come out oor Koerdies

come out

To be discovered, be revealed.

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to be published, be issued
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coming out
to leave: (come out)
to come out
to come out of one's shell
to meet: (greet, come out to to meet)
to greet: (come out to meet)
to come out: (of publications)


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East Europe: Soviet economy for a long time, but they come out after 10 years very, very differently.
(a) Ça Yahowa destpêkir sozê xwe Birahîmra bîne serî?ted2019 ted2019
We come out better people.”
15 Lê çira Yahowa dihêle, wekî kul-derd haqas wede bikişîne?jw2019 jw2019
When you come out of the water, you will begin a new life doing God’s will.
Paşê Îsa ji wan hinekî dûr ket, li cîkî sekinî, çok da û destpêkir dua bike.jw2019 jw2019
I remember being very nervous about coming out to her -- after all, she was a Southern Baptist.
Gelek car ewî ber çevê min diya min kuta ye.ted2019 ted2019
“Referendum” had come out in the first round
Li ser Îsraêlê serwêrtî dikeBianet Bianet
8 Jesus said to Lazarus: “Come out!”
5. Du cesûsa çi soz dane Rexab?jw2019 jw2019
The non-players never come out -- they die.
• Ji nivîsarêd Peymana Nû tê kifşê ku Îsa Mesîh gelek car dida xebatê navê Xwedê û ew nav meriyara dida naskirinê (Yûhenna 17:6, 11, 12, 26).ted2019 ted2019
You guys may be familiar with this research that's coming out of the NFL.
c) # Pêşdebirên Kateted2019 ted2019
If it comes out six months late, so what?
Hergê neheqiyên usa te xweş nayên, bizanibe wekî hê zêde Xwedê xweş nayên.ted2019 ted2019
When you come out, you will be old and alone.”
Hergê tu dişirmîş bî ser van giliya, rastî wê tera zelal be.jw2019 jw2019
The soldiers who were shooting yelled for me to come out from my hiding place.
1, 2. a) Çira Îsa got ku pêşiya ku tiştekî bikin, ferz e ser bifikirin?jw2019 jw2019
He said, "If you really held your breath that long, why'd you come out of the water dry?"
Xulam gotin: “Her kes ji we dikare here, lê Binyamîn wê tevî me bê”.ted2019 ted2019
I would never suggest for a second that something bad has come out of the tech revolution.
13 Birahîmê Hevalê Xwedêted2019 ted2019
So many of the commercials that come out there in the way of a message -- what's really being said?
Hene yên usa jî kîjan ku tenê bona zara safî dikin hev neqetin.ted2019 ted2019
The director of sports who's responsible for getting her into the program asks her to come out of class.
11, 12. (a) Di kitêba Metta 5-7-da derheqa kîjan pirsên ferz xeberdan diçe?ted2019 ted2019
How do we actually know that these sentences coming out of our mouths are real stories, you know, are real sentences?
Çi guman heye derheqa miriya?ted2019 ted2019
(Luke 6:45) So when a good man speaks truth in his heart, truthful speech will come out of his mouth.
Li ser îsraêliya cihû jî digotin.jw2019 jw2019
And there's good studies of the refugees coming out of Congo -- they have two, three percent infected, and peaceful Zambia -- much higher.
Rojanekirinted2019 ted2019
And it comes out and it sells about 25,000 copies in the first few weeks, and the label considers this a failure.
5. Ji çi hate kivşê ku birêd Ûsiv rast bûne?ted2019 ted2019
Artists also speak about how some of their most powerful work comes out of the parts of life that are most difficult.
Wana tirê ku wê bikaribin îsraêliya alt kin.ted2019 ted2019
Albert reaches in his pocket to pull out, you know, this black rubber band, but what comes out instead is a knife.
Bi destê Xwedê cina derdixe; dîsa nîşana Yûhenna dideted2019 ted2019
If you give the crayfish the same drug used to treat anxiety disorder in humans, it relaxes and comes out and explores.
3 Were em niha hinekî dişirmîş bin, ku gava merivekî meyî nêzîk dimire em çi li ser xwe texmîn dikin.ted2019 ted2019
Creators are going to come out the other end of this weird 100 years, this century-long journey, with an awesome new machine.
Lema jî ewî du golikêd zêr çêkir, wekî 10 berekêd îsraêliya ber wan serê xwe daynin.ted2019 ted2019
But they found that -- this is after three and a half hours in an fMRI, it's like coming out of a space ship.
Gelo em ecêbmayî dimînin, wekî ew dinya ku tije telî-tengasiyadane, malbet rastî çetinaya tê?ted2019 ted2019
The officer said that the government was "very sensitive about protesters coming out in large numbers on June 10 and making Maliki look bad."
Navê nû yê komê binivî
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