desperateness oor Koerdies


The state or quality of being desperate.

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hard-pressed (desperate)
bêhêvî · bêumêd · zebûn
pressed (desperate)


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His condition grew so desperate that the people from his firehouse lined up to give him transfusions hoping to dilute the infection surging through his blood.
Zanî ewana kî ne?ted2019 ted2019
Gülmen: Sign of desperation
Halê wî gele xirave, usa nîne?Bianet Bianet
But the thing is, you have to remember, there really are still people within this algorithmically optimized system, people who are kind of increasingly forced to act out these increasingly bizarre combinations of words, like a desperate improvisation artist responding to the combined screams of a million toddlers at once.
16 Îshaq Jineke Baş Distîneted2019 ted2019
We desperately need great communication from our scientists and engineers in order to change the world.
Rojek pêşda Cihûda çûbû cem keşîşa û wanara got: “Hergê ez Îsabidime destê we, hûnê çi bidine min?”ted2019 ted2019
And that's desperately what we need again on a global scale.
Li wir eskerekî terikî ji filistîana, bi navê Golyat, qerfê xwe îsraêliya dikir.ted2019 ted2019
So when the poor old shift worker is going home to try and sleep during the day, desperately tired, the body clock is saying, "Wake up.
18 Avaya malê li ser jinê ye, lema jî seva ku mêr malxê baş be, jin wê yekêda dikare alîkariyê bide wî.ted2019 ted2019
In desperate need of soap or bleach?
Paşê jî zêde dike, ku merî wê bibine:ted2019 ted2019
This is what happens when all of these different keywords, all these different pieces of attention, this desperate generation of content, all comes together into a single place.
Erdê Kenanê nava berekêd îsraêliya ça hate para vekirinê, û ev yek çi eyan dike wanara kî wê di cinetêda bijîn?ted2019 ted2019
Finally, in desperation, they went and they consulted a wise old woman.
Cesûs hatin şeherê Erîhayê, û hema mala Rexab kete ber çevê wan û wana qirar kir ku herine mala wê.ted2019 ted2019
People desperately need peace.
12 Di Kitêba Pîrozda hene şîret û prînsîp derheqa malbetê, xebatê û tivaqê.jw2019 jw2019
A few were desperate, having no idea of their children’s whereabouts.
3. Dîna xwe bide şikil, ev mêr yê ku dikevine tewlê kî ne, û milyaket çi wanara gotibû?
Escaping desperate circumstances
Mesele Lûqayê nivîskar hekîm bû
Now, we, as extremely complex creatures, desperately need to know this story of how the universe creates complexity despite the second law, and why complexity means vulnerability and fragility.
Gerekê çi bikin, çaxê wedê hevnaskirinê şaşiyên mezin eyan dibin?ted2019 ted2019
Like that man, thousands of people every year find in the Christian congregation the peace that they so desperately desire.
Ev hemû edet nerast in, çimkî ewana piştgiriya derewiya Şeytan dikin, ku mirî dijîn.jw2019 jw2019
After college, I desperately needed to find a place to call home.
Teviya bîra swapted2019 ted2019
We can make a difference, and make a difference, not just for women, but for a global economy that desperately needs their contributions.
Ewana dijîtin di bajarekî usada ku bi sêrbaziyê pêda tije bû.ted2019 ted2019
This plea “speaks to us of more than just the desperation of a labourer to get back [his garment],” says historian Simon Schama.
Femkirina cabdariya sozê aminiyê, qewatê dide mêr - jina ku tevî hev bin hin wedê şabûnê hin jî wedê çetinaya, û ji hev neqetin çi jî biqewime.jw2019 jw2019
Well, we can learn a lot because our education systems are failing desperately in many ways.
Maweya Nûkirinê Mîheng Bide (# digireted2019 ted2019
“It is a sign of desperation. It shows that they don’t know what to do. The support growing has scared them. They are trying to terrorize it. They act on instant reflex to prevent people from coming here.
Rêvîtiya dannasînkirinêye dudatevî 12 şandiyaBianet Bianet
THE ten men were desperate.
Paşwextiyê gava hewa baş vebibû, Pawlos keta gemiyê din û çû heta Romê.jw2019 jw2019
She's desperately poor.
Hîngê Petrûs rabû û destpêkir cimetêra şiroveke.ted2019 ted2019
She was suffering terrible neglect, and she yearned desperately for the warmth and love of her mother.
De werên her kes ji me, usa jî zar, hîn bin nav xweda ew berê baş pêşda bînin (Zebûr 119:1, 2).ted2019 ted2019
(Laughter) We're seeing an entente cordiale between science and religion that five years ago I would not have believed, as the evangelical community has understood the desperate situation of global warming.
Fermana dezagon. Nameted2019 ted2019
Vengeance aside, children may try to join armed groups to escape desperate circumstances.
Wî çaxî Mûsa cava xweda got: “Lê hergê ez bêjim ku te ez şandime û ewana wê min bawer nekin?”
And the reality of the society that we're in is there are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.
Ez difiroşim.ted2019 ted2019
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