comparison oor Koerdies


/kʌmˈpæɹɪsən/, /kʌmˈpɛɹɪsən/ naamwoord
The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared

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hevberî. hevberkirin. berawurd. danberhevî. berhevdanî. qîyas. angortî. berhevdanî. eman. dilhişyarî

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by comparison
to bear or stand comparison with
in comparison
in comparison


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Data reported to CDC are preliminary and can be updated by health departments over time; critical data elements might be missing at the time of initial report; thus, this analysis is descriptive, and no statistical comparisons could be made.
Îkonekê ser bingehê navê wê dibîneTico19 Tico19
However, this is quite a rough comparison as many other impact factors such as the number and severity of the patients should be included in the evaluation.
Lê Silêman gele jin ji welatêd dinêna xwera anî, yê ku Yahowara qulix nedikirin.Tico19 Tico19
This approach is independent of the ABC methodology and will allow comparisons between estimates from the two modelling approaches to judge robustness of results.
Dêmek, ça tê kifşê qirara Xwedê ew bû, wekî meriv li hev zêde bûna, erd bêcerkirana, hin jî miqatî heywana bûna. Bi vê yekê Xwedê dixwest, wekî temamiya erdê bibûya cinet.Tico19 Tico19
A comparison of SARS-CoV-2 with MERS-CoV and SARA-CoV regarding their symptoms, mortality, and R0 is presented in Table Table1.1.
Ez dihêlim wekî tu vî erdî bivînî, lê îzinê nadime te, ku bikevî Kenanê”.Tico19 Tico19
In comparison to other single-stranded RNA viruses, the estimated mutation rates of CoVs could be regarded as “moderate” to “high” with an average substitution rate being ~10-4 substitution per year per site 2, depending on the phase of CoV adaptation to novel hosts.
Lema jî Pawlosê şandî temiyê dide Mesîhiya wekî nezewicin, heta “dema geşbûna cihaltiyê” derbaz be, dêmek ew dem çaxê xwestina sêksûal gelek mezin e, û dikare nehêle ku meriv rast bifikire (1 Korintî 7:36, DT).Tico19 Tico19
Samuel Pisar, an Auschwitz survivor, said, and I'll quote him, "The Holocaust teaches us that nature, even in its cruelest moments, is benign in comparison with man, when he loses his moral compass and his reason."
Bîra Vala ya Fîzîkîted2019 ted2019
And so I compared what I got to what I expected, and what I got was disappointing in comparison to what I expected.
ListîkNameted2019 ted2019
Offer kind words, and avoid making negative comparisons
Romayî, 1 û 2 Korintî, Galatî, Efesî, Fîlîpî, Kolosî, 1 û 2 Têsalonîkîjw2019 jw2019
However, the price we paid is small in comparison to the blessings that we have received.
Bi sînor bikejw2019 jw2019
But by comparison, we can learn.
Dîmender Tijeted2019 ted2019
Countries also differ in their testing and reporting practices, so comparisons of the number of reported cases do not tell the full story of how the epidemic has progressed in different areas.
Şiroveke. (b) Hine merî ça xêr-xwazê te, çi dikarin bikin, lê tu çi gerekê bikî?Tico19 Tico19
17 By comparison, how many people do you know who became sick because they adhered to Bible standards?
من شەقواقنگت ئەکەمjw2019 jw2019
(b) What do the grapes in Jesus’ illustration represent, and why is it a fitting comparison?
Xêncî wê yekê, tevayî herine civata, kîderê ku hûn dikarin Xebera Xwedê hîn bin.jw2019 jw2019
* In Turkey, 1 billion chickens are slaughtered in 1 year. The chicken consumption has increased 5 times in 20 years. In Turkey chickens are being produced 1.5 times more by comparison to the average production in the world.
Zar hertim bi şabûnê tije ne, ewana qe nawestin lîstikêra û şabûnêra.Bianet Bianet
The inspired apostle Paul said: “Let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person.” —Gal.
13 Bibine heval.jw2019 jw2019
A comparison of the epidemic of COVID-19 with that of SARS and MERS is provided below (Fig. (Fig.55).
The report also demonstrates that in comparison to the last quarter, the number of the arrested journalists has risen from 24 to 106 the detentions from 49 to 78 and the unemployed from 45 to 2,500.
Ji van serhatiya usa tê kifşê, wekî ew miriyên ku hatibûn saxkirinê, dîsa jî li ser erdê tevî bira-pismamên xwe dijîtin.Bianet Bianet
A comparison of photographs Human Rights Watch took on January 30, 2018 with satellite imagery recorded on September 29, 2017 suggests the site has been undisturbed since.
Ça meriyêd îroyîn çev didine îsraêliya, yê ku serê xwe ber tev datanîn?
11 For the sake of comparison, let us say that years ago some Witnesses or our Christian parents shared the Kingdom news with us.
Lê gava Îsa navê Meryemê hilda, ewê tê derxist ku ew Îsa ye.jw2019 jw2019
Whole-genome comparison to date has found at most 92% of genetic material shared between pangolin coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2, which is insufficient to prove pangolins to be the intermediate host.
Wî bidine wê jinkê!”Tico19 Tico19
13 Think of this comparison: What happens when an old, rickety bridge needs to be replaced?
Ez dixebitîm heta xilaziyê bona wî bibim kurekî baş û ez difikirim, ku bavê min hema usa jî hesab dikir, ku ez kurekî baş im”.jw2019 jw2019
German Governmental Spokesperson Steffen Seibert dismissed the Nazi comparison as “absurd”. (YY/TK)
Yûhennayê Nixumdar qulixkirina xwe destpêdikeBianet Bianet
How much better when we do so rather than express frustrating comparisons with others. —Gal.
Lê ev mesela jorê gotî, nîşan dike ku mirî nizanin ewê yekê, çi ku merivêd sax dikin.jw2019 jw2019
Consider the extent to which we have not colonized the deserts of our own planet, places that are lush by comparison with Mars.
Ew usa jî dikare nehêle tu herî ser civatê. Yan dibêje, wekî naxwaze ku jina wî here mal bi mal û merivara derheqa baweriyê xeber de.ted2019 ted2019
Through a phylogenetic comparison of SARS-CoV-2 with other CoVs, bats were considered the native host of SARS-CoV-2 as the new virus is 96% identical to two SARS-like CoVs from bats called bat-SL-CoVZX45 and bat-SL-CoVZX21.
Lê hene malbetên usa jî, kîderê şer-dew aliyê matêriyalîda pêşda tên.Tico19 Tico19
25 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.