be oor Koerdies


/biː/, /bi/ werkwoord
(intransitive) To occupy a place.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


Upon graduating, the couple were delighted to be reassigned to Madagascar.
Piştî mezûniyetê, ew pir dilşad bûn ku ew dîsa hatin şandin Madagaskarê.
bûn [ew dixtur bû: he was a doctor.]. bibe. hebûn. hebe. heyîn
çûn [I have been to mardin: ez çûme mêrdînê.]
(piştî there) hebûn
bûn. bit. be...heye. heye [there are some stamps on the table: li ser masê hinek pûl hene.] [there is a letter for you: ji te re nameyek heye.]

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

Geen vertalings nie


naamwoord, afkorting
Berlin, a federal state of Germany.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

be under rules or control of someone by force
bindest bûn
be suitable
possess: be possessed of
conscious: to be conscious (aware) of
be cast off
alive (be alive)
be tired
revived: to be revived (come back to life, lit. & fig.)
be terrified
bi cinan ketin · tirsîn


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"And if you have something to say about their thoughts, collectively, it might be time to think about it.
ئهگهر شتێکت ههبێت بیڵێیت لهبارهی بیرۆکهکانیان، بهگشتی لهوانهیه کات ههبێت بۆ بیرکردنهوه لهبارهیهوهted2019 ted2019
“Whoever Wants to Become Great Among You Must Be Your Minister”: (10 min.)
“Di Nav We de, Kî ku Bixwaze Bibe Yê Mezin, Divê Bibe Xizmetkarê We”: (10 deqe)jw2019 jw2019
It's really no coincidence that these institutions are largely set up in areas where tourists can most easily be lured in to visit and volunteer in exchange for donations.
بە هەڵکەوت نییە کە ئەم دامەزراوانە بەم شێوە فراوانە بوونیان هەیە لە شوێنێک دا کە گەشتیارەکان بە ئاسانی دەتوانن دەکەونە داوی ئەم تەڵانە کاتێک بۆ گەشت و سەردان بۆ ئەم شوێنانە دەچن.ted2019 ted2019
It was stated that operations will be launched in these villages.
Hat ragihandin ku dê li wê herêmê operasyon were lidarxistin û ji ber vê yekê derketina derve hatiye qedexekirin.Bianet Bianet
I could have told you 50 others just like it -- all the times that I got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of being was not necessarily the right way to go, that I should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert.
دهمتوانی بهههمان شێوهی ئێوه (٥٠)ی تریش بڵێم ههموو ئهوکاتهی که نامهکانم پێ دهگهیشت بهجۆرێک شێوازێکی ئارام و لهسهرخۆم ههبووکه گرنگ نهبوو ههمبێت ههتا بڕۆم دهبوو ههوڵ بدهم یان کراوه و کۆمهڵایهتی بمted2019 ted2019
* Petitions countrywide will be launched demanding immediate return of discharged and suspended public workers to their duties.
*Ji bo kedkarên ku ji kar hatine avêtin wê li her deverê Tirkiyeyê kampanyaya îmzeyê were lidarxistin.Bianet Bianet
But consider this: At meetings conducted in the language they understand best, children may absorb instruction simply by being present, perhaps learning more than their parents realize.
Dîsa jî, eger zarok herin civînên bi zimanê ku ew rind fehm dikin, ewê bêguman gelek tişt bielimin.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps they thought that since the majority of the spies brought a bad report, their account must be true.
Belkî ew difikirîn ku madem ku piraniya cesûsan xebereke xerab da, gotinên wan rast in.jw2019 jw2019
He told her he would try to help her but if he couldn’t, “I should commit suicide because it would be better than the alternative.”
براكهی پێی دهڵێت كه ههوڵدهدات ڕێگهیهك بدۆزێتهوه بۆ یارمهتیدانی، بهڵام ئهگهر نهیتوانی هیچی بۆ بكات ئهوا ههوڵبدات خۆی بكوژێت چونكه مردن لهوه باشتره.''
Could it be any kind of vigorous exercise?
دەکرێت هەر جۆرێک بێت لە جۆرەکانی وەرزشە قورسەکان؟ted2019 ted2019
How was Sergei pressured to be disloyal to God?
Ji Sergey re çi hat gotin ku ew dev ji dilsoziya xwe berde?jw2019 jw2019
We may be made aware of financial needs with regard to renovations to our local branch office, a convention we are attending, or assistance to our brothers after a natural disaster.
Dibe ku ji bo tamîr an avakirina buroyên herêmî, ji bo civînên mezin an jî ji bo alîkariya piştî felaketan pere lazim be.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, it would be too risky to release these animals, both for the released and for the natural populations.
دانیشتوانە سروشتیەکەش هەروەها ڕایانگەیاند کە ئێمە پارەیەکی زۆر لە .ted2019 ted2019
“The meetings to be organized in Germany didn’t bear an intention of affecting Germany’s domestic politics. In a democratic country, such a ban is unacceptable in principle. The ways should be paved for both yes and no [campaigns]. These are the requirements of democracy. If you are not going to organize meetings, how will you call people to vote”.
“Ew civîna dê li Almanyayê bihatiya kirin, ne yek ji wan civînan e ku bandorê li sîyaseta navxweyî ya wî welatî bike. Betalkirina wê civînê ji bo welatek demokratîk wek prensîp nayê qebûlkirin.”Bianet Bianet
In many places, the brothers had good reason to fear that if the two races met together for worship, their Kingdom Hall would be destroyed.
Li gelek deran, bira ditirsiyan ku eger kesên spî û kesên reş bi hev re kom bibin, dibe ku Salona Îbadetê bê xera kirin.jw2019 jw2019
Fenced area next to the Degaba IDP camp where men and boys over 14 who have fled fighting in Mosul and Hawija are being arbitrarily detained by KRG security forces for weeks at a time.
دهرهوهی كامپی ئاوارهی “دێگهبه" كه تێیدا پیاو كوڕی سهرو تهمهن ١٤ ساڵی ئاوارهی ناوچهكانی حهویجهو موسڵی تێیاندا بۆ ماوهی ههرچهند ههفتهیهك بهشێوهیهكی ههڕهمهكی دهستبهسهردهكرێن
Nonetheless, I feel that if I were assigned to work there again, I would still be a novice.
Dîsa jî, eger ez dîsa biketama vê departmanê, ezê di vî îşî de dîsa bibûma şagirtê nû.jw2019 jw2019
Even in areas where villagers were openly defiant of the law just after it was passed, the practice appears to now be performed in more secrecy than before, he said.
فەلاح ووتیشى، "ئێستا نەریتەکە بە نهێنى پەیڕەو دەکرێ تەنانەت لەو ناوچانەشى کە بە ئاشکرا دژى یاساکە دەوەستنەوە لە دواى دەرچوونیەوە."
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment, as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater, causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste.
ههروهها سان فرانسیسکۆ (٤٠) ملیۆن دۆلار خەرج دهکات بۆ دوباره بیرکردنهوه و دیزاین کردنهوهی ئاوهکهی و چارهسهرکردنی ئاوی پیس وهکو ڕۆیشتنی ئاو بهناو بۆریهکاندا وهک ئهمه دهتوانرێت ئاوی پیس تێکهڵ ئاوی دهریاکان بکات پاڵپشتی ڕواندن دهکات، بهکتریاکان لهناو دهبات که پێویسته بۆ خەرجکردنهکهted2019 ted2019
The second hearing of the trial on January 11 had lasted only five minutes and the court had ruled that the case of the arrested İnan Kızılkaya, a suspect in the same trial with Korur-Fincancı, Önderoğlu and Nesin, be combined with the main trial case of Özgür Gündem daily.
Erol Onderoglû rapornivîsê Çavdêriya Li Medyayê ya biayê û berpirsê Tirkiyeyê yê Rêxistina Rojnamegerên Sînornenas e, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fîncanci seroka Weqfa Mafê Mirovan a Tirkiyeyê ye û Ahmet Nesîn nivîskar e.Bianet Bianet
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Says, "Leymah, my wish is to be educated.
وتی '' لیما ، ئاواتم ئەوەیە کە بخوێنمted2019 ted2019
Referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Gabriel said, “For a long time, we have tried a rational stance against him. Sometimes it might be better not to take him so seriously.”
“Almanya ji bo serbestberdana Denîz Yûcelî bi tenê dikare rêyên dîplomasî û ekonomîyê bi kar bîne û bi wan guvaşê çêbike.”Bianet Bianet
Being detained in the airport, Gol announced on his Twitter account that he was kept for five hours and then deported.
Jiyar Golî li ser hesabê xwe yê Twîtterê da zanîn ku piştî polîsan ew desteser kir ew 5 sietan li balafirgehê maye û paşê jî ji Tirkiyeyê hatiye derêxistin.Bianet Bianet
“Our deputies are being tortured”
“Şandina nameyan tê astengkirin.”Bianet Bianet
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