consciousness oor Koerdies


Subjective experience; experience.

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quality or state of being aware of an external object


hişyardarî. hişyarî(tî). hiş. hest. agehî. hay. bîrewer. bîr

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consciousness: (awareness)
class consciousness
recover consciousness
loss of consciousness
to regain consciousness


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And what happens then is not that our consciousness contracts, it expands, so that those three days in Paris seem to be more full of consciousness and experience than all the months of being a walking, talking, faculty meeting-attending zombie back home.
Xwedê dixwaze di çetinayada û cêribandinada alî te bike.ted2019 ted2019
They cannot be consciously contracted, especially if you overdid the Botox.
Habîl merîkî gelekî baş bû, û meriyêd mîna wî Yahowa tu car bîr nake.ted2019 ted2019
So that's why violence has always been around and will be around unless we have a consciousness change as a species.
her kes azad e, çawan dixwaze dikare wilo tevgere.ted2019 ted2019
The brain stem then projects forward and bathes the cortex, this wonderfully wrinkly bit over here, with neurotransmitters that keep us awake and essentially provide us with our consciousness.
Di serê mayînda emê derheqa çi xeber din?ted2019 ted2019
So, because the basic fabric of consciousness is this pure cognitive quality that differentiates it from a stone, there is a possibility for change because all emotions are fleeting.
Malbeta mezin dikare çi cûreyî be?ted2019 ted2019
Likewise, behind every single thought there is the bare consciousness, pure awareness.
Paristgeh ji konê pîroz hê baş bû, û cimet îda di paristgehêda serê xwe ber Yahowa datanîn.ted2019 ted2019
That's the kind of attention, the kind of consciousness, that we might expect from those butterflies who are designed to learn.
Hinek din zimanên dinyayê yên gerdûnî hene.ted2019 ted2019
Consciousness is like a mirror that allows all images to rise on it.
Ji Misirê: Hesp, Erebeted2019 ted2019
Consciousness is simply the thing that feels like something.
Paşî wê yekê heta vê demê dîwarêd Orşelîmê ne hatibûn ava kirinê.ted2019 ted2019
Some years ago, Kazuhiro, a pioneer in Japan, had an epileptic seizure, lost consciousness, and was taken to a hospital.
(c) Mûsa li ser şîreta Yahowa ça xwe kivş kir û ji vê yekê em çi hîn dibin?jw2019 jw2019
Consciously or unconsciously. the minute you decide to focus, you must give it a meaning, and that meaning produces emotion.
Bîra Aqûbted2019 ted2019
Can we all not systematically and consciously get infected?
Lê dewsê Yahowa wede da wan.ted2019 ted2019
So, when I started Riverside school 10 years ago it became a lab, a lab to prototype and refine a design process that could consciously infect the mind with the "I Can" bug.
1. Çira Birahîm û Îshaq nedixwestin ku zarêd wan meriyêd Kenanê bistînin?ted2019 ted2019
It requires only a change in consciousness, and that can be any one or a number of symptoms, including feeling foggy, feeling dizzy, hearing a ringing in your ear, being more impulsive or hostile than usual.
Di 70 zêdetir welgerandinêd ser zimanê Almanîda, navê Xwedê nivîsar e di sipartinada yan di elamatiyê zêdeda.ted2019 ted2019
Now here's what we know about how adult consciousness works.
BINIHÊRE ça zara biçûk tiliya kulfetê girtiye û digirî.ted2019 ted2019
It means familiarization with a new way of being, new way of perceiving things, which is more in adequation with reality, with interdependence, with the stream and continuous transformation, which our being and our consciousness is.
“Qe ber xwe nekeve” ewê gotê.ted2019 ted2019
I think babies and young children seem to have more of a lantern of consciousness than a spotlight of consciousness.
Lût û neferê wî egle dibûn û lema jî milyaketa destê wan girtin, ketine pêşiya wan û ji şeherê wana derxistin.ted2019 ted2019
But then I immediately drifted right back out into the consciousness -- and I affectionately refer to this space as La La Land.
Ew gele ji te qewattir e û ji te zûtir direve.ted2019 ted2019
Because we are at the present moment in the middle of a change of consciousness, and you will be surprised if you -- I am always surprised when I hear how many times this word "gratefulness" and "gratitude" comes up.
Nişkêva zarok bi girînva got: “Serê min dêşe!”ted2019 ted2019
I fell to the ground and lost consciousness.
Hinek jî dibêjin ku paşî mirinê merî diçe dinyake ruhanî, cem kal-bavên
In our history books, for instance, and in our collective consciousness, men are the public faces and spokespersons for the 1960s struggle for racial justice in the United States.
Usa jî wana hê rind fem kirin şixulê Padşatiya Xwedê çi ye, û ev Padşatî qirara Xwedê li ser erdê wê çawa bîne sêrî.ted2019 ted2019
Well if we want to think about a way of getting a taste of that kind of baby consciousness as adults, I think the best thing is think about cases where we're put in a new situation that we've never been in before -- when we fall in love with someone new, or when we're in a new city for the first time.
Pergala pelanted2019 ted2019
The synchrony of emotions that we experience when we hear an opera by Wagner, or a symphony by Brahms, or chamber music by Beethoven, compels us to remember our shared, common humanity, the deeply communal connected consciousness, the empathic consciousness that neuropsychiatrist Iain McGilchrist says is hard-wired into our brain's right hemisphere.
Ça mesela Rexab nîşanî me dike ku bawerbûn gele ferze?ted2019 ted2019
Right here, right now, I can step into the consciousness of my right hemisphere, where we are.
17 Ça îda pêşda hatibû gotinê, hine ji rêlîgiya yanê dînên dinya usa hîn dikin: hergê merî xirabiyê dike, ew dikeve li cenimê, kîderê hertim wê biçerçire.ted2019 ted2019
The definition of concussion doesn't actually require a loss of consciousness.
Di kitêbêda serê 11-da, hûr bi hûr tê şirovekirinê, çira Yahowa usa kir û hîşt ku wede haqa dirêj bikişîne?ted2019 ted2019
40 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.