conductance oor Koerdies


(physics) A measure of the ability of a body to conduct electricity; the reciprocal of its resistance.

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The practical instruction we receive at this meeting helps many of us feel more confident about making return visits and conducting Bible studies.
Ev vebijêrk, di vebijêrkên dîrokê de mehên kurtkirî bikar tînejw2019 jw2019
But consider this: At meetings conducted in the language they understand best, children may absorb instruction simply by being present, perhaps learning more than their parents realize.
7 Dibeke fikirên usa hatibûn hişê jina Îbo jî.jw2019 jw2019
Searchers were conducted in their houses, it was stated.
Dibek jî di Kitêba Pîrozda tenê navê qîzeke Aqûb tê hildanê, lê ji kîderê em zanin çi xêncî Dînah dîsa qîzêd wî hebûn?Bianet Bianet
; to exercise the love of social complexity and the narrative intelligence that drives most of their play behavior; and which embeds in it values about noticing that we have lots of choices in our lives and the ways that we conduct ourselves.
Meselê gilî kin.ted2019 ted2019
Mortality is higher in men in studies conducted in China and Italy.
Jin hindava mêrê xwe gerekê ça be û ev yek çi karê dikare bîne?Tico19 Tico19
On occasion, new ones ask mature publishers to help them teach their children the truth, even to conduct a Bible study with the youngsters.
5 Gele merivên bawermend, pirsê didine ulmdar û terêqa, ku çira haqas kul-derd hene.jw2019 jw2019
Human Rights Watch conducted research in the town of Dohuk in January and February 2015, including interviewing 20 women and girls who escaped from ISIS, and reviewing ISIS statements about the subject.
Çawa eyan e Asyayêda “dê-bav şa nabin çaxê wanara qîz tê bûyînê”
He reports that he and his wife thus far are conducting 15 Bible studies and that a good number of inactive ones are now attending meetings.
Berbi Beytfacê û Beytanyayêjw2019 jw2019
14 Our Christlike thinking will influence our speech, our conduct at work or in school, and the decisions we make each day.
Ûsiv du xewna divîne.jw2019 jw2019
66 journalists have been tried seeking a prison sentence of 1,685 years and 6 months in total on charges of “conducting [illegal] organization”, “being a member of an [illegal] organization” and“aiding an [illegal] organization”. 1 journalist has been sentenced to 6 years in prison on charge of “being a member of an [illegal] organization”. There has been 5 new cases. 7 journalists have stood trial on charges of “coup plotting”, “spying” or “providing and publishing documents concerning the security of State”. 2 of these journalists have been sentenced to 10 years and 10 months in prison on charges of “providing and publishing confidential documents”.
Kotiya qenc dike; elaleta mezin pey wî diçeBianet Bianet
We have conducted initial searches within the RCGP RSC database to look at the number of full blood count (FBC) results and overall rates in adults and children (Figures 6--9).9).
dewsê Yahowa wede da wan.Tico19 Tico19
“Imagine that they conduct visits door-to-door, consume diesel oil, and receive extra personnel and shuttles. Believe me that if the palm scanning system is implemented, the number of education centers will be halved.
Îsa gele keremeta dikir.Bianet Bianet
What changes in our thinking and conduct are needed in order to buy truth?
tu ça dişirmîş dibî?jw2019 jw2019
Meanwhile, the branch overseer engaged in unscriptural conduct and had to be replaced.
Hergê em hêrsa xwe zeft nekin, emê nikaribin Yehowara rast xizmet kin (Metelok 29:11).jw2019 jw2019
DİHA correspondent Metin Yoksu, Yolculuk newspaper Editor-in-Chief Sargın and ETHA executive Okatan were released.According to pro-government Sabah daily reporting about the house raids, Deniz Yücel was abroad at the time of the house raids conducted as a part of an investigation into nine journalists. (EKN/DG)
Koma tîpan a dûr hilbijêreBianet Bianet
In a statement regarding the curfew, the Diyarbakır Governorship said that “operations will be conducted in order to neutralize members and supporters of the BTÖ (Separatist Terrörist Organization) who are active in the mountain and forest regions within the borders of Lice and Hani districts, to destroy their shelters, storage facilities and anti-aircraft weapon sites as well as to seize their ammunition.
Lê zanî wî çaxî Îsa wanara derheqa çi xever da?Bianet Bianet
Before long, they were conducting 23 Bible studies.
Gelo ça bal wan tê standin?jw2019 jw2019
Human Rights Watch is also concerned that the Iraqi government has failed following previous anti-ISIS operations to adhere to its human rights and humanitarian law obligations when conducting security screenings and detentions of individuals living in territory retaken from ISIS.
pirsgirêka di bîrê de
Some early pretrial studies suggest remdesivir may have a high genetic barrier to resistance.There are several clinical trials underway, including two conducted by Cleveland University Hospitals; one for people with moderate illness and another for those with more severe illness.
Wana tirê ku Yahowa Xwedê ji wan gelek dûr e, û ewana tu car nikarin nêzîkî wî bin, û dibek jî ber çevê Xwedê qe tu tişt jî nayêne hesabê.Tico19 Tico19
The CDC recently conducted a survey where they asked respondents simply to tell them whether they experienced significant psychological distress in the previous week.
Ewana gura Îsa kirin û di Orşelîmêda man.ted2019 ted2019
The children’s good conduct might help to draw the unbelieving parent to true worship.
Her roj derdana avê bişon û ava teze dagirin”.jw2019 jw2019
Our conduct should be in harmony with our prayers.
Dirbekî Nû SazBikejw2019 jw2019
He might reach out to unbelieving mates, help the inactive, conduct Bible studies, and expand his ministry. —w18.09, pp.
Fermana were xebitandinjw2019 jw2019
“I am conducting three Bible studies.
Îsa çi hîn kir şagirtêd xwe, derheqa xwestina wan bibine herî mezin?jw2019 jw2019
So we would go in the house-to-house work in the morning and then conduct Bible studies the rest of the day, sometimes until 11 o’clock at night.
Rojekê Şawûl gote Yonatan û hemû qulixkarêd xwe, ku dixwaze Dawid bikuje.jw2019 jw2019
151 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.