvenile detention centers.
عهلی یهكێكه لهو ١٨٠ كوڕه عێراقیهی كه زۆرێكیان عهرهبی سوونهن و لهناوچهكانی ژێر كۆنترۆڵی دهوڵهتی ئیسلامی ژیاون و ئێستا لهلایهن ئاسایشهوه له دوو زیندانی مێردمنداڵانی حكومهتی ههرێمی كوردستان بهندكراون
Screenshot of an interview with Hisham al-Dhahabi, published on YouTube as ‘Hiwar al Taseaa with Ali al-Muhana’ on October 11, 2017 by the Hona Baghdad channel.
گرتەیەکی تلفزیۆنی بۆ چاوپێکەوتنێک لەگەڵ ھشام الذهبي، بڵاوو بوەوە لەسەر سایتی یوتیوبی پرۆگرامی “گفتوگۆی کاتژمێر نۆ ” لەگەڵ علي المهنا له ١١/١٠/٢٠١٧ لە لایەن کەناڵی ھنا بغداد .gv2019 gv2019
Sardar Hussein Ali said that police officers took him and the witness to the police station, questioned them and another brother, Darban, who joined them, and promised to view footage from security cameras in the shop the witness had left before the abduction.
Serdar Hussein Elî got ku zabitên polîsê ew û govan birin bingeha polîsê, pirs ji wan û birayekî din bi navê Darban ê ku paşê tevlî wan bû kirin, û soz da ku binêrin li girtevîdyowa kameraya ewlehiyê ya ku li dukanê govanê mabû
Ali was the only boy we interviewed who said he dared tell a judge — or at least a man who briefly questioned him at Asayish headquarters who he thought was a judge — that he had been tortured.
عهلی تهنها كوڕێك بوو كه چاوپێكهوتنمان لهگهڵ كرد ووتی زاتی ئەوەی كردووه کە به دادوهر یان لانی كهم ئهو پیاوهی كه بۆماوهیهكی كورت له ئاسایشی گشتی لێكۆڵینهوهی لهگهڵ كردوه و بههزری ئهو دادوهر بووه بڵێ ئهشكهنجهدراوه
Özlem Dalkıran, İdil Eser, Günal Kurşun, Veli Acu, Ali Garawi and Peter Steudtner who were among the 10 rights advocates detained during a training workshop on July 5 in Büyükada have been arrested.
Parêzvanên mafan Ozlem Dalkiran, İdîl Eser, Gunal Kûrşûn, Velî Acû, Alî Garawî û Peter Steudtner ku li Buyukadayê hatibûn desteserkirin, hatin girtin.Bianet Bianet
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