comical oor Koerdies


/ˈkɒmɪkl/, /ˈkɑmɪkəl/, /ˈkɒmɪkəl/ adjektief
(archaic) Originally, relating to comedy.

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And it really wasn't until pretty recently, maybe the last decade or so, that comics have seen more widespread acceptance among American educators.
Dikare Bixwîneted2019 ted2019
When I was a brand new teacher, I tried bringing comic books into my classroom.
17 Yekî mîna Yahowa Xwedê tune, çimkî tenê ew e Efirandar.ted2019 ted2019
These comics lectures would come out to anywhere between four and six pages long, I'd xerox these, give them to my sub to hand to my students.
Paşê Yahowa dîsa keremetek nîşanî wî kir.ted2019 ted2019
According to Native Realities Press founder Lee Francis, the free digital copy of LaPensée's comic, available on their website, is the highest downloaded book on the site.
3. Bi gotina Îsa Şawûl çi gerekê bikira?gv2019 gv2019
Although a comic, the images it contains can be quite disturbing as they expose a dark reality that affects women in Native communities.
4. Tatenay seva çi nemekê dişîne li Babîlonê, û cava ça ew distîne?gv2019 gv2019
The original idea behind the anthology was born out of the success of artist and writer Elizabeth LaPensée’s comic, “Deer Woman: A Vignette,” published by Native Realities Press in 2015.
Ev meriyêd timakar wan heywana, hema li vir di paristgehêda difiroşin.gv2019 gv2019
A lot of this is directed at language arts, but more and more comics and graphic novels are starting to tackle math and science topics.
4. Çira Petrûs gote Kornêlyo ku ew gerekê serê xwe ber wî daneyne?ted2019 ted2019
Eventually I became a published cartoonist, writing and drawing comic books for a living.
hevoka lêkerîted2019 ted2019
First, unlike their math textbooks, these comics lectures taught visually.
Gelo milyaket alî meriva dikin?ted2019 ted2019
But when I talked to my students about why they liked these comics lectures so much, I began to understand the educational potential of comics.
Lema jî meriya tevî xwe seqeta, kora, kera û usa jî gele meriyêd din dianî ku Îsa wan qenc ke.ted2019 ted2019
When my students didn't understand something in my comics lecture, they could just reread that passage as quickly or as slowly as they needed.
8 Mîrê-cina usa kir, wekî Adem û Hêwa miqabilî Yahowa Xwedê rabin.ted2019 ted2019
A lot of innovative teachers began bringing comics into their classrooms to experiment.
Yahowa Habîl û qurbana wî qebûl kir.ted2019 ted2019
A few years into my teaching career, I learned firsthand the educational potential of comics.
Diqewime mêrê te texmîn ke ew guhastinên baş nava zarada û cefê te qîmet ke (Metelok 23:24).ted2019 ted2019
Some people say I'm the first stand-up comic in the Arab world.
Bijareyan Çêbiketed2019 ted2019
My first gig was driving famous comics from New York City to shows in New Jersey, and I'll never forget the face of the first comic I ever drove when he realized that he was speeding down the New Jersey Turnpike with a chick with CP driving him.
Ji bo vê nexweşiyê hela hê bedenê meriya jî genî dibe.ted2019 ted2019
It wasn't so much that I was planning to teach them with comics, it was more that I was hoping comics would make them think that I was cool.
Bişkojkên Hilpekînê hatin neçalakirinted2019 ted2019
So for certain students and certain kinds of information, these two aspects of the comics medium, its visual nature and its permanence, make it an incredibly powerful educational tool.
Diqewime zarek hewce ye ku gelek dîna xwe bidine wî, lê yê din na.ted2019 ted2019
So I became a comic.
5. Xwedê seva meriya û heywana çi destpêkir li ser erdê hazir ke?ted2019 ted2019
Instinctively, I knew that comic books didn't belong in the classroom.
Nadab: 2 salted2019 ted2019
I wanted to figure out why American educators have historically been so reluctant to use comic books in their classrooms.
Navê Sîteyêted2019 ted2019
I also learned, don't reveal your source: I got beat up after four weeks of this, because one of the rich kids found out where I was buying my comics, and didn't like that he was paying more.
7 Mêr usa jî gerekê çev bidine Îsa Mesîh di wê yekêda, ku ew hergav derheqa şagirtên xwe dişirmîş dibû û wana fem dikir.ted2019 ted2019
And I was so intrigued by this experience that I had with these comics lectures that I decided to focus my final master's project on comics.
Roja îroyîn Xwedê tevî me xeber dide bi Kitêba Pîroz.ted2019 ted2019
The comic also includes self-defense techniques from Arming Sisters Reawakening Warriors, an organization that promotes self-empowerment and defense as tools for healing.
Îsa gele keremeta dikir.gv2019 gv2019
Comic books didn't belong in the classroom.
Niha Ûsiv dît ku birêd wî rast bûne.ted2019 ted2019
There's no good reason to keep comic books and graphic novels out of K-12 education.
BINIHÊRE li ser wan, berbi kê Dînah tê.ted2019 ted2019
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