appearance oor Koerdies


/əˈpɪɹəns/, /əˈpɪəɹəns/ naamwoord
The act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

xûyabûn. dîyarbûn. dîdar. dîyarî. rengûrû. nijyar. hilatin. nimûd. şêwe. şêl. vepengizîn. dilq. riwalet. bejnûbal. dirûv. dirb. şêwe. xuyabûnî. berbiçavbûn

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

to come to light (appear)
figure: (outward appearance)
to appear: (show up, come to light)
looks: (appearance)
bearing (carriage, appearance)
to show up: (appear, come to light)
to appear
appearance: (looks)


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But my head unwraps around what appears limitless, man's creative violence.
بهڵام، سهرم نهپێچراوه بهدهوری ئهو بێ سنورییهی که دهرکهوێت مرۆڤ کێشهو توندوتیژی دروست دهکاتted2019 ted2019
Even in areas where villagers were openly defiant of the law just after it was passed, the practice appears to now be performed in more secrecy than before, he said.
فەلاح ووتیشى، "ئێستا نەریتەکە بە نهێنى پەیڕەو دەکرێ تەنانەت لەو ناوچانەشى کە بە ئاشکرا دژى یاساکە دەوەستنەوە لە دواى دەرچوونیەوە."
Nonetheless, when Jesus was on earth, he commanded: “Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
Ji ber vê yekê, Îsa wisa got: “Ne li gor dîtinê, lê li gor edaletê hikum bikin” (Yûh.jw2019 jw2019
Then it goes to a diagnostic center, and within one minute of your heart attack, your signal appears on the screen of a computer and the computer analyzes what your problem is.
پاشان دهچیته سهنتهری دیاری کردنی نهخۆشیهکان، وه له پاش یهک خولهک له جهڵدهکهت ئاماژهکهت له سهر شاشهی کۆمپیوتهرهکه دهردهکهوێت کۆمپیوتهرهکه شیدهکاتهوه کە تۆ کێشهت چییهted2019 ted2019
Subpleural dominance, crazy paving (lobular septal thickening with variable alveolar filling), and consolidation may appear as the disease progresses.
Tepeseriya subpleural, şiklgirtina wek kevirê peyarêyê (qalindbûna gulover a septal li gel tijîbûna alveolar a guherbar), û konsolîdasyon dibe derkeve holê her ku nexweşî pêşde diçe.Tico19 Tico19
At first, some of the instructions may not have appeared to be a good strategy.
Di serî de, dibe ku hin telîmatan ecêb xuya dikir.jw2019 jw2019
Human Rights Watch reviewed video footage and photographs posted online that appeared to show looting of livestock, food, and vehicles by armed men in Afrin, whose uniforms and armbands matched the description by the witnesses.
Human Rights Watch hûr bû li girtevîdyowên û wêneyên ku li ser înternetê hatin parvekirin yên xuyanî didin wan talankirina pez û sewal, xwarin, veguhasteran ji aliya mêrin çekdar li Efrînê, yên ku yûnform û bazbendên wan wekî salixdana govanan bû
In pockets, there appear what my colleague, Fred Spier, calls "Goldilocks conditions" -- not too hot, not too cold, just right for the creation of complexity.
لە گیرفانەکاندا، ئەو شتە دەرکەوت کە هاوپیشەکەم، فرێد، سپایەر، پێی دەڵێت "هەلومەرجە مامناوەندەکان" -- زۆر گەرم نا، زۆر سارد نا، گونجاو بۆ درووستکردنی ئاڵۆزی.ted2019 ted2019
Two of the incidents Human Rights Watch documented appear to have been caused by victim-activated improvised explosive devices, which explode due to the presence, proximity, or contact of a person.
دوو له ڕووداوهكان كه هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ ڕاپۆرتی دۆكیومێنتاری بۆ كردوون دهردهكهوێ له ئهنجامی بهركهوتن یان پێداپێنان بووه لهلایهن قوربانیهكانهوه
We believe that life arose spontaneously on the Earth, so it must be possible for life to appear on other suitable planets, of which there seem to be a large number in the galaxy.
بەبۆچوونی ئێمە . ژیان خۆڕسکانە لەسەر زەوی دروست بوو هەروەها ئاسایە دەرکەوتنى ژیان ،لەسەر هەسارە گونجاوەکانى تر کەوا پێدەچێت لە گەلەئەستێرەکان . ژمارەیەکى زۆریان گونجاوبنted2019 ted2019
A universe appears, an entire universe.
گەردوونێک دەردەکەوێت، گەردوونێکی تەواو.ted2019 ted2019
Enter a part of a filename pattern, and only file types with a matching file pattern will appear in the list. Alternatively, enter a part of a file type name as it appears in the list
Parçeyek ji qaliba cureyê pelekî têkevê. Tenê pelên ku cureyên qalibên wan hev digirin dê bên lîstekirinKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Divide et impera (lat. " Divide and conquer ")-by splitting a window into two parts (e. g. Window-> Split View Left/Right) you can make Konqueror appear the way you like. You can even load some example view-profiles (e. g. Midnight Commander), or create your own ones
Divide et impera (latînî: " Parve bike û hikm bike ")-paceyê dike du parçe (mînak. Pace-> Dîmenê Çep/Rast Parve bike) tu dikarî Konqueror' ê wekî tu hez dikî nîşan bikî. Her wisa tu dikarî hinek profîlên dîtinê yên mînak lê bar bikî (mînak. Midnight-Commander), an jî tu dikarî profîla xwe çêkîKDE40.1 KDE40.1
(Beirut) – Kurdish authorities should immediately release Esa Barzani, who they appear to be detaining solely due to his peaceful criticism of the ruling Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) and Kurdistan Regional Government President Masoud Barzani.
(بهیرووت)__ئهمڕۆ هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ ڕایگهیاند، دهبێت بهرپرسانی كورد دهستبهجێ عیسا بارزانی ئازاد بكهن كه دهردهكهوێت تهنها هۆكار له پشت دهستگیركردنهكهی ڕهخنهی ئاشتیانه بووبێت له پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان و سهرۆكی ههرێم مهسعود بارزانی
WADI case workers have taken some of these women and girls out of the camps for social activities, which appeared to help occupy them and provide a semblance of a normal life.
كارمهندانی وادی ههندێك لهم ژن و كچانهیان بردۆته دهرهوهی كامپهكان بۆ بهشداریكردن له چالاكی كۆمهڵایهتی كه دهردهكهوێ مهشغوڵیان بكات و ژیانێكی ئاساییان بۆ دابین بكات
And at first, it's just a blur, but very quickly distinct things begin to appear in that blur.
یەکەم جاریش، تەنیا لێڵییەکە، بەڵام زۆر بەخێرایی شتی ڕوون لەو لێڵییەدا دەردەکەوێت.ted2019 ted2019
4 If Peter had judged matters solely on outward appearance, he would never have entered the home of Cornelius.
4 Eger Petrûs tenê li gor dîtina çavê xwe hikum bikira, ewê neçûya mala Kornêlyos.jw2019 jw2019
* A.İ., cleaning services manager of a hospital in Kocaeli has raped the 38 year-old sanitation worker S.B. in his car whom he had called for talking about work and injured her as she resisted. The woman who got pregnant upon the rape got an abortion. A.İ has continued harassing the woman further in the hospital and got her fired as well as threatened to harm her daughter. Investigation has been launched on the man upon her complaint. (This incident which has occurred five months ago has appeared in the press on May 12 only after the investigation has been launched.)
‘Li Kocaeliyê mudirê karên paqijiyê A.I. ji bo xebatê hazî karkera bi navê S.B. yê (38) kir û di wesayîta xwe de tecawizî wê kir. Jinikê xwestiye ku xwe biparêze û li ser wê yekê ji hêla A.Iyê ve hatiye birîndarkirin. Jina hat tecawîzkirin hemîle ma û piştre kurtaj bû A.I li nexweşxaneyê li dijî wê jinê destdirêjî domand û piştre ew ji kar da derxistin û bi êrişkirina li dijî keça wê hat tehdîtkirin. (Ew bûyer 5 meh berê çêbûbû. Li ser gilîkirina derbarê wî mêrî de lêpirsîn hat destpêkirin.)Bianet Bianet
Joh 21:4-14 —The resurrected Jesus appeared to Peter and other disciples
Yh 21:4-14: Piştî ku Îsa ji miriyan rabû, wî xwe ji Petrûs û şagirtên din re xuyanî kirjw2019 jw2019
Journalist and bianet Project Advisor Nadire Mater, who joined closed Özgür Gündem newspaper’s Editors-in-Chief on Watch campaign, appeared before judge today (March 7).
Hasan Cemal, Yildirim Tûrker û Nadîre Materê ji bo Ozgûr Gûndemê, Nobedariya Berpirsiyarîya Weşanê kiribû.Bianet Bianet
According to the fossil record, all the major groups of animals appeared suddenly and remained virtually unchanged
Li gor qeyda fosîlê, tevahiya komên heywanên mezin, yekser derketine holê û paşê hema hema qet nehatine veguhertinjw2019 jw2019
And now simple atoms appear of hydrogen and helium.
و ئێستاش گەردیلە سادەکان لە هایدرۆجین و هیلیۆم دەردەکەون.ted2019 ted2019
Mahalli will appear before judge on June 1, 2017. (EKN/TK)
“Em hewil didin rasterast ji nexweşxaneyê derbêxin”Bianet Bianet
While the defendants did not appear before İstanbul 13th High Criminal Court, their attorneys Özcan Kılıç and Fikret İlkiz were present in the hearing. Reporters without Borders (RSF) Turkey representative Erol Önderoğlu and other journalists have observed the hearing.
Rojnamegerên têne dadkirin beşdarî dadkirinê nebûn. Parêzerên rojnamegeran Fîkret Îlkîz û Ozcan Kiliç beşdarî dadkirinê bûn.Bianet Bianet
There'll be new kinds of work that will appear, and those might be things that today we can't really even imagine.
وه جۆرێكی تری كاركردن دێته ئاراوه، رهنگه شتهكانێك بن كه ئێمه ههر بهخهیاڵیشماندا نایهت.ted2019 ted2019
166 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.