are oor Koerdies


/ɑɹ/, /ɑː(ɹ)/, /ɚ/, /ə(ɹ)/ naamwoord, werkwoord
second-person singular simple present tense of be

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies




We are going to eat a lot tonight so I hope that you are not on a diet.
Em ê geleki bixwin îshev, vêca hêvî dikim ku tu ne di rejîm de î.
bnr be.
ar: sed metrên çargoşe
bûn (pres 2nd sing. or pres. pl. of be)

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

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Initialism of [i]advance reader’s edition[/i].

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

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Soortgelyke frases

What are you doing?
Ch dakay?
be (You are)
you are right
tu rast î · xebera te ye
be (We are)
bridegroom's wedding clothes which are wrapped up in a square cloth
what are you doing?
chy akayt?
where are you from
خهلکی کوێی؟


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Stories are the key.
چیرۆکەکان وەک کلیل وانted2019 ted2019
And those days are gone.
ئەو رۆژانە تێ پەڕیونted2019 ted2019
That means that people are beginning the first step, which is acting out of their own self-interest.
ئەمە ئەوە دەگەیەنێت کە خەڵک لەسەرەتای هەنگاوەکانییەتی کە هەندێ کاردەکەن بەدەر لە حەز و ئارەزووی خۆیانted2019 ted2019
Sadly, this hoax narrative has persisted, and there are still people in Nigeria today who believe that the Chibok girls were never kidnapped.
تەنها پرۆپاگەندە بووە ،بەداخەوە بەو شێوەیە چیرۆکەکە بڵاوبوویەوە هێشتا خەڵکانێک هەن لە نێجیریادا کە پێیانوایە کە کچانى چیبۆک .ted2019 ted2019
It's really no coincidence that these institutions are largely set up in areas where tourists can most easily be lured in to visit and volunteer in exchange for donations.
بە هەڵکەوت نییە کە ئەم دامەزراوانە بەم شێوە فراوانە بوونیان هەیە لە شوێنێک دا کە گەشتیارەکان بە ئاسانی دەتوانن دەکەونە داوی ئەم تەڵانە کاتێک بۆ گەشت و سەردان بۆ ئەم شوێنانە دەچن.ted2019 ted2019
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So there's a lot of opportunities that are going to arise around Wikipedia all over the world.
کەواتە ویکیپێدیا دەرفەتی زۆری خستۆتە بەردەم خەڵکی لە سەرانسەری جیهاندا.ted2019 ted2019
But we realize we are providing sustenance on several levels: smell, a symbolic plane.
بەڵام ئێمە دەزانین کە ئێمە لە چەندین ئاستدا پێویستییە خۆراکییەکان پێشکەش دەکەین: بۆن، ئاستێکی هێمایی.ted2019 ted2019
We may be made aware of financial needs with regard to renovations to our local branch office, a convention we are attending, or assistance to our brothers after a natural disaster.
Dibe ku ji bo tamîr an avakirina buroyên herêmî, ji bo civînên mezin an jî ji bo alîkariya piştî felaketan pere lazim be.jw2019 jw2019
Do you feel, however, that people who have distinctly different personalities are bound to have problems?
Gelo mirovên ku xeyset de mîna hev nînin, qe dikarin ji hev re yole herin?jw2019 jw2019
“The meetings to be organized in Germany didn’t bear an intention of affecting Germany’s domestic politics. In a democratic country, such a ban is unacceptable in principle. The ways should be paved for both yes and no [campaigns]. These are the requirements of democracy. If you are not going to organize meetings, how will you call people to vote”.
“Ew civîna dê li Almanyayê bihatiya kirin, ne yek ji wan civînan e ku bandorê li sîyaseta navxweyî ya wî welatî bike. Betalkirina wê civînê ji bo welatek demokratîk wek prensîp nayê qebûlkirin.”Bianet Bianet
These are hospitalized patients.
کە تووشبون بە نەخۆشی بیرچونەوەیەted2019 ted2019
The statistical methodology is in support of a policy approach to widespread disease outbreak, where so-called nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) are used to respond to an emerging pandemic to produce disease suppression.
Metodolojiya statîstîkî di piştevaniya nêzîkbûna siyasetdanandinê de ji bo derketina nexweşiya berfireh, li cihê ku bi vî rengî navbendên destwerdana nedermanî (NPIs) têne bikar anîn da ku bersivê bide nexweşiyek nû ya pandemîk ji bo ku nexweşiyê hilberîne.Tico19 Tico19
Fenced area next to the Degaba IDP camp where men and boys over 14 who have fled fighting in Mosul and Hawija are being arbitrarily detained by KRG security forces for weeks at a time.
دهرهوهی كامپی ئاوارهی “دێگهبه" كه تێیدا پیاو كوڕی سهرو تهمهن ١٤ ساڵی ئاوارهی ناوچهكانی حهویجهو موسڵی تێیاندا بۆ ماوهی ههرچهند ههفتهیهك بهشێوهیهكی ههڕهمهكی دهستبهسهردهكرێن
So a pretty big endeavor, and we worked on the dispensers. These are the dispensers.
وە ئەمە کارێکی زۆر باش و گەوورە بوو ،تەرکیزمان خستە سەر ئامێری دابەش کردنی ئۆتۆماتیکی کەئەوەش دەرمان خانەیەکی ئۆتۆماتیکی،کەبەکار هێنانی ئاسانەted2019 ted2019
How can we know who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life,” and how can we find them?
Em çawa dikarin yên ku ‘dilê wan ji bo jiyana herheyî hazir e’, bibînin?jw2019 jw2019
When we are confronted with temptations, our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away.
Gava xwestekên nefsê zorê li me didin, zîhniyeta Mesîh wê alî me bike ku em wan red bikin.jw2019 jw2019
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment, as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater, causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste.
ههروهها سان فرانسیسکۆ (٤٠) ملیۆن دۆلار خەرج دهکات بۆ دوباره بیرکردنهوه و دیزاین کردنهوهی ئاوهکهی و چارهسهرکردنی ئاوی پیس وهکو ڕۆیشتنی ئاو بهناو بۆریهکاندا وهک ئهمه دهتوانرێت ئاوی پیس تێکهڵ ئاوی دهریاکان بکات پاڵپشتی ڕواندن دهکات، بهکتریاکان لهناو دهبات که پێویسته بۆ خەرجکردنهکهted2019 ted2019
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“Our deputies are being tortured”
“Şandina nameyan tê astengkirin.”Bianet Bianet
And he said to them: ‘It is written, “My house will be called a house of prayer,” but you are making it a cave of robbers.’” —Matt.
Wî ji wan re got: ‘Hatiye nivîsîn: “Wê ji mala min re mala duayê bê gotin.” Lê hûn wê dikin ‘şkefta rêbiran’” (Met.jw2019 jw2019
Among all the world's animals, birds are the only ones who can make something like what I'm holding today.
دەتوانێت ئەو پەرە دروست بکات ،لە ناو هەموو جیهانی ئاژەڵەکان باڵندەکان تاکە جۆرن دەتوانن شتێک دروست بکەن وەک ئەوەی ئەمڕۆ لە دەستمە.ted2019 ted2019
And so then I went back into the research and spent the next couple of years really trying to understand what they, the whole-hearted, what choices they were making, and what we are doing with vulnerability.
بۆیە گەڕامەوە سەر لێکۆڵینەوەکەم دوو ساڵی ترم بەسەر برد لەڕاستیدا هەوڵم دا کە تێبگەم ئەوان چین، هەست بەئازار کراوەکان چی هەڵدەبژێرن وە ئێمە چی بکەین لەگەڵ لاوازیداted2019 ted2019
So it's wonderful to think intellectually about how the life of the world is, especially those who are very smart can play this game in our head.
کهواته ئهوه شتێکی خۆشه بۆ ئێمه که بهشێوهیهکی زیرهکانه بیر بکهینهوه لهبارهی ئهوهی ژیان چۆنه لهم دنیایهدا، وه بهتایبهتی ئهوانهی که زۆر زیرهکن ...دهتوانین ئهو یاریه بکهین له ناو مێشکمانداted2019 ted2019
Charles Darwin, for example, taught that the small changes we can observe implied that much bigger changes —which no one has observed— are also possible.17 He felt that over vast periods of time, some original, so-called simple life-forms slowly evolved —by means of “extremely slight modifications”— into the millions of different forms of life on earth.18
Mesela Charles Darwîn li gor guheraniyên biçûk, ên ku çavnêrî dikare lê bê kirin, îda kir ku guheraniyên mezin, ên ku tu kesî çavnêrî lê nekiriye jî, pêk hatine.17 Ew fikirî ku şekilên jiyanê yên pêşî, yên ku jê re „hêsan“ tê gotin, di pêvajoya zemanekî zehf dirêj de, bi guheraniyên zehf biçûk bûne peresan û bi vî awayî bi milyonan şekilên jiyanê yên niha anîne holê.18jw2019 jw2019
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