command oor Koerdies


/kəˈmɑːnd/, /kəˈmænd/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
An order, a compelling task given to an inferior or a machine.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


He commands that Daniel be lifted out of the pit.
Ewî ferman da, wekî Daniyêl ji bîrê derxin.
ferman [his master ordered that he be sold : xwedîyê wî ferman da wî bifroşin.]. serengîn. fermandarî. ferkar. serkirdayetî. ferman dan/ kirin. fermandarî kirin. emir

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

lieutenant commander
order: (command)
subject: (adj., [+to] =under the command of)
division commander
company commander


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
* Naval Forces Command: 32 admirals, 59 commissioned officers, 63 non-commissioned officers
SAL derbaz dibin, emir jî tê guhastinê.Bianet Bianet
Nonetheless, when Jesus was on earth, he commanded: “Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
Qîzên wê hê zêde bona wê xem dikirin û xeysetê mêrê wê aliyê başda hate guhastinê.jw2019 jw2019
7-8. (a) What did Jehovah command parents to do?
Kîjan merî wê bêne saxkirinê?jw2019 jw2019
So again, the robots monitor this error and calculate the control commands 100 times a second, which then translates into motor commands, 600 times a second.
Bernameya Rûerdê Raketed2019 ted2019
Command to initiate the system reboot. Typical value:/sbin/reboot
b) Çira hinek safî dikin bibaxşînin bênamûsiya jin yan mêrê xwe?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
* The king of Babylon commanded them to bow down to a large image of gold.
Riya Wedê Altkirinêjw2019 jw2019
Command (see--commands
4, 5. (a) mer da xebatê, wekî Hêwayêra xeber da?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
(Matthew 7:16-20) The Bible clearly teaches that if we love God, we will obey his commandments.
Çalakiya Bişkojka Mişkîjw2019 jw2019
Divide et impera (lat. " Divide and conquer ")-by splitting a window into two parts (e. g. Window-> Split View Left/Right) you can make Konqueror appear the way you like. You can even load some example view-profiles (e. g. Midnight Commander), or create your own ones
Peldankê HilbijêreKDE40.1 KDE40.1
But the fifth commandment gave me an epiphany: "You shall honor your father and mother."
Rûerdê sermaseyê kesane biketed2019 ted2019
* Land Forces Command: 87 generals, 726 commissioned officers , 256 non-commissioned officers
Yek ji van qanûna divêje: “Xêncî min, ber tu xudanêd din serê xwe daneynin”.Bianet Bianet
The Rojava Peshmerga commander who spoke to Human Rights Watch said that his forces called for backup from the riot police once protesters arrived and that the protesters then started throwing stones at the riot police, who responded by firing rubber bullets, but that this did not lead to any casualties.
Ewî genim, pincar û êmîş mezin
KDE tool for querying and controlling your power management options from the command line
Hine ji wan pirsa serên derbazbûyda îda hatine şêwirkirinê.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
In the worst the HRW found, witnesses described the recapture and brutal beating by fighters of a 13-year-old Yazidi girl who had argued with her commander and tried to escape.
Pîkselên Nirxbilind tê
The Iraqi authorities should hold fighters and commanders in the Iraqi security forces and militias accountable for any abuses committed during military operations and make public the results of investigations into these abuses.
Hela dişirmîş be, gava kesek te dide xeîdandinê, tu dixwazî cava wî bidî, yanê dibek jî dua dikî Xwedêra wekî dîwana wî bike?
"The commander denied us despite all the explanations I gave. They asked for another report from the hospital". (EKN/TK)
Çira mera ser stûnê, bi sîmbolîk rind beramberî Îsa Mesîh tê yê ku li ser stûnê yanê kênarê hate mixkirinê?Bianet Bianet
The groups should urgently demobilize children, investigate abuses, pledge to end child recruitment, and appropriately penalize commanders who fail to do so.
& Danişîna Heyî
Yakut was the first woman commander in the Gendarmerie, according to the report.
NûbarkirinBianet Bianet
On July 5, the YPG and YPJ issued a circular to commanders and heads of recruiting centers saying they were not to recruit or accept anyone under 18.
Ewî ferman da, wekî hemû zarêd tezebûyî heta du sala bêne kuştinê
For example, one scholar observes: “The inference of God’s commands in [Genesis 2:16, 17] is that only God knows what is good . . . for humanity and only God knows what is not good . . . for them.
Kalik-pîrik çi dikarin bikin bona şîretkirina nebiya, lê çi gerekê nekin?jw2019 jw2019
Command (see--commands
Ji kitêba Îbo 38:4-7, derheqa milyaketa em çi pêdihesin?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
The commander ordered her fighters to beat the girl and they did so twice.
Bişkojkên Mişkî hatin çalakirin. Ji niha pê ve ji bo kontrolkirina mişkî dikarî bişkojkên hejmarî ên klavyeyê bi kar bînî
Set a command to be run before connecting to your device (e. g. a mount command) here. %d is replaced by the device node, %m by the mount point. Empty commands are not executed
Meriya navê wê danîn MANA.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
One Rojava Peshmerga commander told Human Rights Watch on March 26 that a small number of protesters were armed and fired live bullets which caused the death and injuries, but this was contradicted by the other witnesses.
Malbetên usada diqewime jin ça xulam têne hesabê
What specific command did God give our first human parents, and for what purpose?
Di Para ŞEŞADA 34 salêd terîxiyê tê gilî kirinê.jw2019 jw2019
167 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.