be afraid oor Koerdies

be afraid

To be scared of; to have an uncontrollable emotion of anxiety about something that causes a scared reaction or frightening impression.

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To be scared of; to have an uncontrollable emotion of anxiety about something that causes a scared reaction or frightening impression.
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afraid (to be afraid of)
afraid: to be scared to death


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah . . . is with you.” —1 CHRON.
Lê hindurda hesnê îda jeng girtine.jw2019 jw2019
Why should you not be afraid to dedicate yourself to Jehovah?
Bi guhdarîkirina xwe, Adem û Hêwayê wê bikaribûna nîşan kirana, wekî ewana hukumeta Yahowa qedir-qîmet dikin, û dixwazin pey rêberiya herin.jw2019 jw2019
Still, some may be afraid to raise their hand.
Gavekê bi paş ve vegere di dîroka lêgerînê dejw2019 jw2019
It can crumble so easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.
“Xwe li Xwedê bigirin, Xwedê jî wê xwe li we bigire.ted2019 ted2019
If you learn that you need to make changes, don’t be afraid to make them.
Kitêba Pîroz dibêje ku Yahowa Xwedê erd badîhewa ne efirandiye, lê seva ku meriv li ser bijîn (Îşaya 45:18).jw2019 jw2019
Notice how this is reflected in what he told his brothers: “Do not be afraid.
4. Îsa çiqas cara xwe nîşanî şagirta kir?jw2019 jw2019
If you think someone is suicidal, don't be afraid to confront them and ask the question.
; Bakûr-Rohilata Bera Celîlêted2019 ted2019
4 Jehovah first assures us with the words: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”
Keleka Rûpelêjw2019 jw2019
Why shouldn’t you be afraid to dedicate yourself to Jehovah?
Deşta Şaronêjw2019 jw2019
Don't be afraid!
Zûtirekê zara we wê bixwaze çev bide we û hine wede şûnda hûnê wî hîn kin, ku xwexa bixûne.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The expression “Do not be afraid” is mentioned three times, at Isaiah 41:10, 13, and 14.
Lê niha çaxê zar ji we cihê bûne, wede ye bona hevdu xem bikin.jw2019 jw2019
“He was sleeping in the same place with me and told me not be afraid because I was like his daughter,” she said.
Qada Lêgerînê
Is it logical that anybody should be expected to be afraid of the work that they feel they were put on this Earth to do.
Lê seva çi merî xwe nixum dikirin? Seva ku nîşan kin wekî ji gunêd xwe poşman bûne û dixwazin terk bidin.ted2019 ted2019
So in the future, don't be afraid if your grill goes up in flames, because you never know when your idea might just catch fire.
ev pırsgrêkên rojanî neted2019 ted2019
It might help us recognize that the way we limit our conversation about death to something that's medical or biological is reflective of a larger culture that we all share of avoiding death, being afraid of talking about it.
Ew mêtod gelek kêrhatî ye îlahî bona hînkirina zara.ted2019 ted2019
Parents report their children being traumatized, becoming afraid of the dark, becoming afraid of their favorite cartoon characters.
Peldanka Aniha (Dirêjted2019 ted2019
* “Today the PM is giving a calamitous and unlawful order to governors: ‘Don’t be afraid to make mistakes,’ he says. This means, ‘you can act beyond the law, aggrieve others, feel free to do so, and we back you up’. As of now, he is effectively the one to politically and legally account for any crime that governors commit.
Lê çimkî Mîrê-cina Adem û Hêwa da şaşkirinê, ew qirara Xwedê hate paşxistinê.Bianet Bianet
Like my dad, for example, was a chemical engineer and I don't recall once in his 40 years of chemical engineering anybody asking him if he was afraid to be a chemical engineer, you know?
Agahiya guhertoyê nîşan bideted2019 ted2019
Like, they come up to me now, all worried, and they say, "Aren't you afraid you're never going to be able to top that?
Meniya pêşin jina wîye Îzabêl bû, ya ku gele zulmkar bû.ted2019 ted2019
How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a champion?
Rupela Torê ya Serekîted2019 ted2019
“It’s a matter of grave concern that Iraqis in so many walks of life, officials included, are afraid for their own well-being and fear great harm if they discuss allegations of serious human rights abuses,” Stork said.
Di cinetêda, ku îda nêzîk e, Yahowa Xwedê wê gele kerem li ser meriya bibarîne (Zebûr 37:10, 11, 29; Eyantî 21:4)
I was afraid that for the rest of my life some second-class happiness would be the best I could hope for.
Lê çira ewana di vê yekêda usa guman bûn û ça em dikarin guman bin ku bi rastiyê Îsa, Mesîhê sozdayî ye?ted2019 ted2019
“I was afraid that if I got baptized,” says Makayla, “I would make a mistake, be disfellowshipped, and bring even more sadness to my parents.”
Hînkirinên dînê meriya bin hukumtiya kêda nin, û ewana çi hîn dikin?jw2019 jw2019
I spent my summers in a war zone, because my parents were afraid that if we didn't go back to Palestine every single summer, we'd grow up to be Madonna.
Ji we her kes jî bira jina xwe hiz bike çawa xwe”ted2019 ted2019
The four men said that the relatives of the detained men do not know where they are being held and that the detainees have not phoned them, but that the families are afraid to ask security forces where the men have been taken.
Ya pêşin, ew derheqa “mizgîniya xêrê derheqa Padşatiyê” hîn
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